LMAO.Not the same situations. MJ benefited from huge expansion 6 team in 7 years all during is championship run & that was when the NBA was 99-93% US Born players since the 10's in Lebron's run it was around 75-71% US born players.
The year aftet MJ stepped away the Bulls won over 50 games and was a bad Hue Hollins call away from ECF's & likely the Finals. When LBJ left his 1st Cavs team they went to the Lottery. LBJ's Miami "superteam" missed the playoffs. LBJ's 2nd Cavs team was back in the lottery.
Id argue Lebron's titles vs the 73 win defending champs GS, the in prime Spurs Dynasty and OKC which featured 3 in prime top 50 players are more valueable than MJ's 6 titles where the 97 Pacers were MJ's toughest opp. (MJ's words not mine)