Purse 27 k - DVGR / See DB-- TOM - Buquit

I would have to say it was the exhortations of ,'perse',the man embodies all that ND is not. We both went to third rate colleges,can barely write a coherent sentence, and complain about everything.

10 artemis gordon, Feb 7, 2016

"Coach Kelly gets the big salary ! It was mostly his fault we lost to Clemson ! He did not get the players motivated to match the intensity of Clemson at the start ! And that two point conversion was stupid and desparate....
The Irish are going 13 and 1 this year !! Beat Navy !!!.......
9Bodizephax,Today at 3:18 PM"
They both work overtime finding fault with Kelly. CGVR does exhaustive research to descredit Kelly over and over again. Perse jumps at the first opportunity ( loss or decommit for example ) to be negative about Kelly in particular and the program future in general; and his oft stated statements of fact are often just plain ignorant biased opinions, which he then defends by accusing everyone of 1. Being stupid or 2. Being on Kelly's payroll or 3. Being in chronic denial of reality.

kelly has provided the material....
Please name 15 active coaches who have won Coach of the Year twice in 7 yrs -- go ahead I dare you

End of Story - farce

I know I know Coach of the Year is just window dressing for having an undefeated regular season -- I know I know mere chicken feed . Lots of coaches do that twice in five yrs -- tons actually

Don't give up your day job big guy -- evaluating football ain't your game .
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Please name 15 active coaches who have won Coach of the Year twice in 7 yrs -- go ahead I dare you

End of Story - farce

I know I know Coach of the Year is just window dressing for having an undefeated regular season -- I know I know mere chicken feed . Lots of coaches do that twice in five yrs -- tons actually

Don't give up your day job big guy -- evaluating football ain't your game .
Actually it is. Especially compared to your evals.

Being called a top 15 coach (out of 128) is an enormous compliment so take your idiotic panties and unwad them.

There is no variable or criteria used to evaluate coaching acumen where Coach Kelly ranks top five in. Other than maybe grad rate which he has little to do with. Not average recruiting rank, not record, not season ending rank, not drafted players, not 1st round drafted players, not bowl results, not national championships, ect. Results speak for themselves.

Top 15 which is excellent leaves room for those 10 or so arguing their case. Top five .... no way.
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Please name 15 active coaches who have won Coach of the Year twice in 7 yrs -- go ahead I dare you

End of Story - farce

I know I know Coach of the Year is just window dressing for having an undefeated regular season -- I know I know mere chicken feed . Lots of coaches do that twice in five yrs -- tons actually

Don't give up your day job big guy -- evaluating football ain't your game .

Willingham won coach of the year in 2000 with Stanford and he won it again in 2002 with ND.
weis won the 2005 coach of the year award at ND.
So, kelly follows the storied history of crap coaches at ND winning the award due to having the colossus of ND behind them.....
kelly stinks and his decades of not being able to get out of the pee wees is a testament to that fact....
They both work overtime finding fault with Kelly. CGVR does exhaustive research to descredit Kelly over and over again. Perse jumps at the first opportunity ( loss or decommit for example ) to be negative about Kelly in particular and the program future in general; and his oft stated statements of fact are often just plain ignorant biased opinions, which he then defends by accusing everyone of 1. Being stupid or 2. Being on Kelly's payroll or 3. Being in chronic denial of reality.

Tex -- That's about as succinct as it gets Tex - I am glad you have figured out my buddy and hope you can understand the total disdain I have for him .

If I was really challenged ( see unemployed - no friends - no other interests ) I could see hanging on a message board all day - what I don't get and find offensive is hanging on a sports fan message board taking countless shots at the program and annoying supportive fans . Why not just go to the teams rivals and join them in discussion ie Stanford USC -- it seems more appropriate to me . Purse and CVGR are very ill people .
Tex -- That's about as succinct as it gets Tex - I am glad you have figured out my buddy and hope you can understand the total disdain I have for him .

If I was really challenged ( see unemployed - no friends - no other interests ) I could see hanging on a message board all day - what I don't get and find offensive is hanging on a sports fan message board taking countless shots at the program and annoying supportive fans . Why not just go to the teams rivals and join them in discussion ie Stanford USC -- it seems more appropriate to me . Purse and CVGR are very ill people .

& you're a vulgar pipsqueak much like kelly....
They both work overtime finding fault with Kelly. CGVR does exhaustive research to descredit Kelly over and over again. Perse jumps at the first opportunity ( loss or decommit for example ) to be negative about Kelly in particular and the program future in general; and his oft stated statements of fact are often just plain ignorant biased opinions, which he then defends by accusing everyone of 1. Being stupid or 2. Being on Kelly's payroll or 3. Being in chronic denial of reality.

We are sunshine pumpers -- Team goes 10-2 w countless setbacks re injuries two losses were 2 pts each and fans supportive of the staff are sunshine pumpers . Offensive really
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Tex -- That's about as succinct as it gets Tex - I am glad you have figured out my buddy and hope you can understand the total disdain I have for him .

