Actually, it was pretty accurate and clever analogy - But, I'll say this - Kelly actually showed us all his true colors in his first season in the Tulsa game when he made a Charlie Weise like in game coaching decision to throw the ball when he had a FG to win the game. And then followed up in his post game press conference w/ a Charlie Weise like Ego Induced statement - of the following - "I'd do it again - GET USED TO IT"
The First Blood reference could of been used w/ this TULSA moment.
As for the TULSA moment - I look back on it and say "Wow" - if I'm Jack S. - I say to myself - "I may of made a bad hire" - and for myself at the time - I thought this cant be happening and tried like hell to wash that TULSA moment from my mind and believe really hard that BK was the right man for ND. I gave BK a mulligan at the time.
But, as the seasons have come and gone - BK was spot on that day - he does continue to make bad in game coaching decisions - he continues to lose games to teams he is supposed to beat. And Jack S. has no clue on how average of a coach 8-4 BK really is.
BK is a little better than TW and CW and BD - but not by much. Just barely above average is perfectly acceptable now for a lot of ND fans.
It's definitely acceptable to Jack S.