Kelly drew first blood, not us

or msybe discuss, the lady that said she is trying to persuade her grandmother from voting for Hillary!
She said it is doubtful she will be able to change her vote because she has been dead for 20 years!
think about it!
Actually, it was pretty accurate and clever analogy - But, I'll say this - Kelly actually showed us all his true colors in his first season in the Tulsa game when he made a Charlie Weise like in game coaching decision to throw the ball when he had a FG to win the game. And then followed up in his post game press conference w/ a Charlie Weise like Ego Induced statement - of the following - "I'd do it again - GET USED TO IT"

The First Blood reference could of been used w/ this TULSA moment.

As for the TULSA moment - I look back on it and say "Wow" - if I'm Jack S. - I say to myself - "I may of made a bad hire" - and for myself at the time - I thought this cant be happening and tried like hell to wash that TULSA moment from my mind and believe really hard that BK was the right man for ND. I gave BK a mulligan at the time.

But, as the seasons have come and gone - BK was spot on that day - he does continue to make bad in game coaching decisions - he continues to lose games to teams he is supposed to beat. And Jack S. has no clue on how average of a coach 8-4 BK really is.

BK is a little better than TW and CW and BD - but not by much. Just barely above average is perfectly acceptable now for a lot of ND fans.

It's definitely acceptable to Jack S.

This sounds a lot like the basketball program .... just good enough .... shouldn't surprise anyone