manchester terrorists attack


Posts Like A Champion
Jun 7, 2011
my thoughts and prayers go out to the people over in England who lost a loved one. hate to see anybody get killed but these were just kids that got targeted. fox news is the only place this morning that I can see coverage of what happened last night because cnn thinks it is more important to talk about a trump scandal than to talk about this horrible terrorist attack
my thoughts and prayers go out to the people over in England who lost a loved one. hate to see anybody get killed but these were just kids that got targeted. fox news is the only place this morning that I can see coverage of what happened last night because cnn thinks it is more important to talk about a trump scandal than to talk about this horrible terrorist attack

Not sure when you were watching. CNN has had plenty of coverage.
Scary part is this could happened anywhere, I always wondered about the tailgate lots across America on Saturdays and Sundays, cars packed with lighters, grills, propane tanks would raise no security alert.
This is ANOTHER terrible tragedy. I was talking to my wife last night after we put our sons to bed and I told her this is what happens next with the people not directly involved with this situation.

1. The death toll will rise by about 5-10 people by the time we woke up this morning. So far it's been by 3.
2. Celebrities and people on social media will send their prayers, and post the England flag on their pages. I don't do any social media but so far I've seen a ton of celebrities doing this.
3. A terrorist organization will claim responsibility. ISIS did just about an hour ago.
4. People will forget about this attack in a few months and when the next one happens (which it will) they will repeat #2 above.

My issue is the vast majority of people that fall under point #2 above think people like our President and people in general who want to TRY and do things to PREVENT these attacks before they happen are crazy because we are not being FAIR to certain people.

We need to wake up and get on board with our Government taking measures to help try and prevent the next attack from taking place in your back yard. If that comes with offending certain people, I DON"T CARE.
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Scary part is this could happened anywhere, I always wondered about the tailgate lots across America on Saturdays and Sundays, cars packed with lighters, grills, propane tanks would raise no security alert.
It's only a matter of time. But things need to be done now to help try and prevent something like that from happening. If any one of you out there walks around with the mindset of it will never happen to me or someone I know you are wrong and need to start thinking differently. This is the norm in the world we live in today and we here in the US have a President that wants to actually try and do something to help prevent these attacks and he's looked at as a lunatic because he's offending certain people. Would you rather have people offended or someone you love killed by an attack on US soil?
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It's only a matter of time. But things need to be done now to help try and prevent something like that from happening. If any one of you out there walks around with the mindset of it will never happen to me or someone I know you are wrong and need to start thinking differently. This is the norm in the world we live in today and we here in the US have a President that wants to actually try and do something to help prevent these attacks and he's looked at as a lunatic because he's offending certain people. Would you rather have people offended or someone you love killed by an attack on US soil?
I like Trump's idea. Target the terrorists family. All of them. Their parents their children... All of them.
this is where I have faith in trump that things will finally get done when it comes to terrorists groups like isis unlike Obama who I had no confidence in when it came to standing up to isis. iran and others who want to hurt people who don't want to follow there ways. they just showed a picture of an eight year old girl who died last night and it almost made me shed a tear
I understand all religions have a nasty fragment to them, and 99% of Muslims are peaceful. But if I was a Muslim, I would be beyond embarrassed and outraged about all of these attacks.
because cnn thinks it is more important to talk about a trump scandal than to talk about this horrible terrorist attack

Another alternative fact. Why do the conservatives complain about "political correctness" so much when they are chief practitioners of it? Requiring others to think a certain way, for news organization to cover certain stories, and for people to follow a certain way of behaving is the definition of political correctness?
I understand all religions have a nasty fragment to them, and 99% of Muslims are peaceful. But if I was a Muslim, I would be beyond embarrassed and outraged about all of these attacks.

I have been consistently thinking that and saying that since 911 put the spotlight on radical Islam. The non-Muslim world can do everything we can to defend ourselves from Islamic terrorists, but its the Muslim world that actually could virtually rid the world of them. But that would take a level of consensus and commitment that has heretofore not materialized.
Another alternative fact. Why do the conservatives complain about "political correctness" so much when they are chief practitioners of it? Requiring others to think a certain way, for news organization to cover certain stories, and for people to follow a certain way of behaving is the definition of political correctness?
Political correctness and unbiased journalism can be related, but are not remotely the same thing. CNN wouldn't cover an objectionable story to be politically correct, but they might cover it to try and show some objectivity or lack of bias in their news coverage, IF that was important to them. Political correctness is avoiding or ignoring the truth or reality in an effort to not offend anyone.
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But that would take a level of consensus and commitment that has heretofore not materialized.

