Make Irish and America Great Again

The educational system is Left wing from Kindergarten up through the Universty level.
So you are correct that they are failing to educate ! however, they do a great job at Brainwashing.
I am voting for Trump because.
1. I have an advanced degree in Economics and have been a very sccessful investor for over 50 years.
I have studied Adam Smith, John Maynard Keyes , Carl Marx, Ludwich Von Mises, Fredrich Hayek,
Milton Friedman, and a number of other economists.
I have also lived in Socialist Countries and their economies have either failed or are failng because
spending other peoples money can only go so far , and deficit spending, and run away inflation
will debase the currency and destroy both inividual wealth and a Nation's economy.
I also explained how lower corporate and lower individual taxes will grow the economy in another post, so I will not do it again here.

2. Free trade is a must, but Trump is correct again, the trade deals must benefit all the countries involved.
3. Immigration: we can not have open borders. Legal immigration is certainly welcome and always was.
my ancestors had to come here legally through Ellis Island. They did not sneak in the country illegally.
Western Civilization has been at war with Islam ever since the death of Muhammud. after the death of
Muhammud, the muslems invaded Western Europe ( The Crusades did not cause the conflict , but were a
result of the Muslem invasions and aggressions ,( Obama was not correct blaming the Crusades ).
I studied Spanish history at the University of Madrid, Spain when I lived there. When the Muslems invaded Spain in 711 They pushed the Christian back into the Northern most reagons of the Pyrenees Mountains.
At that point, the Christians started the Reconquista ( reconquering ) of Spain The war lasted for almost 800
years, and finally with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabel ( The Catholic Kings ) the Christians defeated the Muslems,
drove them out of their stronghold in Granada, and then completely out of spain in 1492.
the rest of Europe also was at war and the wars continued up until modern times with relative short periods
of peace in between.
While , I have known and studied and befriended Muslems over the years, I know for a fact that the majority of Muslems are peaceful and good people, But there are also a large % of Radical Islamist who follow Sharia law and desire to destroy Western Civilization , Judism , Christianity, and the United States.
Trump is correct that they should not be admitted into the USA without being properly veted.
4. peace through strength , we must have the Worlds strongest military ,not to use it agressively, but rather
use it so that no Nation will disrespect us or attact us because they believe that we are weak.We can also not pay for the defense of nations that are as wealthy as we are. Time the contribute.
5. Rebuilding our inner cities, roads, bridgs , etc must be done.
6. As a Catholic, abortion is the murder of the Unborn. Catholic teaching tells us and my conscience tells me
that life begins at conception. Yes, women have the " right and free will to choose" but The governmemt
should not use tax payer money to support the killing of the most helpless and innocent of all human beings.
again Trump is correct ! Women , especially young girls, should be at least given other choices. Once the baby is killed there are no other alternatives.
I may have missed a few points but I am headed to bed.

One other Question : The liberals like to use the term Social Justice ? Could you please explain it to me ?
It seems to me that the Liberals feel it is just to confiscate the rewards that I worked hard for to provide for
my family, and myself, and then use those rewards to give them to whomever and whatever they want to.
some how I just can not see the justice in confiscating another persons property for my favorite Social
program ? while the end may be nobel in a liberal,s mind, " the end never justifies the mean"
It's always social justice and paying ones fair share with other people's money . Never their own. Ie the Clinton s with their 300 million net worth thru "speaking fees " . .. the left can never be accused of personal greed and Avarice bc their public positions are so noble and altruistic. They live in a parallel universe.
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You're a disgrace! !! Don't lecture me on catholicism . You apostate Catholic. Your disengious citing of " the social justice mission of the church " is typical of the wolves in sheep’s clothing who try to invoke the legitimacy of the Catholic Church to promote your socialist utopian political goals. The mission of the Catholic Church is to preach the gospel , administer the sacraments and lead souls to heaven . Not lead them to hell as you would do . The social justice mission of the church includes as its primacy the rights of the unborn child to life. The aggressive promoter of abortion at all stages of development up and until the point of birth is anathema to any true Catholic or Christian . The exploitation of the poor in Haiti by the Clinton Foundation to advance the cause of their rich political donors I suppose meets your definition of social justice. The accumulation of 300 million dollars in personal net worth by the Clinton s thru bribery facilitated by the International money laundering operation they set up known as the Clinton Foundation is also in your warped mind evidence of their " good works ". The abuse of women by her perverted husband fully enabled and protected by her to protect her political ambitions is also conforms to your version of the Church's Social Justice Mission! ! I don't understand how a single Catholic or Christian could vote in conscience for such a corrupt and evil individual. As it was written " woe to he who calls evil good and good evil"

