Morrison out for rest of season

No shit, good lord! This is getting serious. Thank god for that easy schedule. I guess Leonard Moore is supposed to be our next star CB, so there you go.
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What happened
Unreal. This one hurts. Can't remember an ND Team decimated by injuries like this one.
This is terrible news. This reminds me of 2015 when guys began dropping like flies from the opening game on.

Edit: I see where it is a hip injury requiring surgery, which sounds very serious to me.
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Wow just brutal news. Terrible news for him. Crushing to the team.

Just one of those years not meant to be. We've lost around 20 guys throughout the year

The football Gods were not on our side this year
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Get well B Mo. This highlights the absurdity of Mickey leaving. I can understand if he truly has personal issues that make it exceptionally difficult to play football and go to school. Outside of that, it’s trash that he can keep his eligibility, go to school for free, and get his degree while abandoning the team. The NCAA needs to step in. They did the right thing by allowing for 4 games of participation and a redshirt. Now they need to do the right thing and not allow for quitting the program after the season has started and keeping eligibility.

This will make it darn difficult to win the title this year though I don’t completely rule it out. 12-2 with a quarterfinals loss is something I’d be hard pressed to not sign up for.
Every game Just got more difficult. Especially USC.

We have 3 true corners on the roster. Never seen a number that low

Morrison Injury
Mickey Quit
Tucker Injury
Is there any way Mickey could change his mind and come back this season? He's still enrolled at the school. Not sure the coaches would even allow it, though.
Is there any way Mickey could change his mind and come back this season? He's still enrolled at the school. Not sure the coaches would even allow it, though.
You asked the question that was on my mind.
Is there any way Mickey could change his mind and come back this season? He's still enrolled at the school. Not sure the coaches would even allow it, though.
He probably could but that would be bad for team chemistry IMO. Imagine having a teammate quit for his own purposes and then show up to “help” the team, again, for his own purposes.

I’d rather roll with the guys on the team and accept the consequences.
He probably could but that would be bad for team chemistry IMO. Imagine having a teammate quit for his own purposes and then show up to “help” the team, again, for his own purposes.

I’d rather roll with the guys on the team and accept the consequences.
Yeah, and that's why I said not sure if the coaches would allow it - for those reasons.
Seeing alot of heat on Loren Landow on social media for the uptick in injuries this year.
"Seeing alot of heat on Loren Landow on social media for the uptick in injuries this year."

Most of them are not his fault -- Knees, ankles getting rolled up in games, hip surgery (not sure how it happened with Morrison)
I believe that Morrison had a hip surgery while he was in HS (not sure what year it was?). Wonder if it is the same hip?
"Seeing alot of heat on Loren Landow on social media for the uptick in injuries this year."

Most of them are not his fault -- Knees, ankles getting rolled up in games, hip surgery (not sure how it happened with Morrison)
The guy who oversaw the highest injury incident in the NFL having that same problem in the college ranks now? Quit being so dense. There is a direct correlation.
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)Unreal. This one hurts. Can't remember an ND Team decimated by injuries like this one.
Irish, just saw your note. We are so thin at corner it is downright scary. Every new injury seems like the last straw. The resiliency of this team and staff has been incredible, but I keep thinking the cumulative effect of injuries to multiple key players on both offense and defense has to catch up with us at some point. The only positive is the extensive experience many of our younger guys are getting prematurely, and this will pay dividends next year. But for the remainder of this year, feel like we are walking on eggshells. Winning out and winning our first playoff game seems like a pipe dream now, but that’s still my dream scenario.
Wow just brutal news. Terrible news for him. Crushing to the team.

Just one of those years not meant to be. We've lost around 20 guys throughout the year

The football Gods were not on our side this year
And I still think we go out to LA at 10-1, with a playoff birth on the line.
Not sure I'd want Mickey back. He had his chance to fight through some adversity and earn a real role on this D.

He chose to not fight.

Good luck elsewhere, Jaden.
Mickey is someone whose character and willingness to fight through adversity are not to be questioned in my opinion. Remember, he dealt with his mom fighting cancer his entire time at ND and losing the fight last year, the day before our bowl game. By all accounts, Mickey was extremely close to his mom, and he still managed to fight and play for his team during this emotional roller coaster, including playing in our bowl game. In my opinion, he’s a credit to ND.

His decision to leave makes a lot of sense. He believes in himself, and he believes he is NFL material. Unfortunately for him, Morrison and Grey are better, and it looks like Moore may be as well. He would have played a lot of snaps this year, but not as a starter. By red shirting this year and transferring, he leaves with a ND degree and two years of eligibility where he hopes to start and earn his shot at the NFL. Yes, we could certainly benefit by his return given Morrison’s injury, and I don’t know the rules governing this, but I don’t think there’s any cloud hanging over him with respect to Freeman and the team.
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Not sure I'd want Mickey back. He had his chance to fight through some adversity and earn a real role on this D.

He chose to not fight.

Good luck elsewhere, Jaden.
Disagree here. I think losing his mother was a hell of a blow for him that probably had all sorts of repercussions that we aren't aware of. I'd welcome him back, but I doubt that's happening.
Mickey is someone whose character and willingness to fight through adversity are not to be questioned in my opinion. Remember, he dealt with his mom fighting cancer his entire time at ND and losing the fight last year, the day before our bowl game. By all accounts, Mickey was extremely close to his mom, and he still managed to fight and play for his team during this emotional roller coaster, including playing in our bowl game. In my opinion, he’s a credit to ND.

