The educational system is Left wing from Kindergarten up through the Universty level.
So you are correct that they are failing to educate ! however, they do a great job at Brainwashing.
I am voting for Trump because.
1. I have an advanced degree in Economics and have been a very sccessful investor for over 50 years.
I have studied Adam Smith, John Maynard Keyes , Carl Marx, Ludwich Von Mises, Fredrich Hayek,
Milton Friedman, and a number of other economists.
I have also lived in Socialist Countries and their economies have either failed or are failng because
spending other peoples money can only go so far , and deficit spending, and run away inflation
will debase the currency and destroy both inividual wealth and a Nation's economy.
I also explained how lower corporate and lower individual taxes will grow the economy in another post, so I will not do it again here.
2. Free trade is a must, but Trump is correct again, the trade deals must benefit all the countries involved.
3. Immigration: we can not have open borders. Legal immigration is certainly welcome and always was.
my ancestors had to come here legally through Ellis Island. They did not sneak in the country illegally.
Western Civilization has been at war with Islam ever since the death of Muhammud. after the death of
Muhammud, the muslems invaded Western Europe ( The Crusades did not cause the conflict , but were a
result of the Muslem invasions and aggressions ,( Obama was not correct blaming the Crusades ).
I studied Spanish history at the University of Madrid, Spain when I lived there. When the Muslems invaded Spain in 711 They pushed the Christian back into the Northern most reagons of the Pyrenees Mountains.
At that point, the Christians started the Reconquista ( reconquering ) of Spain The war lasted for almost 800
years, and finally with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabel ( The Catholic Kings ) the Christians defeated the Muslems,
drove them out of their stronghold in Granada, and then completely out of spain in 1492.
the rest of Europe also was at war and the wars continued up until modern times with relative short periods
of peace in between.
While , I have known and studied and befriended Muslems over the years, I know for a fact that the majority of Muslems are peaceful and good people, But there are also a large % of Radical Islamist who follow Sharia law and desire to destroy Western Civilization , Judism , Christianity, and the United States.
Trump is correct that they should not be admitted into the USA without being properly veted.
4. peace through strength , we must have the Worlds strongest military ,not to use it agressively, but rather
use it so that no Nation will disrespect us or attact us because they believe that we are weak.We can also not pay for the defense of nations that are as wealthy as we are. Time the contribute.
5. Rebuilding our inner cities, roads, bridgs , etc must be done.
6. As a Catholic, abortion is the murder of the Unborn. Catholic teaching tells us and my conscience tells me
that life begins at conception. Yes, women have the " right and free will to choose" but The governmemt
should not use tax payer money to support the killing of the most helpless and innocent of all human beings.
again Trump is correct ! Women , especially young girls, should be at least given other choices. Once the baby is killed there are no other alternatives.
I may have missed a few points but I am headed to bed.
One other Question : The liberals like to use the term Social Justice ? Could you please explain it to me ?
It seems to me that the Liberals feel it is just to confiscate the rewards that I worked hard for to provide for
my family, and myself, and then use those rewards to give them to whomever and whatever they want to.
some how I just can not see the justice in confiscating another persons property for my favorite Social
program ? while the end may be nobel in a liberal,s mind, " the end never justifies the mean"