If I was really challenged ( see unemployed - no friends - no other interests ) I could see hanging on a message board all day - what I don't get and find offensive is hanging on a sports fan message board taking countless shots at the program and annoying supportive fans . Why not just go to the teams rivals and join them in discussion ie Stanford USC -- it seems more appropriate to me . Purse and CVGR are very ill people .

Kelly, I do understand the disdain, but never understood the need to express this is vulgar terms. Probably getting to be a bit prudish in my old age. I finally put Perse on ignore after he gave a CS post directed at Ara and then later went on to predict a poor 2017 season as Kelly's lasting legacy, both were posted in the lowered expectations thread. The stupidity of both posts was astounding. Enjoying the board much more absent his nonsense, and the same for CVGR.
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Kelly, I do understand the disdain, but never understood the need to express this is vulgar terms. Probably getting to be a bit prudish in my old age. I finally put Perse on ignore after he gave a CS post directed at Ara and then later went on to predict a poor 2017 season as Kelly's lasting legacy, both were posted in the lowered expectations thread. The stupidity of both posts was astounding. Enjoying the board much more absent his nonsense, and the same for CVGR.

I am enjoying your new friend calling you "Tex".

Here is some of your new buddy's best work.

"I am stunned that after you take it up the a** from your boyfriend that you don't wipe him off before su**ing his d***"

He was banned for that and other vulgarity. He then returned under this new handle.
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Neither "man" and I use that term very, very, loosely. Have ever played the game, coached the game or understand even the most basic and rudimentary aspects of the game. They regurgitate TV color commentary drivel and try to state it as fact. The internet has given a forum for "jock sniffing" "wannabes" who never had the stones to play, never had the stones to coach and couldn't identify a football strategy if it hit them in the face.

Like everything else in life the internet has good things, and it has some negative things. Put these two losers on ignore, But periodically check back in for a laugh or two. Then put them right back on ignore, They are embodiment of useless
  • Like
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Neither "man" and I use that term very, very, loosely. Have ever played the game, coached the game or understand even the most basic and rudimentary aspects of the game. They regurgitate TV color commentary drivel and try to state it as fact. The internet has given a forum for "jock sniffing" "wannabes" who never had the stones to play, never had the stones to coach and couldn't identify a football strategy if it hit them in the face.

Like everything else in life the internet has good things, and it has some negative things. Put these two losers on ignore, But periodically check back in for a laugh or two. Then put them right back on ignore, They are embodiment of useless

There's a reason you were rushed through elementary school and never got out of HS....

"Neither "man" and I use that term very, very, loosely. Have ever played the game, coached the game or understand even the most basic and rudimentary aspects of the game."

Your illiteracy, uneducated assumptions and bombastic buffoonery are excellent entertainment.

Don't worry though. You have plenty of company.

I love this site because it gives me an insight into why so many ND fans are loathed.

We have an overabundance of "non alum" tool bags....
Tex -- what is a CS post ?

Also my apologies for the language -- I was simply not capable of coming up with words that would be as effective as douche bag in describing purse 28K

I have to admit I was really miffed that you would engage him in discussions . Your obviously a bright guy who knows football and loves ND I could not figure why in the world you would consort with such riffraff . Kudos on breaking the code Tex although it took you longer than I would have thought .

Just remeber tex --if in a moment of weakness yu think about taking purse 29 k off ignore remember the following

Aug 2013 - " tommy rees will overthrow receivers deep all season long because of his weak arm . When he gets the snap from center he will throw the ball as far as possible to make up for his weak arm and the receivers won't be able to catch up to the ball" - purse 29 k - thank you
-- let me please remind any one on this board that having a discussion w that imbecile re football would be the same as going to a psyche ward and engaging the inmates in a discussion on the merits of zone blocking schemes .
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While I don't make a habit of responding to admitted trolls, I do enjoy pointing out their absurdity at times. Let's refute, or examine, the trolls ravings.

"little, vulgar, fat" Well, this could apply to many great men in human history, Churchill, FDR, Babe Ruth, etc. etc.
"HC" Yes, he is the Head Coach of Notre Dame Football.
"pork chop stinks" I enjoy pork chops, either BBQ or in a nice Italian style breaded.

In three short lines, everything the troll has ever written is refuted and shown to be moot.

In short, the troll is a lunatic and has zero valid points.
I don't see how you refuted him other than to bring other fat guys into the discussion. Nice logic.
Tex -- what is a CS post ?

Also my apologies for the language -- I was simply not capable of coming up with words that would be as effective as douche bag in describing purse 28K

I have to admit I was really miffed that you would engage him in discussions . Your obviously a bright guy who knows football and loves ND I could not figure why in the world you would consort with such riffraff . Kudos on breaking the code Tex although it took you longer than I would have thought .
Maybe others don't have a naked picture of Kelly on a horse in 3D on their ceiling above the bed?
Because I enjoy kicking people when they are down so much, I want to throw in the most troubling aspect of the trolls.