His decision to leave makes a lot of sense. He believes in himself, and he believes he is NFL material. Unfortunately for him, Morrison and Grey are better, and it looks like Moore may be as well. He would have played a lot of snaps this year, but not as a starter. By red shirting this year and transferring, he leaves with a ND degree and two years of eligibility where he hopes to start and earn his shot at the NFL. Yes, we could certainly benefit by his return given Morrison’s injury, and I don’t know the rules governing this, but I don’t think there’s any cloud hanging over him with respect to Freeman and the team.
Yeah I think he just wanted to transfer. Two years to earn NIL money too. Not that it would be all much but still....
Landow is not on our side this year.
At the individual level, I keep rejecting the suggestion that these injuries somehow reflect on Landow’s approach to training. But damn, it’s impossible to ignore the correlation between his NfL experience and ND experience at the macro level. Hope Freeman requires an in depth analysis of each injury after the season to see if we’re just hit with the injury bug this year, or whether our training somehow made these players more susceptible to their injuries.
At the individual level, I keep rejecting the suggestion that these injuries somehow reflect on Landow’s approach to training. But damn, it’s impossible to ignore the correlation between his NfL experience and ND experience at the macro level. Hope Freeman requires an in depth analysis of each injury after the season to see if we’re just hit with the injury bug this year, or whether our training somehow made these players more susceptible to their injuries.
Landow has to go. You make a promise to parents that you will do everything you can to make sure their son stays safe and healthy. With Landow's reputation and how this season is going with injuries, you have to get rid of the guy to show you don't accept that. As long as Landow is on the staff, it will make a lot of families second guess sending their son to play football for ND. You gotta pay attention to the optics in these situations. Whether or not Landow is to blame, it looks like his hiring is directly correlated to the injury problem. S&C coaches are a dime a dozen.
Landow has to go. You make a promise to parents that you will do everything you can to make sure their son stays safe and healthy. With Landow's reputation and how this season is going with injuries, you have to get rid of the guy to show you don't accept that. As long as Landow is on the staff, it will make a lot of families second guess sending their son to play football for ND. You gotta pay attention to the optics in these situations. Whether or not Landow is to blame, it looks like his hiring is directly correlated to the injury problem. S&C coaches are a dime a dozen.
Alright then, consider the guy fired! I don't even know if it is on him. But the optics alone.....
At the individual level, I keep rejecting the suggestion that these injuries somehow reflect on Landow’s approach to training. But damn, it’s impossible to ignore the correlation between his NfL experience and ND experience at the macro level. Hope Freeman requires an in depth analysis of each injury after the season to see if we’re just hit with the injury bug this year, or whether our training somehow made these players more susceptible to their injuries.
Generally, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is a duck, but I think this injury thing is a bit more complicated than any of us know just yet. There definitely needs to be a comprehensive review as you say. But I think even that may prove to be inconclusive.
Landow has to go. You make a promise to parents that you will do everything you can to make sure their son stays safe and healthy. With Landow's reputation and how this season is going with injuries, you have to get rid of the guy to show you don't accept that. As long as Landow is on the staff, it will make a lot of families second guess sending their son to play football for ND. You gotta pay attention to the optics in these situations. Whether or not Landow is to blame, it looks like his hiring is directly correlated to the injury problem. S&C coaches are a dime a dozen.
Just curious how do you decide which handle to use?
the roll up injuries to billy and ashton you can't prevent.

But the non contact injuries and really weird injuries like (jagusah and Benmo) make me think fatigue/overuse of tendons, joints, etc. Freeman stated they increased their output 15% this fall. That's just the major season ending injuries. We have had a lot more as well that aren't season ending.
Mickey is someone whose character and willingness to fight through adversity are not to be questioned in my opinion. Remember, he dealt with his mom fighting cancer his entire time at ND and losing the fight last year, the day before our bowl game. By all accounts, Mickey was extremely close to his mom, and he still managed to fight and play for his team during this emotional roller coaster, including playing in our bowl game. In my opinion, he’s a credit to ND.

His decision to leave makes a lot of sense. He believes in himself, and he believes he is NFL material. Unfortunately for him, Morrison and Grey are better, and it looks like Moore may be as well. He would have played a lot of snaps this year, but not as a starter. By red shirting this year and transferring, he leaves with a ND degree and two years of eligibility where he hopes to start and earn his shot at the NFL. Yes, we could certainly benefit by his return given Morrison’s injury, and I don’t know the rules governing this, but I don’t think there’s any cloud hanging over him with respect to Freeman and the team.
I didn't know that he lost his Mom. Brutal to hear that.
Get well B Mo. This highlights the absurdity of Mickey leaving. I can understand if he truly has personal issues that make it exceptionally difficult to play football and go to school. Outside of that, it’s trash that he can keep his eligibility, go to school for free, and get his degree while abandoning the team. The NCAA needs to step in. They did the right thing by allowing for 4 games of participation and a redshirt. Now they need to do the right thing and not allow for quitting the program after the season has started and keeping eligibility.

This will make it darn difficult to win the title this year though I don’t completely rule it out. 12-2 with a quarterfinals loss is something I’d be hard pressed to not sign up for.
Garbage post.

The kid lost his mother recently, and simply put, he didn't want to stay.

Give it a freaking rest.
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Every game Just got more difficult. Especially USC.

We have 3 true corners on the roster. Never seen a number that low

Morrison Injury
Mickey Quit
Tucker Injury
Mo has been a hair slower on the crossover this year… wonder if had been bothering him earlier

And why Mickey should have stayed the course