Not at all. I couldn't be more disappointed and unimpressed, with MF, if that indeed really is what he has in mind, and is perhaps why he was happy to handpick his sixth-rate legit crony OC, mainly because it comes with the advantage of being able to dictate to him exactly what he wants him to do, that being having a very deliberate run-first power-running game offense.... and that being because MF is so, unsophisticated shall we say, in his thinking, that he would actually do something like that when suddenly given executive power over a powerhouse football program. And hired really more for superficial reasons, and not because he's some obvious badass coach who's flat out earned his position through undeniable, compelling competence and ability and talent and acumen....
Or maybe it will work brilliantly and be a stroke of genius. And of course I have no idea if that's what MF actually has in mind or not. But if he does, and of course there is some reason to think he very well might have that in mind, then I don't even know what to say. Other than that, if I were in his position that's not what I would do, and most/many/all other coaches wouldn't either. Mainly because they would consider it a dubious philosophy to embrace, and they just wouldn't go down that road. And that's why nobody does it anymore, because it's just not the thing to do, for any number of reasons....
ND fans long for a smash-mouth offensive philosophy for emotional reasons, and it has nothing at all to do with football. And MF absolutely strikes me as someone very possibly insecure enough, as well as potentially incompetent enough, that he would be nevertheless willing to embrace an entire offensive philosophy and approach, firstly to please the fans, and be able to check that box.... and then frankly because he really doesn't know what else to do, and has no particular convictions regarding offensive football. And at the end of the day you have to make a choice and so this is what he's choosing. The clock is ticking and times waits for no man. It worked for Wisky so maybe it could work for us. And there's no greater insight or confidence or conviction in it than that......