The thing is I dont really care and I am not sure why you should either. If poster want to be hyper optimistic about BK and the team that's cool. It has a bit of a cubs feel at times for sure but let them be fans in the way they want to be fans. The get shitty with you because they perceive you as trying to prove them wrong about everything in everythread. Some of these guys admittedly are going to always base posts on thier heart and make some wild logical jumps, but they arent going to change or engage you civilly in a discussion, they will ignore you and start a new thread. The status of the board is what it is, but constantly getting in fights with the other side whether justified or not isn't helping the situation. I am as big of a critic as any when it comes to continually. I think he is given a pass where you arent because his posts or positive rather then negative. Ultimately that dude and those like him won't change they come here to talk about how awesome ND should be and get recruiting info from 35. Its not wrong for them to do that, it may be short sighted or an inefficient use of the board information but it's their prerogative. BGI has really let people down with this board but its free so what do they care. Life will be easier Perse if you dont try to get bloody every day.