You have expressed evrything better than I ever could! Thank you, and God bless !
This is a question and , i guess , a personal view that really troubles me. The Church's silence is also very troubling. I know the Church is not to supposed to suport candidates or they will lose their status as
as non profit organizations ( not sure of the exact law, but I believe that it was enacted by LBJ )
However, a few weeks ago, much to his credit, the Bishop of Phoenix sent ou a homily to be read
in all Churches in Phoenix. Telling all Catholics that they could not vote for any candidate who supports
abortion! He never mentioned any names or any political parties, but it was perfectly clear exactly
what he was saying and whom he was talking about. God Bless that Bishop for his courage to speak out against evil.
Getting back to my Question: Jesus left us the Holy Spirit and as Catholics and Christians we
pray that the Holy Spirit fills our minds, body, and souls and protects us from all evil.
In other words, we are asking the Holy Spirit to make us more like Christ.
How can a Catholic Politician full of the Holy Spirit, say that he seperates his religion from his political
position ? Does such a person leave the Holy Spirit at the door ( like hanging ones coat up when he goes indoors ) and then puts the Holy Spirit on when he leaves work ? I know what Jesus would do, and I know that that is not what these so called " Catholic " politicans are doing with their "Double Speak".
The silence by the Church on this issue is equally very troubling to me ?
By all means let's vote for the lying treasonous hag who hung onto to a sham marriage to a pedophile husband as a means to power . While accumulating 200+million in net worth through bribery and running an international money laundering operation known as the " Clinton Foundation ". You're brilliant! !!
Please get some anger management help! Then go away and make America HATE again!!
This is a question and , i guess , a personal view that really troubles me. The Church's silence is also very troubling. I know the Church is not to supposed to suport candidates or they will lose their status as
as non profit organizations ( not sure of the exact law, but I believe that it was enacted by LBJ )
However, a few weeks ago, much to his credit, the Bishop of Phoenix sent ou a homily to be read
in all Churches in Phoenix. Telling all Catholics that they could not vote for any candidate who supports
abortion! He never mentioned any names or any political parties, but it was perfectly clear exactly
what he was saying and whom he was talking about. God Bless that Bishop for his courage to speak out against evil.
Getting back to my Question: Jesus left us the Holy Spirit and as Catholics and Christians we
pray that the Holy Spirit fills our minds, body, and souls and protects us from all evil.
In other words, we are asking the Holy Spirit to make us more like Christ.
How can a Catholic Politician full of the Holy Spirit, say that he seperates his religion from his political
position ? Does such a person leave the Holy Spirit at the door ( like hanging ones coat up when he goes indoors ) and then puts the Holy Spirit on when he leaves work ? I know what Jesus would do, and I know that that is not what these so called " Catholic " politicans are doing with their "Double Speak".
The silence by the Church on this issue is equally very troubling to me ?
Well stated. The church unfortunately today is full of compromise and confusion. The shepherd s have become silent on fundamental teachings and have sought social acceptance over preaching the gospel. We are living in the apostasy foretold in the bible and prophesied in the third secret of Fatima. The answer to your question is its impossible to separate ones private faith with ones public actions. Christ said no man can serve two masters . He will love the one and hate the other. He also said let your yes mean yes and your no mean no. Since your neither cold nor hot I will vomit you from my mouth. Lukewarm Christianity is essentially no faith at all. Christ also said " he who denies me before men I will deny before my father in heaven". Catholic pro choice , pro partial birth abortion, pro gay marriage politicians like Tim Kaine deny Christ and his church before men ( society ) And they void their Catholic baptism. They bring scandal upon the church and not only sin themselves but potentially lead millions of others to mortal sin. It's one thing to commit sin from human weakness . It's another to willing serve a false system that propogates murder and laws against the natural law with full consent and knowledge. Catholic politicians who advocate and support abortion should be denied Holy Communion in my opinion. I do believe though that HRC s strident unequivocal support for partial birth abortion at the third debate will be the tipping point that cost her this election. I pray that's the case. God help us!
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Please get some anger management help! Then go away and make America HATE again!!
Typical attack from a morally bankrupt liberal. A vote for Trump does not equal hate. Don't engage in liberal projection. I and people like me won't be silenced by the liberal thought police. You don't own the dialogue any longer. Anyone who opposes or disagrees is a hate filled racist etc etc.. . Quite simply she's a career criminal. Anyone who votes for her is complicit in her crimes and corruption. So why don't you go away so America can be great again.
Typical attack from a morally bankrupt liberal. A vote for Trump does not equal hate. Don't engage in liberal projection. I and people like me won't be silenced by the liberal thought police. You don't own the dialogue any longer. Anyone who opposes or disagrees is a hate filled racist etc etc.. . Quite simply she's a career criminal. Anyone who votes for her is complicit in her crimes and corruption. So why don't you go away so America can be great again.

