Nah. Kind of past the outrage. But I do watch most Saturdays, but not as devotedly as I did even three years ago.And yet you’ll all be there watching every Saturday, faking outrage every other day of the week.
Nah. Kind of past the outrage. But I do watch most Saturdays, but not as devotedly as I did even three years ago.And yet you’ll all be there watching every Saturday, faking outrage every other day of the week.
Yeah, Savy is definitely not in his right mind.Yeah, no one in their right mind thinks Kelly is the best coach in ND history. He is 10th all time in winning percentage. His wins record was compiled in 12 seasons with soft schedules.
You’re just an ignorant fool.If the payment was legal, Kelly can keep it. It’s not. If he tried to keep it he would go to jail for fraud. You are a pompous bag of wind who is a biased loser trying to claim my post is anti Kelly.
Post is all facts. Payment is illegal lsu discovered it. Kelly may or may not have known. And it’s also illegal because it exceeds the legal payment terms of the contract. LSU made an illegal payment
I guess not. I just can't believe, and still don't accept how you brought all your shit to this level. We all saw it spreading through society these last five or six years, and frankly a lot longer than that, and it was a veritable phenomenon.... I just didn't know you thugs were going to come for BK. ND's all-time winning football coach and all-around good guy. I literally didn't anticipate that, and it was downright appalling to witness, and it's still going if with diminished intensity.Yeah, Savy is definitely not in his right mind.
He also was at ND when 12 game schedules were the norm -- and almost every year, ND played in a bowl game. Compared to Holtz (11 games were the norm), Ara (10 games were the norm and ND voted whether to go to a bowl game or not), Same with Devine --Yeah, no one in their right mind thinks Kelly is the best coach in ND history. He is 10th all time in winning percentage. His wins record was compiled in 12 seasons with soft schedules.
Kelly is number 1 with 40 beat downs at ND!He also was at ND when 12 game schedules were the norm -- and almost every year, ND played in a bowl game. Compared to Holtz (11 games were the norm), Ara (10 games were the norm and ND voted whether to go to a bowl game or not), Same with Devine --
“Fool, moron,You’re just an ignorant fool.
Have you ever heard the term, “errors & omissions”
It’s a clerical error, and just because it’s legal doesn’t mean that Kelly can keep it.
‘You’re a moron with a limited intellect and absolutely no understanding of the law!
It‘s not fraud you idiot.
The fact that you claim that your post isn’t anti-Kelly just proves what a moron you are.
The “payment” isn’t illegal !
And if it was illegal the guilty party would have been LSU, not Kelly.
Now you admit that Kelly may not have known of the payment.
Then tell us how Kelly is in any way at fault if he had no knowledge of the payment.
You really are dumb, an employer has the right to exceed the payment of a contractual obligation. Some might refer to it as a “bonus“
There is nothing illegal about an employer paying an employee more than the employer is contractually obligated to pay the employee.
Every post you make displays your total ignorance on this topic and the law.
Do yourself a favor, stop posting because you’re only making a bigger fool of yourself with every word you type.
that would be criminal for sure!did he use the $ on dance lessons?
You’re just an ignorant fool.
Have you ever heard the term, “errors & omissions”
It’s a clerical error, and just because it’s legal doesn’t mean that Kelly can keep it.
‘You’re a moron with a limited intellect and absolutely no understanding of the law!
It‘s not fraud you idiot.
The fact that you claim that your post isn’t anti-Kelly just proves what a moron you are.
The “payment” isn’t illegal !
And if it was illegal the guilty party would have been LSU, not Kelly.
Now you admit that Kelly may not have known of the payment.
Then tell us how Kelly is in any way at fault if he had no knowledge of the payment.
You really are dumb, an employer has the right to exceed the payment of a contractual obligation. Some might refer to it as a “bonus“
There is nothing illegal about an employer paying an employee more than the employer is contractually obligated to pay the employee.
Every post you make displays your total ignorance on this topic and the law.
Do yourself a favor, stop posting because you’re only making a bigger fool of yourself with every word you type.
I disagree!Get help. You have issues. Disparagement and pejoratives are just one of them. Constant argumentative behavior is your major disorder.
You know you are the argumentative type when:
Not a day goes by without you having an argument with someone.
Feeling you have control and power over everyone and everything all the time is critical to you.
Other people, not you, are always to blame for starting an argument.
The opinions and feelings of others don’t matter to you.
You feel good about yourself when initiating and engaging in arguments, which is why you can’t do without them.
The worst thing in the world is feeling you are wrong.
Relationships filled with conflict are normal for you.
There’s nothing wrong with being the Devil’s advocate !Get help. You have issues. Disparagement and pejoratives are just one of them. Constant argumentative behavior is your major disorder.
You know you are the argumentative type when:
Not a day goes by without you having an argument with someone.
Feeling you have control and power over everyone and everything all the time is critical to you.
Other people, not you, are always to blame for starting an argument.
The opinions and feelings of others don’t matter to you.
You feel good about yourself when initiating and engaging in arguments, which is why you can’t do without them.
The worst thing in the world is feeling you are wrong.
Relationships filled with conflict are normal for you.
Rinse repeat. Drivel. You think you’re right. No one cares but you. So I am done trying to help youThere’s nothing wrong with being the Devil’s advocate !
There’s nothing wrong with challenging opinions, especially misguided and/or biased opinions.
There’s nothing wrong with having dissenting opinions.
You claimed that the payment was illegal, you claimed that Kelly would go to jail for fraud if he kept the money, despite the fact that Kelly might have been unaware that a payment was made to an LLC.
Your statements constitute defamation of character bordering on being libelous.
