Well I don't want to believe something that isn't true. So if you're not, then you're not. But how would I ever know for sure? I guess that's the dilemma. I can say that in your latest utterly vapid post, you came off like a complete dead ringer for one of this board's most pitiful sad sacks. Which I guess could be simple coincidence.
But how do you explain that you're both from California, more coincidence? And that dude goes off about the PAC-10 constantly. You can certainly understand how one might think that. This place definitely has trolls and dudes that have more than one alias and post regularly under both names, and talk to each other. Even though it's the same guy. Pretty creepy, huh....
Anyway, after having this long exchange and getting a chance to really see your posts in extended action, I'm inclined to think that you're the same person as sjb, I just am. Or at least consider the possibility. And that's not what anyone wants to be.