Unfortunately, may be almost impossible considering the Shia-Sunni divide that has been ongoing for over a 1,000 years.
Unfortunately, may be almost impossible considering the Shia-Sunni divide that has been ongoing for over a 1,000 years.
Agreed. Unfortunately, a disdain for the 'west" is one of the few things that unifies a large faction of Islam. But, in general, they are anything but united.
Another alternative fact. Why do the conservatives complain about "political correctness" so much when they are chief practitioners of it? Requiring others to think a certain way, for news organization to cover certain stories, and for people to follow a certain way of behaving is the definition of political correctness?
I think you meant to say liberal left wingers.
Sociopaths dont get embarrassed.

The larger group is almost never going to take the blame for what a tiny percentage "fringe" part has done. If the U.S. bombs and kills 1000 innocent women and children over a period, does the average citizen complain? Nope.
I understand all religions have a nasty fragment to them, and 99% of Muslims are peaceful. But if I was a Muslim, I would be beyond embarrassed and outraged about all of these attacks.

The majority of Muslims believe if you leave the Islamic religion that you should be killed.
This is ANOTHER terrible tragedy. I was talking to my wife last night after we put our sons to bed and I told her this is what happens next with the people not directly involved with this situation.

1. The death toll will rise by about 5-10 people by the time we woke up this morning. So far it's been by 3.
2. Celebrities and people on social media will send their prayers, and post the England flag on their pages. I don't do any social media but so far I've seen a ton of celebrities doing this.
3. A terrorist organization will claim responsibility. ISIS did just about an hour ago.
4. People will forget about this attack in a few months and when the next one happens (which it will) they will repeat #2 above.

My issue is the vast majority of people that fall under point #2 above think people like our President and people in general who want to TRY and do things to PREVENT these attacks before they happen are crazy because we are not being FAIR to certain people.

We need to wake up and get on board with our Government taking measures to help try and prevent the next attack from taking place in your back yard. If that comes with offending certain people, I DON"T CARE.
Liberalism is a disease. We need to rid ourselves from it first. It's the only way to protect the U.S.
This is like the dopest thread ever... T's and P's to the victims and their families but damn lets keep going in on muslims and liberals and conservatives... that's the big point of this to take away.
this is where I have faith in trump that things will finally get done when it comes to terrorists groups like isis unlike Obama who I had no confidence in when it came to standing up to isis. iran and others who want to hurt people who don't want to follow there ways. they just showed a picture of an eight year old girl who died last night and it almost made me shed a tear
I'm glad no one has every walked into a church with a loaded gun, fellowship with them and then gun them down here in the US. Oh wait...

Can someone tell me what policy will stop a US born citizen developing a warped mindset, join a terror group and want to do harm to many of people?
Scary part is this could happened anywhere, I always wondered about the tailgate lots across America on Saturdays and Sundays, cars packed with lighters, grills, propane tanks would raise no security alert.
Yep. It's nearly impossible to stop someone who is willing to take their own life. Sad all the way around.
Can someone tell me what policy will stop a US born citizen developing a warped mindset, join a terror group and want to do harm to many of people?

Find any kind of loophole you can to get them in jail, like they did with Al Capone on tax evasion.
Jesus spoke to me in a dream last night...he wants all the alt-right wingers to buy a one-way ticket to the "Holy Land" for the new crusades (get two birds stoned at once)
It would seem that these kinds of attacks aren't predicated on some fanatical muslim from the Middle East sneaking into the US or Europe and performing some sort of attack.

These are people legally in said country who have converted to (re: brainwashed) the Islamic faith and have joined in the "jihad". This is what's really scary.

A "traditional" terrorist from the Middle East has given way to covert cells all across the globe. Your neighbor, for instance, could be an Islamic convert and decide one day to perform some cowardly act at a local mall or sporting event, all in the name of allah. This would be covered far and wide as an act of terrorism.

There is no way to stop the moronic, blood-thirsty, insanity of these zealots.
As these zealots walk among us everyday. If someone is willing to take their own life and the lives of others with no regard - it's hard to stop it.