Purse 27 k - DVGR / See DB-- TOM - Buquit

Thousands and thousands of posts among 3 "boys" and not one cogent or well thought out post about the game of football. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in awhile.

I think next Christmas I'll be sending out free copies of "Football for Dummies" to the "No Joy Luck Club".
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Thousands and thousands of posts among 3 "boys" and not one cogent or well thought out post about the game of football. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in awhile.

I think next Christmas I'll be sending out free copies of "Football for Dummies" to the "No Joy Luck Club".

What charm school di you graduate from?
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Why would they all weep? It's 8-4 for another six years. Enjoy.
You are talking to an idiot. Why waste your time? He is a Kelly fan, not an ND fan. 8-5 is just fine with him because at the end of the day, the team would have been 13-0 if not for injuries, rain, snow, high humidity, Ebola in Africa, etc. I wonder how many years it will take this clown to change his tune..10, 12 or 15 years? Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
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Why would they all weep? It's 8-4 for another six years. Enjoy.

The guy puts folks on ignore an then calls them out... He is the board's # 1 coward and uninformed vulgar blowhard.

In fact, he is very much like kelly.

kelly's inaccurately touted, by some, as an offensive wizard. Now, I do find him very offensive, but once again their aren't #s to back this alleged wizardry....

There are 9 QB top 20 statistics tracked by “college football sports reference” per annum…

9 times 20 = 180 chances per year.

So, in 6 years there are 1,080 chances to place a QB in the top 20.

In 2010 we were skunked

In 2011 we cracked a top 20 position only it was in interceptions. Rees had 14 which ranked him # 12

In 2012 we were skunked.

In 2013 Rees was # 19 in passing TDs with 27, but # 11 in ints with 13.

In 2014 Golson was # 19 in passing yards, #14 in passing tds with 29 and #15 in ints w/ 14.

In 2015 Kizer was # 19 with 8.6 yards per attempt.

So, over 6 years ND placed in the top 20 7 times out of 1,080 spots.

3 times it was for ints.

kelly stinks.
The guy puts folks on ignore an then calls them out... He is the board's # 1 coward and uninformed vulgar blowhard.

In fact, he is very much like kelly.

kelly's inaccurately touted, by some, as an offensive wizard. Now, I do find him very offensive, but once again their aren't #s to back this alleged wizardry....

There are 9 QB top 20 statistics tracked by “college football sports reference” per annum…

9 times 20 = 180 chances per year.

So, in 6 years there are 1,080 chances to place a QB in the top 20.

In 2010 we were skunked

In 2011 we cracked a top 20 position only it was in interceptions. Rees had 14 which ranked him # 12

In 2012 we were skunked.

In 2013 Rees was # 19 in passing TDs with 27, but # 11 in ints with 13.

In 2014 Golson was # 19 in passing yards, #14 in passing tds with 29 and #15 in ints w/ 14.

In 2015 Kizer was # 19 with 8.6 yards per attempt.

So, over 6 years ND placed in the top 20 7 times out of 1,080 spots.

3 times it was for ints.

kelly stinks.
Kelly signed for 6 more years with a nice raise.
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Great that Kelly 35 brings these threads so all the trolls congregate in one place.

cgmr is a criminole troll (the guy is just rude, like all the other criminole "fans")
perse is a usc troll (note his constant digs at our recruits as being not "elite" in his evaluation.)

It's funny how they actually represent their perspective fan bases so well. One rude and insufferable. The other rambling and, well, insufferable.
You are talking to an idiot. Why waste your time? He is a Kelly fan, not an ND fan. 8-5 is just fine with him because at the end of the day, the team would have been 13-0 if not for injuries, rain, snow, high humidity, Ebola in Africa, etc. I wonder how many years it will take this clown to change his tune..10, 12 or 15 years? Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Lol so very true. I oughta quit banging my head against the wall with some of these "ND" fans. I love the comments from 8-4 fans calling the few of us that are sick of those records non-ND fans. Too hilarious. The people who sit next to me at the games would beg to differ. I swear I've almost blown out a lung or two over the years at ND games.
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Great that Kelly 35 brings these threads so all the trolls congregate in one place.

cgmr is a criminole troll (the guy is just rude, like all the other criminole "fans")
perse is a usc troll (note his constant digs at our recruits as being not "elite" in his evaluation.)

It's funny how they actually represent their perspective fan bases so well. One rude and insufferable. The other rambling and, well, insufferable.

