New to the Irish !!

Welcome! There are some negative posters on here who honestly I have no idea why they bother but generally a good place for information and to share ideas. Cheers!
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Converted Fan and supporter!! Be nice!! Former Maryland Terps fan...Look forward to the dialogue.
We love converts…lifelong that is! Welcome to the board. Lots of differing styles and levels of optimism and pessimism, but we all share our love for ND football.
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Reactions: d1042
Converted Fan and supporter!! Be nice!! Former Maryland Terps fan...Look forward to the dialogue.
Lean on Chaseball and Get Nasty for the best information on Notre Dame Football, and Irish Beer and Chitown are great for political commentary.
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Converted Fan and supporter!! Be nice!! Former Maryland Terps fan...Look forward to the dialogue.
Welcome. Always had a fondness for Maryland ever since going thru when young with parents
Go Irish!!!
you will find that for many of us ole timers, it is not just a football forum but it is a caring loving brotherhood,