Thank you for answering my Question and for this post as well. God Bless !
Catholic pro choice , pro partial birth abortion, pro gay marriage politicians like Tim Kaine deny Christ and his church before men ( society ) And they void their Catholic baptism.

We do not live in a theocracy so religious views should not dictate political views. A policy for an individual does not mean that the same policy should be forced on all others in the society. the very illogic and illegality of so-called religious liberty laws. Your religious views are not shared by all so dp let them guide your life, not all of society.
Typical attack from a morally bankrupt liberal. A vote for Trump does not equal hate. Don't engage in liberal projection. I and people like me won't be silenced by the liberal thought police. You don't own the dialogue any longer. Anyone who opposes or disagrees is a hate filled racist etc etc.. . Quite simply she's a career criminal. Anyone who votes for her is complicit in her crimes and corruption. So why don't you go away so America can be great again.

And yet you are the individual name-calling and rhetoric closer to hate than others.
It's always social justice and paying ones fair share with other people's money . Never their own. Ie the Clinton s with their 300 million net worth thru "speaking fees " . .. the left can never be accused of personal greed and Avarice bc their public positions are so noble and altruistic. They live in a parallel universe.

Now you are just making statements up.

I, nor anyone else, ever commented on using "other people's money" for social justice. I simply asked how Catholics who believe in socail justice could vote for Trump. If is pretty clear that he is on the opposite side of social justice regardless of the source of money to support social justice programs even when community based without government funds.
Voters for Trump provide the greatest piece of evidence that our public school system is failing to educate people to understand the world around them and reach logical conclusions regarding the steps to take to help society get better.

Very true statement, supported by the fact the one category of people Trump leads with are uneducated white people.
You sound like a wimp.
We do not live in a theocracy so religious views should not dictate political views. A policy for an individual does not mean that the same policy should be forced on all others in the society. the very illogic and illegality of so-called religious liberty laws. Your religious views are not shared by all so dp let them guide your life, not all of society.
In God we Trust and one nation under God. And God bless America. I suppose you take issue with those statements and American traditions. I wait with baited breath for your response. No one reasonable advocates imposition of religious doctrines in some pseudo form of Christian sharia law. But to expect or demand as you appear to that individuals have a right to personal beliefs but don't have the right to express them publicly or advocate for them politically is a form of soft tyranny. Often employed by the left to stiffle dissent and supress opposition to their objectives. Laws and political policies reflect or are supposed to reflect the values of society. A society comprised of different individuals where a majority in this country still profess a belief in God . Our declaration of Independence states that we have inalienable rights because they originate from God . Rather than bestowed through an act of benevolence from men ( kings / political leaders ). That due to their divine origin they are inviolate. You as I would expect as a liberal surely pursue your fundamental values through the political process. As the left has done relentlessly for 50 years. Those being the liberal religious dogma of secular humanism. And you're not shy or reluctant at imposing down the throats of those who oppose it on moral grounds. Example being close to 50% of this country opposes obortion yet we are required to fund it thru our tax dollars. Do you consider that a forced imposition against our free will or not? We have laws in this country against murder. Medical science has settled the issue of when life begins thru ultrasound technology. It's no longer a question of is a fetus a developing human being but rather women should have the right to kill it up and until the point of live birth. Some laws in this country seem to apply to everyone but the Clintons. Who have been given a total blanket 30 yr dispensation by liberals from any need to comply with existing laws , ethical standards or moral norms. The Roman Empire collapsed thru rampant moral and ethical corruption by the elite ruling class of Rome. The same pattern has clearly emerged here in our country. Historically no civilization has survived and not faced self destruction that turned its back on God . We have had over 55 million abortions in this country since Roe vs Wade. Continuing down this path does not portend a good future for our country. You liberals by hook or by crook may prevail politically in the near term. And revel in your defeat of the narrow minded conservatives and their religious beliefs. But I remind you that in the end God always has the last word. And he doesn't take public opinion polls...
the younger the voter...the more likely they are to vote for Hillary. In 20 years....they will vote Republican. so they can keep some of their own money. But then again...they will likely be disinherited over that 20 feed an insatiable, black hole of a government that grows debt...and nothing more.
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I have gien you at least 6 possitive reasons why I will vote for Thump:
1, Economics
2. Immigration
3. rebuilding our inner cities
4. rebuilding our military
5 foreign Trade
6 right to life.

