I’m not going to fault someone for being ambitious but was he the most qualified candidate available— not even close. No O experience and still growing as a dc with under a year in the nd program—-he was a recruiter. Based on Jack’s speech there was going to be a thorough search and players could weigh -in but not determine who the new coach was going to be. Jack did just the opposite, he got hi jacked by current players and recruits like sneed who said they would leave. So we got who we got, a real nice guy who a bunch of young kids like. is he involved on the sidelines like saban is? Sure doesn’t look that way. But it’s our model for now, HC is head recruiter and DC/OC run their groups. So like it or not this is a growth model and everyone has to expect a few embarrassing speed bumps—Marshall, Stanford. Blame it on swarbrick for a lazy search but don’t blame it on freeman for being ambitious. And now we have to give him a few years no matter what happens. maybe it ends up working if you bring in top 2 classes year after year. I thought this year he would bring in a class like that and with Keeley , Bowen, Moore(s), edwards, he probably would have been top 3. Freeman to his credit has not used nil or academics as a hurdle, he’s actually said nil is not a hurdle. And for academics, we offered 63 of top 100 last year ( virtually same as sc and far more then most teams on our schedule) vs Bama at 72. Frankly freeman just whiffed on the big targets maybe he learned something and this year will go better. Again part of the 3-5 year learning process. He’s got everything he needs here, ( money, prestige, history, facilities, nd Rolodex, media backing), let’s see if he grows into it. no point in criticizing him at this point because he’s going nowhere for a few years. Support him and hope for the best