There is NO TELLING where this goes. Once players were allowed to become SELF-ACTUALIZING COMMODIFIED ASSETS, it opened up a FLOODGATE. What we have now is a TRADING FLOOR-EXCHANGE environment which means that there will be plenty of BIDS for this and that player flying around for as long as the system exists. Coaching staffs will become as much NIMBLE TALENT ARBITRAGEURS in the HERE AND NOW as much as anything.
The whole argument over DO WE RECRUIT OR DO WE GO PORTAL will become -- IF NOTHING CHANGES and this thing PICKS UP STEAM -- completely MEANINGLESS as both ACQUISITION METHODS will be viewed as merely TWO MEANS TO THE SAME END. Yes, some schools may concentrate in one area more than the other, but ALL will AVAIL themselves of WHATEVER MEANS THEY CAN to acquire whatever talent they can get, NO MATTER HOW THEY GET IT.
And the only CULTURE that will matter is a WINNING CULTURE. The SEC was the TIP OF THE SPEAR on this with its emphasis on the gamge IN AND OF ITSELF, and this approach has now spread via NIL and the PORTAL -- and it's been UNMISTAKABLY VIRAL -- to all corners of the highest levels of the sport. ND either gets on board with this or it becomes a SIMULACRUM sitting in a TABERNACLE awaiting some prophesised REBIRTH.
THE GOOD NEWS is that ND APPEARS to be PLAYING BALL. Am I WRONG, or is it now letting in MORE UNDERGRAD TRANSFERS? TO THOSE WHO MAY KNOW -- or at least PURPORT to KNOW -- has there been a POLICY CHANGE? Or maybe just passive drift in this direction? Or is it simply NOT HAPPENING, and I'm HALLUCINATING. Who can tell me?