I take it that you you were an Obama Supporter and now support Clinton ?
1.How did Obama run up 10 trillion dollars in Nationl Debt ? for what positive reasons
2. Has race relation improvde sincehe was elected ?
3 Are Black and poor people better off after his two terms ?
4. Do you think that his pull out in Iraq was a good move, or cn we agree that the vacuum that he left
left the Middle East in shambles ? That the consequences of his pull outresulted in ISIS, the
gnecide against Christians in the Middle East? his Non existant red line that kept Aasad in power
resulting in the murder of millions of more people and the over flowing of Syrian refugees to Europe.
Russia is now a major power in that area.
What did we gain from removing the sanctions from Iran and paying tons of money that they will
use against us and our allies inthe form of terrorism, nuclear proliferation , and perhaps even WWIII?

I take is also tht you are voting for Hillary ? if so give me six reasons why ?
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the younger the voter...the more likely they are to vote for Hillary. In 20 years....they will vote Republican. so they can keep some of their own money. But then again...they will likely be disinherited over that 20 feed an insatiable, black hole of a government that grows debt...and nothing more.

If trump does not win this election, Our country will go the way of Rome! There will be no coming back !
I know that the "lefties" will not agree with me, but President Obama has done more in two terms to destroy
our country financially , diplomatically, and militarilly than any unfriendly foreign power cold have ever dreamed. On top of that , our first black President has interfered into ever local issue that involved
a policeman and a black person. The Result riots in the streets, " Black Lives Matter " which in my view is
a fifth column that wants to creat strife between races. Unfortuntely, the large majority of Black people
also want safe neighborhoods, but the murdering of policemen will result in less police protection,
more black on black murders and crime, and certainly less safty.
Hillary has one goal and one goal only to enrich the clintons with more millions and absolute power !
if elected, she already has the " News " media, the Justice Department, the Educational System, the IRS,
and the Supreme Court, and the Congress. a dictators dream !
The Constitution will be toast and there will be asolutely no checks and balances on her power, lies,
criminal acts, and lust for money.
At my age, I don't know how many years more that God will give me ? So all I can do is pray for a Trump win ! If Hillary wins it will show just how far our morals and ethics as a society has dclined.
" Father forgive them for they know not what they do. "
We do not live in a theocracy so religious views should not dictate political views. A policy for an individual does not mean that the same policy should be forced on all others in the society. the very illogic and illegality of so-called religious liberty laws. Your religious views are not shared by all so dp let them guide your life, not all of society.

