Is this a serious question? Why would you lie, why do people lie? Because you want something that isn't true to be treated as true? I know most people on message boards expect, or at least hope that, their bullshit will be taken at face value, but come on now. Do you honestly think if we undertook a hugely thorough, ten-part documentary series on this USC/UCLA move to the Big Ten that what we'd come away with is the unequivocal impression, that virtually 100% of the USC fan nation, from soup to nuts, institutionally at the highest reaches, right down to the most clueless grassroots thugs, that they're all in favor of this move, that USC nation is united, unanimous, and they've been pushing for such a move for a long time. From the most influential donors and officers to random tailgating dipshits.....
F that. This was a desperate, stupid move green lighted by a few people, it caught all of the CFB world off guard including USC fans. And despite such obvious circumstances, you nevertheless insist on falsely spinning the whole business. Naturally someone like yourself will go along with just about anything, and with definite personal dishonesty, and we would expect nothing less from you, make it out like it's this great thing that everyone wanted and has been a long time in coming, even though that is distinctly not the case. That's what lickspittles do. They go along with everything, and happily lie about it to make themselves feel more secure. As far as the greater ramifications of catastrophic moves like this, that probably doesn't even register in your soul.
ND fans are pretty much just as bad as all that on most subjects. But I honestly think that rather than just be helpless conformist obedient doormats, when it comes down to our conference affiliation or lack thereof, that they would revolt, if our higher-ups tried to pull some shit like this. And good on them. What's so disappointing and even appalling, is that no decent USC fan would ever want anything to do with joining the Big Ten, for totally obvious reasons, in their heart of hearts. And only a truly sorry-ass fan would ever be like 'This is awesome! I WANT to join the Big Ten, I WANT to play Purdue and Minnesota, I want to have to travel to East Lansing, Michigan in early November to play in some random game.... ' Nobody thinks that or feel that. So why don't you cut the crap for once.....