Try refuting something I write..... you are obviously incapable.
The little vulgar fat HC pork chop stinks....
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Name one accomplishment he has at ND? I'm talking to you too Rick Santorum. Outside of bogus COY awards CBK hasnt done squat. Get with the program. He's a below average coach.

....but weis and willingham won that award too.... oh yeah, they stunk too...

ND...where crappy coaches with little to no talent get carried by great kids with exceptional talent....

I still love how worthless kelly was to Jaylon's decision to commit....

46 second mark...

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Try refuting something I write..... you are obviously incapable.
The little vulgar fat HC pork chop stinks....

While I don't make a habit of responding to admitted trolls, I do enjoy pointing out their absurdity at times. Let's refute, or examine, the trolls ravings.

"little, vulgar, fat" Well, this could apply to many great men in human history, Churchill, FDR, Babe Ruth, etc. etc.
"HC" Yes, he is the Head Coach of Notre Dame Football.
"pork chop stinks" I enjoy pork chops, either BBQ or in a nice Italian style breaded.

In three short lines, everything the troll has ever written is refuted and shown to be moot.

In short, the troll is a lunatic and has zero valid points.
While I don't make a habit of responding to admitted trolls, I do enjoy pointing out their absurdity at times. Let's refute, or examine, the trolls ravings.

"little, vulgar, fat" Well, this could apply to many great men in human history, Churchill, FDR, Babe Ruth, etc. etc.
"HC" Yes, he is the Head Coach of Notre Dame Football.
"pork chop stinks" I enjoy pork chops, either BBQ or in a nice Italian style breaded.

In three short lines, everything the troll has ever written is refuted and shown to be moot.

In short, the troll is a lunatic and has zero valid points.
He is a race baiting jock sniffer.
While I don't make a habit of responding to admitted trolls, I do enjoy pointing out their absurdity at times. Let's refute, or examine, the trolls ravings.

"little, vulgar, fat" Well, this could apply to many great men in human history, Churchill, FDR, Babe Ruth, etc. etc.
"HC" Yes, he is the Head Coach of Notre Dame Football.
"pork chop stinks" I enjoy pork chops, either BBQ or in a nice Italian style breaded.

In three short lines, everything the troll has ever written is refuted and shown to be moot.

In short, the troll is a lunatic and has zero valid points.

Yay, you agree that the little pork chop is also fat and vulgar! That's progress!!!

I am amazed at the rationalization.

kelly is a pipsqueak....
While I don't make a habit of responding to admitted trolls, I do enjoy pointing out their absurdity at times. Let's refute, or examine, the trolls ravings.

"little, vulgar, fat" Well, this could apply to many great men in human history, Churchill, FDR, Babe Ruth, etc. etc.
"HC" Yes, he is the Head Coach of Notre Dame Football.
"pork chop stinks" I enjoy pork chops, either BBQ or in a nice Italian style breaded.

In three short lines, everything the troll has ever written is refuted and shown to be moot.

In short, the troll is a lunatic and has zero valid points.

cgvr is a vile and shallow person. A very sad case.
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Opinions are one thing but being an ND hater on an ND board puts cgvr on an all time POS list.

That said, I understand he cleans a mean toilet !

Yep, you and others can't handle fact after fact that accurately describe kelly's mediocrity....
I am surprised it took this long for bodi and argus to bond.
This is a match made in heaven....
What you don't like is that your act is old, worn out and you have proven to be an even bigger POS that most of us even thought you were.

Yay!!! argus finally made a "fwend"....
There is a reason kelly was stuck in the pee wees for decades...
He is "el stinko"...
cgvr, get me a towel!

argie and peas in a pod. I am so glad you and all your handles finally have a board pal.

PS The only self proclaimed towel boy here is the goof from fl.......
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How much was the raise or did you just make something up?

He's a "placeholder" for now....
Yeah....schools always give out lucrative 6 year deals for placeholders. You funny guy. He was going to sign for just 5 but he told Swarbrick he wanted to really p**s off the nitwit alums so he asked and got the 6th year.
What is with the big hate for cgvr and perse? Sports conversations are all about your opinions.
They both work overtime finding fault with Kelly. CGVR does exhaustive research to descredit Kelly over and over again. Perse jumps at the first opportunity ( loss or decommit for example ) to be negative about Kelly in particular and the program future in general; and his oft stated statements of fact are often just plain ignorant biased opinions, which he then defends by accusing everyone of 1. Being stupid or 2. Being on Kelly's payroll or 3. Being in chronic denial of reality.