Ladies BB wins


Posts Like A Champion
Nov 18, 2006

GT gave us all we could handle for most of the game.

Don't know if we played as bad as we looked, or if it was the physical play that the refs allowed in this game threw us way off. But glad we came out win a W.
we played some really bad defense last night but some of it was because GT is a very talented but very young team and part of it was them just not being focused enough. this time of the year teams start to get a little tired and sometimes you lose a little focus when you're playing lesser teams and I think that's what happened to our irish last night. i'm not too worried about the cardinals on Monday because there a highly ranked team so McGraw will have them more focused and ready to go
Rooting like crazy for ND girls to make the final 4 ,but this is going to be a lot harder this year than the the past 3-4 seasons .Passing not as sharp as in previous seasons .Don't see the backdoors .Also defense is not up to par .Hope the team improves ,we are in the last third of the regular season.

Other observations . Hardly any fans at Georgia Tech .Don't think their fans expected a close game .
Am I wrong ,ND relied too much on Lloyd and her 31 points .Nobody else scored double figures.
Meanwhile ,UConn was routinely routing a very poor Houston team 85 -26 . Absolutely no competition in the AAC .looks like
UConn is stuck in this conference at least for the short term .
University of South Carolina ' s girls front court is big ,but their guard play is okay ,not great.
Two things that the girls need to work on have been problems all season: 1) for some reason, they have gotten into the bad habit of "one-handed" passes---that are easily telegraphed and cannot be pulled back once motion is started---Mabrey worst offender, but even Loyd has regressed--McGraw needs to focus and fix this because they can be so much better with fewer turnovers. I am a lover of bounce passes and would like to see more of them. 2) rebounding---giving up too many offensive rebounds to opponent, giving opponent multiple chances to score. Need to tighten up their boxing out technique---Muffett, are you listening?
Almost all ND fans agree ,girls are going to have to make some big improvements to get back to final 4.This year is not a give me .
I don't think any team outside of UConn is a lock for the final four so we'll see what happens. if we can somehow boxout better and just play better in the paint in general on defense then she should get back