Paul Ryan joins faculty at ND

There are some Republicans as dumb as their Democratic counterparts. No question about that.
25 Billion is a lot less expensive than the added costs to out health care, criminal justice system,
Welfare programs, schools, etc. that A few million illegals will be using once they arrive.
Certainly , many are good people, but what about the criminal , drug traffickers, and human
Traffickers among them ? How much will that coat ?
What about the diseases that some of these people may be bringing into ur country ?
None of them are screened for any type of illnesses.
Securing ur borders is much much cheaper in the long run than having our country overrun with
people who break our laws and have no respect for us, our country, or our sovereignty!
There are some Republicans as dumb as their Democratic counterparts. No question about that.
25 Billion is a lot less expensive than the added costs to out health care, criminal justice system,
Welfare programs, schools, etc. that A few million illegals will be using once they arrive.
Certainly , many are good people, but what about the criminal , drug traffickers, and human
Traffickers among them ? How much will that coat ?
What about the diseases that some of these people may be bringing into ur country ?
None of them are screened for any type of illnesses.
Securing ur borders is much much cheaper in the long run than having our country overrun with
people who break our laws and have no respect for us, our country, or our sovereignty!
^^^^^^^ This^^^^^^^^^
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There are some Republicans as dumb as their Democratic counterparts. No question about that.
25 Billion is a lot less expensive than the added costs to out health care, criminal justice system,
Welfare programs, schools, etc. that A few million illegals will be using once they arrive.
Certainly , many are good people, but what about the criminal , drug traffickers, and human
Traffickers among them ? How much will that coat ?
What about the diseases that some of these people may be bringing into ur country ?
None of them are screened for any type of illnesses.
Securing ur borders is much much cheaper in the long run than having our country overrun with
people who break our laws and have no respect for us, our country, or our sovereignty!

I totally agree that we need to get the borders secured. But the biggest problem is probably the law that says if they step foot across the border and claim asylum, the border patrol has to give them a court date and let them go. Then they disappear into the shadows, and most of them probably don’t even show up for their court dates. So I guess a wall might help, but the cost was probably holding back Ryan and some others.
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I totally agree that we need to get the borders secured. But the biggest problem is probably the law that says if they step foot across the border and claim asylum, the border patrol has to give them a court date and let them go. Then they disappear into the shadows, and most of them probably don’t even show up for their court dates. So I guess a wall might help, but the cost was probably holding back Ryan and some others.
The biggest problem is they don't inforce the laws on the books why would we believe new ones would be inforced?
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