
There is zero chance thst I'm gonna pay a single dollar more to watch this crap. Quite honestly, I don't care what they do against UNLV, win or lose. This program is in the shitter
I hope Mayer sits. The kid works his ass off for these coaches and they can’t even get the team up for a win over Marshall and Stanford. If he gets hurt, these coaches deserve wrath.
I hope Mayer sits. The kid works his ass off for these coaches and they can’t even get the team up for a win over Marshall and Stanford. If he gets hurt, these coaches deserve wrath.
Can you imagine where this team would be without Mayer? Dare I say 0-6.
Doesn't sound like you're a "Diehard " at all.
Drastic times call for drastic measures. Seems my school is more interested in money than really truly competing for National Championships. Same with the NFL; no chance of me paying more for TNF either. Just getting out of hand for us 65 year olds.
Is it not on the free level of Peacock with Battlestar Galactica?
If you can't afford pescock, you probably shouldn't be posting on here
Able and willing are two different things. I'd be happier strolling around campus, going to the grotto, visiting the bookstore and basilica. I might do all of these Saturday. Not buying peacock so I can watch Freeman stand there with his gum hanging out of his mouth and nothing to say to his players.
Just do a monthly plan watch this dumpster fire on Saturday. Watch Halloween Ends and cancel in a month.
I’ve lived through the highs and lows of Faust, Holtz, Davie, O’Leary, Willingham, Weis, and Kelly. God willing I will live through the highs and lows of Freeman too. In my heart I know ND will climb the mountain again. I will be watching Saturday, on my Peacock subscription. I’ll be buying and wearing ND gear and I will be sending in my annual donation. Some of you really come off as a bunch of entitled children. You know who you are. We know who you are. Go Irish.
My passion, and loyalty, overtook my immediate disappointment of the Stanford game. My cooler head prevailed and I purchased my Peacock subscription :)

Go Irish!!!
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I'm not getting it. It wouldn't matter if they're 6-0. I've never streamed anything in my life. I'll keep up with stats online though.
I can’t remember the last time I haven’t seen a ND game either live or on TV. I’ll be at the game Saturday and by 6:00pm I’ll be pissed off.
It works out because the ND game is at the same time as UFC 280 so this would be the only game I miss this year anyways
Able and willing are two different things. I'd be happier strolling around campus, going to the grotto, visiting the bookstore and basilica. I might do all of these Saturday. Not buying peacock so I can watch Freeman stand there with his gum hanging out of his mouth and nothing to say to his players.

So instead of giving $10 to NBC, you're going to give $100 or whatever directly to ND at the book store or wherever else? Good job.....that'll show them.

I had this weekend marked since the beginning of the season to drive up there and enjoy campus on gameday. Screw that.
So instead of giving $10 to NBC, you're going to give $100 or whatever directly to ND at the book store or wherever else? Good job.....that'll show them.

I had this weekend marked since the beginning of the season to drive up there and enjoy campus on gameday. Screw that.
I will always be a fan of The University of Notre Dame regardless of their football team. If they dropped their football program, it would have 0 impact on my love for the university. My love for ND goes deep. I'm damn unhappy with their football program, but it has nothing to do with Notre Dame as an institution.
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