Realistic Choices at HC...

I'm actually beginning to think he'll be at Oregon next year. If I'm him, I'm gone! Why stay and deal with all of the ND football bs -- the extra restrictions, etc? Why live in S. Bend? Why stay were people want you to go? The guy has had success everywhere he's coached. He took an ND program that was in complete shambles and took them to the Natty (and many here said, we'd never ever get back there)! Last year --despite injuries -- we were again three or four PLAYS from getting to the final four!!!! I just don't see many on our coaching list who can say that. But it is clear now that he is not a good fit. Nike will pay him a boatload more than the Catholics. Much rather live in Eugene than S. Bend (sorry Benders.) Plus Kelly is a blue state progressive and Oregon is well, Oregon. I see him doing well there. Now, where do WE get a bright red state, trump loving hard ass?

Anyone smart enough to start Nike, isn't dumb enough to hire Kelly.
What are your options Ken. Stoops, Meyer, Saban? Just ain't happening... A couple of those guys have been offered the job and all three are at school that are totally TOTALLY football friendly...

I'm not suggesting anyone. I'm merely saying that Schiano and Strong are pathetic choices. While I'm at it, I'll also add that the Chuck Martin suggestions that I've seen are even more pathetic.
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