Pat Haden profited off charity donations

^^^^. A very unfortunate and misleading post. They were paid their salaries, nothing in the article even hints that he or his family did anything wrong, just that revenues declined.

The fees paid to Haden and his family members, who held various positions in the organization, were unusually large, according to several experts contacted by The Times. And the fees increased even as the foundation saw steep declines in the value of its assets, donations and amounts of awarded scholarship money.
unfortunately, this is not terribly unusual for many charities set up in this country. But you would think a high profile celeb would be more discerning.

The many great charities suffer for the lesser bogus charities.
unfortunately, this is not terribly unusual for many charities set up in this country. But you would think a high profile celeb would be more discerning.

The many great charities suffer for the lesser bogus charities.

Yes. Plenty of unethical people out there.