So your saying that As. a Catholic who believe that a bill supported by my Party that I feel is against my Catholic Church and my moral beliefs, I can forget everything that is fundamental to my faith, and vote for
an Evil act because we have a seperation of Church and State ?
in other words if Jesus were in Congress you would be ok if he voted for an evil act because we have a seperation of Church and State ? I think that I Know how Jesus would really vote and as a Christian I would vote that way every time as well !
A man with no solid moral values is a person that I want absolutely nothing to do with ! Such a person
is lower than a snake's belly!
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what an asinine thing to type....but then again...we all got what we paid for.
So your saying that As. a Catholic who believe that a bill supported by my Party that I feel is against my Catholic Church and my moral beliefs, I can forget everything that is fundamental to my faith, and vote for
an Evil act because we have a seperation of Church and State ?
in other words if Jesus were in Congress you would be ok if he voted for an evil act because we have a seperation of Church and State ? I think that I Know how Jesus would really vote and as a Christian I would vote that way every time as well !
A man with no solid moral values is a person that I want absolutely nothing to do with ! Such a person
is lower than a snake's belly!
Well done! Exactly these people who willfully support an evil 30 yr criminal are beneath all contempt. Moral and ethical pygmies in the extreme. They have no qualms about pushing their godless new social order down our throats . They become triggered if anyone objects or opposes them. In which case no dissent is tolerated. All in the name of their self defined non existent " tolerance ". I noticed he hasn't responded with the 6 reasons you requested as to why he's voting for Hillary. Let's see if I can help him out.
1. She's a woman
2. She has a D before her name on the voting ballot
3. Trump has an R before his name on the voting ballot
4. Trump bc he's running as a Republican is now a racist. After being a registered Democrat most of his adult life ( till age 60) he will bring back the KKK per Obama bc he has that R before his name
5. Trump used randy locker room talk with another guy 11 yrs ago . Even though Bill Clinton's numerous sexual predation s including 26 trips to pedophile island with convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein and Hillary 's 6 visits to same pedophile island in Bahamas don't bother him in the slightest.
6. Trump took a legal loss carry forward on his tax return 20 yrs ago . An established practice that probably 80% of her donors have done at one time or another.

That pretty well sums it up. Other than Trump is a jerk and argumentative on social media. Very pathetic. No substance. No there .. there..
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You shouldn't allow the Fox News channel to be your only source of news.
Idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to vote. I don't get my news from Fox news nor the NYT or Clinton News Network. It's all public record moron. And you're a totally ignorant fool or as corrupt as the Clinton s. You're a contemptible. Get some facts if you wish to refute. But there are no facts available for you to use that refute the central point the Clinton s are career criminal s. You vote for her. You own her!!
In God we Trust and one nation under God. And God bless America. I suppose you take issue with those statements and American traditions. I wait with baited breath for your response. r.

I have no problem with any of these beliefs, but I do not agree with expecting everyone to share these beliefs. The entire basis of the so-called religious liberty laws is the imposition of some theocratic version of law supported by the Judeo-Christian descendants. The founding fathers did not found a Christian country, contrary to such beliefs, they founded an Enlightenment country.
Idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to vote. I don't get my news from Fox news nor the NYT or Clinton News Network. It's all public record moron. And you're a totally ignorant fool or as corrupt as the Clinton s. You're a contemptible. Get some facts if you wish to refute. But there are no facts available for you to use that refute the central point the Clinton s are career criminal s. You vote for her. You own her!!

More name-calling. Your arguments are as weak as Trump's policies.
I have no problem with any of these beliefs, but I do not agree with expecting everyone to share these beliefs. The entire basis of the so-called religious liberty laws is the imposition of some theocratic version of law supported by the Judeo-Christian descendants. The founding fathers did not found a Christian country,
More name-calling. Your arguments are as weak as Trump's policies.
Actually I would say you haven't made one relevant point . Other than to contradict yourself. Still waiting for the list of substantive reasons on why you support Clinton. Other than she's enlightened as you consider yourself to be. Crickets. ..
Actually I would say you haven't made one relevant point . Other than to contradict yourself. Still waiting for the list of substantive reasons on why you support Clinton. Other than she's enlightened as you consider yourself to be. Crickets. ..

And why do I need to justify myself to you? I am not asking anyone to justify their support for Trump. I simply expressed my surprise that Catholic who believe in social justice could support Trump. I am not lobbying for Clinton, but I do not support Trump.

