I'm back for another season as my usual ND persona: a subway fan in his mid 50s who dreams of 1988 and Lou Holtz.
As always, I'll root for the Fighting Irish. But, I gotta say, yesterday again confirmed the Irish will never again win a NC in my lifetime. OSU slowly overpowered ND, just having too many better athletes in depth, especially offense.
Buchner looks like a good but not elite QB. I didn't see any elite play at skill positions. Tyree showed some flash and Estime was tough. But ND couldn't get a running game established, which was a hallmark of great teams back in the day...really of any great team today, especially the SEC guns.
The defense does look good. Kudos and a good on the recruiting. But obviously it's a game of units, offensive, defense, and special teams. Again, ND doesn't get elite QBs, running backs, and receivers anymore...well, tight ends are a different story.
ND leadership won't make academic accommodation whereas other schools do. That remains the decisive factor since the mid 1990s. I'll repeat what I've been saying posting here during the season for years: it would be a great social good for ND to have remedial academic paths so that the football can be top, preserving the academic brand.
But no. I guess the Priests won't allow it. Yes, I'm Catholic and graduated from a Jesuit university. I find this stand hypocritical but that's just my 2 cents.
I'll still follow and root for ND...in vain hopes of a miracle NC that I know rationally cannot happen anymore.