The troll with 28k posts is at his most disgusting when he pontificates on our ND recruits. His ability to quickly identify from his mothers basement who he believes are the elite prospects and then those that sign with ND that he considers "second tier". Absolute and complete ignorance then spewing it out on the internet.
Because I enjoy kicking people when they are down so much, I want to throw in the most troubling aspect of the trolls.

The troll with 28k posts is at his most disgusting when he pontificates on our ND recruits. His ability to quickly identify from his mothers basement who he believes are the elite prospects and then those that sign with ND that he considers "second tier". Absolute and complete ignorance then spewing it out on the internet.
But you do realize that every recruit is based on opinions, coaches and fans. What makes your opinion more realistic than his. Their are many recruits that everyone says is a great pickup that never sees the filed or transfers. To say that you trust the coaches is kind of silly. They are just guessing as well. 2/3 of 4 star recruits don't ever achieve a starting position.
There's a reason you were rushed through elementary school and never got out of HS....

"Neither "man" and I use that term very, very, loosely. Have ever played the game, coached the game or understand even the most basic and rudimentary aspects of the game."

Your illiteracy, uneducated assumptions and bombastic buffoonery are excellent entertainment.

Don't worry though. You have plenty of company.

I love this site because it gives me an insight into why so many ND fans are loathed.

We have an overabundance of "non alum" tool bags....
These pictures and captions are hilarious. Bodi is a hypocrite. I remember when he blamed Kelly for the Clemson loss. Must have lost it and shoved the pom poms up his ass.
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Fixed it for you. Now for those watching, this is an example of how to troll a troll.

Go Irish!
Can you please provide a manual for this? I mean, it appears that this is so important in life that you had to crow about it in a post. Please contribute to humanity with your special abilities. Jackass.
Fixed it for you. Now for those watching, this is an example of how to troll a troll.

Go Irish!
By the way, construct is the wrong terminology. There is a construct in a sentence but you don't construct a sentence. Another verbal genius.
These pictures and captions are hilarious. Bodi is a hypocrite. I remember when he blamed Kelly for the Clemson loss. Must have lost it and shoved the pom poms up his ass.

That was before he fought a refrigerator and lost. The guy broke his hand walloping a Whirlpool....

You can't make this stuff up. "kelly screws up as usual..punch your refrigerator...break your hand..."

I'm guessing that he's head-butted the sidewalk more than a few times.
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There's a reason you were rushed through elementary school and never got out of HS....

"Neither "man" and I use that term very, very, loosely. Have ever played the game, coached the game or understand even the most basic and rudimentary aspects of the game."

Your illiteracy, uneducated assumptions and bombastic buffoonery are excellent entertainment.

Don't worry though. You have plenty of company.

I love this site because it gives me an insight into why so many ND fans are loathed.

We have an overabundance of "non alum" tool bags....
as opposed to you the "alum tool bag ". professional help available now in your area.
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& you're a vulgar pipsqueak much like kelly....
I like everyone else would just like to see you shut the hell up. If Kelly and his program bother you so much, why not leave here and go root for another team? You are doing nothing but embarrassing yourself!
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Neither "man" and I use that term very, very, loosely. Have ever played the game, coached the game or understand even the most basic and rudimentary aspects of the game. They regurgitate TV color commentary drivel and try to state it as fact. The internet has given a forum for "jock sniffing" "wannabes" who never had the stones to play, never had the stones to coach and couldn't identify a football strategy if it hit them in the face.

Like everything else in life the internet has good things, and it has some negative things. Put these two losers on ignore, But periodically check back in for a laugh or two. Then put them right back on ignore, They are embodiment of useless
The only problem with putting those two on ignore is that their stupidity is very comical to me. I don't mine others having problems with Coach Kelly, but those 2 act like children. I'm sure neither one of them have ever been to a Notre Dame football game and talked to real Irish fans. It would be very enlightening for them. But they choose to act like 6 year olds.
Ara, Hope you are enjoying your cleaned out house! Just reading all the posts absent those of these two, it's pretty easy to figure out who is spouting what. One with the non stop recital of won loss records and meaningless historic data, and the other criticizing anyone who dares to celebrate a three star recruit or project optimism for the defense, or be so glacially stupid to suggest ND can compete with the elite.
Great that Kelly 35 brings these threads so all the trolls congregate in one place.

cgmr is a criminole troll (the guy is just rude, like all the other criminole "fans")
perse is a usc troll (note his constant digs at our recruits as being not "elite" in his evaluation.)

It's funny how they actually represent their perspective fan bases so well. One rude and insufferable. The other rambling and, well, insufferable.

I agree.. Well said.
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