You’re a moron
And rather than debate the facts of the case you chose to categorize me as “argumentative“. No shit, you’re just figuring that out you moron !
Bit, just because I’m argumentative doesn’t mean that my position, my opinion, the facts and my logic are flawed.
You’re the idiot who has no understanding of the law.
You’re the idiot who doesn’t understand the circumstances of the case
Now back to me, I have no problem with starting an argument/debate, especially when someone makes false or outlandish statements, which is what you’re guilty of in this thread.
Unlike you, I don’t whine if I get my nose bloodied.
Intelligent opinions and prudent reasoning matter to me.
Unintelligent opinions and flawed reasoning don’t matter to me.
i enjoy debating/arguing, it makes you do something that you’re incapable of ….. THINK
Debate and arguing stimulate the mind !
As to the worst feeling, that of being wrong, I wouldn’t know about that as I’ve never experienced it !
i’ve been blessed, a doctor recently asked me why I’m always happy and my response was, because I’m blessed. I’m blessed with a good life, a good family, lots of good friends and a decent but deteriorating golf game.
Other than engaging with a few morons on this site I don’t have any relationships filled with conflict.
You jumped to erroneous conclusions on a public forum, you defamed a man’s character, categorizing his conduct as criminal in nature and I challenged you and held you accountable for your reckless and irresponsible posts.
Take your being chastised like a man !
Lest you think I’m a Kelly fan, I’ve been critical of Kelly on numerous occasions, but I would never resort to slandering him as you have.
The same guy with a Fake Cajun accent!hmm
most seasons at ND without a NC! by 2x’s the time! no one is focusing on your man!
and football aside (he is a good coach, not great but good), however a despicable phony person!
(what kinda guy eats your burnt ends under false pretense!)
I don’t think that I’m right, I know by reasonable and prudent standards that I’m right.I
Rinse repeat. Drivel. You think you’re right. No one cares but you. So I am done trying to help you
Since you won’t get help here is some sage advice
In life, it’s important to know when to stop arguing with people and just let them be wrong.
I don’t think that I’m right, I know by reasonable and prudent standards that I’m right.
You’re the one who can’t argue the facts, so seeing that you’re losing an argument you resort to trying to change the subject.
That doesn’t work with me, and I suspect many others.
YOU were dead wrong on numerous issues, but you’re so stupid that you doubled down on your erroneous position thinking that I would back down just because you reaffirmed your seriously flawed statements.
I‘m not going to go away and just let you be wrong, I’m going to stay the course and repeat that you were dead wrong !
You can call me argumentative all you want, it doesn’t detract from the fact that you were dead wrong with some of the statements you made.
Try being a stand up man and just admit you were wrong !
Alternatively, you can continue to be a coward and a fraud by continuing to support your seriously flawed position, while at the same time, like a total jackass, you can continue to tell me that you’re offering me “sage” advice.
You’re not intelligent enough to offer anyone “sage” advice
As usual you can’t defend your absurd, ignorant statements so now your trying but failing terribly at your newest and equally absurd attempt to be a diagnostician.You are very sick. It’s sad
👍What is really hilarious is the professor. For one the money for Kelly and company has nothing to do with the academic side of LSU. LSU has an endowment is $700 million. So I doubt that one million makes any difference at all. If the professor is so upset about it, then leave and go to the Ivy league (probably they would not even let him in the door)
Now squawking about Emphasis on Football? The hypocrite became a professor at LSU well into that situation; so to complain now is really pathetic.
Just another spoiled attention seeking twirp
I guess these LSU payroll guys must of played football in the SEC because they never went to any accounting classes for sure.Kelly was overpaid $1,001,368 in supplemental payments in 2022 because of duplicate payments made both to Kelly's LLC and to the coach directly.
The double payments began in May and continued until LSU officials detected the errors in November.
Its good work, if you can get it!
HilariousIts good work, if you can get it!
You help me ?I
Rinse repeat. Drivel. You think you’re right. No one cares but you. So I am done trying to help you
Since you won’t get help here is some sage advice
In life, it’s important to know when to stop arguing with people and just let them be wrong.
Pat, you need to calm down and stop with the name calling. You've been warned.You help me ?
Now that is funny !
I don’t need help and if I did, you’re not smart enough to offer sage advice.
I don’t “think“ I’m right, I “know” I’m right !
YOU were the one who was wrong on several issues concerning Kelly, LSU and the payments.
But rather than admit you didn’t know what you were talking about you attempted to divert the focus away from Kelly and LSU by attacking me.
But that didn’t fly !
You’re too stupid to understand the nuances, legal and non-legal, associated with the Kelly-LSU issue
Tell us again how the payment was illegal
Tell us again how Kelly would go to jail
You’re a misinformed, misguided moron !
Tyler,Pat, you need to calm down and stop with the name calling. You've been warned.
Patty, your wacko diatribes are getting old. You argue for the sake of arguing, give it a rest curmudgeonTyler,
I think I’m owed the courtesy of a response.
I don’t need chime-ins from peanut gallery members such as yourself.Patty, your wacko diatribes are getting old. You argue for the sake of arguing, give it a rest curmudgeon
You just like to argue for the sake of arguing. Its getting OLDI don’t need chime-ins from peanut gallery members such as yourself.
As to your referring to my posts as “wacko diatribes”, point out where my facts are wrong and where my logic is flawed. Failing that, try to make intelligent posts of your own ….. if you’re capable that is.
If my facts and reasoning are in error, point out the flaws as opposed to you just whining about the debates that I have with others.You just like to argue for the sake of arguing. Its getting OLD