BD is right whether or not his reasoning is exactly right. Non-contact ACL injuries can be prevented by having good movement patterns - and even elite athletes can have poor movement patterns. cf.
And to be fair - this basic understanding does not seem to be very prevalent in physical therapy/strength and conditioning. In other words, there is a lot of ignorance out there about these basic things.
And to be fair - this basic understanding does not seem to be very prevalent in physical therapy/strength and conditioning. In other words, there is a lot of ignorance out there about these basic things.
Football is a 'unstable' environment and if you spend all your time training in a 'stable' environment you're body is not prepared for this unstable playing conditions. Eg Bench press lying on your back is 'stable' vs standing on one leg doing a unilateral chest press on the cable crossovers is a 'unstable' environment!! Squats with equal weight on each foot is a 'stable' environment while reaching to a bench with a dumbbell on one leg is an unstable environment!! Just because someone can squat a lot of weight doesn't mean they have a stable knee joint!! Tranquil and Folston both NON contact injuires is proof of that! ACL injuries are preventable!! I'm not an 'amateur' I've trained NFL player post Rehab and I am certified with NASM PES and CES and NSCA-CSCS. You can google both certs plus a Masters degree in Exercise Phys!