Trump would be a disaster for America:
completely wrong in his belief that Syria and Russia are fighting ISIS
advocates trickle-down economics already shown to be ruinous - Reagan
completely wrong about increasing tariffs in international trade
immigration policy is a joke - vetting already being done
universal health care needed to help prevent epidemics/promote health
potential Supreme Court nominees would restrict rights

There is no policy advocated that would not hurt American economically and socially.

I have never cited myself as enlightened, but it is pretty clear I understand rational discussion better than you do. You should probably just put me on Ignore if you have so much difficulty with my comments.
And why do I need to justify myself to you? I am not asking anyone to justify their support for Trump. I simply expressed my surprise that Catholic who believe in social justice could support Trump. I am not lobbying for Clinton, but I do not support Trump.

Trump would be a disaster for America:
completely wrong in his belief that Syria and Russia are fighting ISIS
advocates trickle-down economics already shown to be ruinous - Reagan
completely wrong about increasing tariffs in international trade
immigration policy is a joke - vetting already being done
universal health care needed to help prevent epidemics/promote health
potential Supreme Court nominees would restrict rights

There is no policy advocated that would not hurt American economically and socially.

I have never cited myself as enlightened, but it is pretty clear I understand rational discussion better than you do. You should probably just put me on Ignore if you have so much difficulty with my comments.
For the record HRC admitted in a private speech to Goldman Sachs disclosed thru WikiLeaks thst proper vetting of refugees is impossible currently. So she disagrees with your assertion that vetting of immigrants is adequate . You know her private position versus her public position. No reason or desire to discourse with you further.
For the record HRC admitted in a private speech to Goldman Sachs disclosed thru WikiLeaks thst proper vetting of refugees is impossible currently. So she disagrees with your assertion that vetting of immigrants is adequate . You know her private position versus her public position. No reason or desire to discourse with you further.

What she said is that absolute vetting is impossible and I was not citing her to support my comments. All experts agree that current vetting is as good as Trump wants, short of his Muslim ban.

And again, you keep referring to Clinton when I have never lobbied for her. You seem unable to focus on the point of the discussion: Trump has bad policies.
What she said is that absolute vetting is impossible and I was not citing her to support my comments. All experts agree that current vetting is as good as Trump wants, short of his Muslim ban.

And again, you keep referring to Clinton when I have never lobbied for her. You seem unable to focus on the point of the discussion: Trump has bad policies.
You're a bore . Take a hike!
Again, great with a rational discussion. Unlikely you are an ND alumnus.
I attended an Ivy League college smart ass. Not Notre Dame. Congrats on the ND degree. Great school. Though you're understanding of what it means to be Catholic speaks volumes as to what has become of a Jesuit education. Enjoy Tuesday night. MAGA!!
You're a bore . Take a hike!

I agree with this post 100% . Once I realized that I was triying to debate with people who had
no valid arguemets and were spouting Liberal talking ponts, I decided that there was no sense wasting
any more time and going around in circles.
I noticed that Granite did finally give a list, all talking points and nonsense agains Trump and not
one substantial possitive point about Hillary's policies.
Thanks for the great well thought out posts. It you ever get out here to Arizona , I'll buy ou a beer!
in the meantime, lookig forward to posting-more with you.
God Bless
I noticed that Granite did finally give a list, all talking points and nonsense agains Trump and not one substantial positive point about Hillary's policies.

It's been a least a month since you've heard anyone actually supporting Hillary. She brings nothing substantive to the table and everyone is resigned to that. The liberal effort is now almost 100% geared to getting Trump NOT elected, the Democratic nominee is just a detail. What's really amazing to think about, if the Reps had nominated any one of around five other guys (Rubio, Carson, Kasich, Ryan for example) that guy would be ready to win by the biggest margin since Nixon over McGovern. Heck, Hillary might have conceded already. This is twice in the last three elections that the Reps blew it in the primaries. In 2008 they nominated McCain when Iraq was the main issue, and he ends up running against Obama when the economy and a looming recession is the main issue. If Romney is running against Obama with the economy as the key issue, he buries him. Now, nobody could have known what was going to happen in fall 2008 and nobody would have guessed that Hillary would implode like she has in the last 2 months, but it's still amazing to think what might have been.
Divine intervention is the only thing that will make this country great again. It was divine intervention that created it and it will take that kind of blessing to heal it. Intellectuals cannot and will not save this country from imploding. They caused the problem to begin with.
The whole point of voting for someone is based on your assessment that they will best represent your views and ideals and values in debating and developing public policy. Abortion is one of many such issues, as is the death penalty, control of our borders, centralized versus decentralized government, etc... Not suggesting that abortion and the right to life of the unborn is not a CRITICAL MORAL issue, but I am suggesting that for some Catholics it is the single most important issue, while for other Catholics it is one of several as they make their assessment. I personally won't use abortion as a single litmus test for deciding who is best fit to run our Country, but I can understand the moral stand taken by those who do. I generally vote moderate conservative and neither candidate has earned my support this election, something I find terribly sad and disturbing.
It's been a least a month since you've heard anyone actually supporting Hillary. She brings nothing substantive to the table and everyone is resigned to that. The liberal effort is now almost 100% geared to getting Trump NOT elected, the Democratic nominee is just a detail. What's really amazing to think about, if the Reps had nominated any one of around five other guys (Rubio, Carson, Kasich, Ryan for example) that guy would be ready to win by the biggest margin since Nixon over McGovern. Heck, Hillary might have conceded already. This is twice in the last three elections that the Reps blew it in the primaries. In 2008 they nominated McCain when Iraq was the main issue, and he ends up running against Obama when the economy and a looming recession is the main issue. If Romney is running against Obama with the economy as the key issue, he buries him. Now, nobody could have known what was going to happen in fall 2008 and nobody would have guessed that Hillary would implode like she has in the last 2 months, but it's still amazing to think what might have been.

I have to agree with you 100% The Republican Party is great at throwing away elections by picking
very poor candidates. I am an independant but will vote for Trump because Hillary is just terrible and her
election, in my view, will completely destroy our Nation.
It's been a least a month since you've heard anyone actually supporting Hillary. She brings nothing substantive to the table and everyone is resigned to that. The liberal effort is now almost 100% geared to getting Trump NOT elected, the Democratic nominee is just a detail. What's really amazing to think about, if the Reps had nominated any one of around five other guys (Rubio, Carson, Kasich, Ryan for example) that guy would be ready to win by the biggest margin since Nixon over McGovern. Heck, Hillary might have conceded already. This is twice in the last three elections that the Reps blew it in the primaries. In 2008 they nominated McCain when Iraq was the main issue, and he ends up running against Obama when the economy and a looming recession is the main issue. If Romney is running against Obama with the economy as the key issue, he buries him. Now, nobody could have known what was going to happen in fall 2008 and nobody would have guessed that Hillary would implode like she has in the last 2 months, but it's still amazing to think what might have been.

I don't think Carson would have beaten Clinton. I think a brighter spotlight on him would have led to a greater realization that he isn't prepared for the job.

I do agree that the majority of candidates in the Republican primary - Bush, Walker, Rubio, Kasich - would have defeated Clinton - though I'm not sure in as large a margin as you claim. A number of the states are polarized such that they're not going to flip from red to blue or blue to red.
More name-calling. Your arguments are as weak as Trump's policies.
you seem to be implying that the insurmountable corruption of the Clintons is trumped by the socialist utopia that they espouse and therefore overlooked and forgivable. Now, since you are putting words into others''s a bite for you to chew on.
I don't think Carson would have beaten Clinton. I think a brighter spotlight on him would have led to a greater realization that he isn't prepared for the job.

I do agree that the majority of candidates in the Republican primary - Bush, Walker, Rubio, Kasich - would have defeated Clinton - though I'm not sure in as large a margin as you claim. A number of the states are polarized such that they're not going to flip from red to blue or blue to red.

I really liked Carson and I think he was greatly underestimated because his personality is too laid back
and he is not flamboyant in any way. just speaking of his intellect and analytical mind as one of the country's,
and perhaps world's, top brain surgeons , I really think that he may have been The right man to analyze
our many problems , seek the proper advisors, and get the country back on track ? I certainly think that
he is a person of very high ethical and moral standards. Wow , would that really be a change !
Of course, it will never be !