I agree about college football becoming “semi-Pro”, but that wasn’t the context in which you made your comment.
I didn’t bring up the the subject of being “tough”, you did !
I never mentioned anything about being tough until you did.
I merely reacted and responded to your criticism.
Surviving cancer, not once, but twice, is just one of over a dozen medical threats that I’ve managed to survive, including five heart procedures, Sepsis and some other very serious medical issues. I survived a cancer that kills 95 % of the patients in five years. Unfortunately, the radiation that I took to combat that cancer gave me another form of cancer years later and on June 1st I just finished my last chemo/immunotherapy treatment.
But none of those medical issues were difficult fights for me to fight.
The most difficult and gut wrenching fight was managing the care for my spectacular wife who was in her 50’s when she was diagnosed with an incurable High Grade Glioma, the ugliest and cruelest form of brain cancer. The unbeatable foe !
For 22 months I filled bathtubs full of tears as i wept for her.
I watched her hallucinate and become terrorized, I watched her become paralyzed on her entire left side, I watched her lose her ability to speak and I watched her lose her ability to just squeeze my hand as her last method of communicating with me. This was during Covid and the facilities, hospitals and hospice tried to prevent anyone, including me from visiting her.
But. I prevailed against everyone and was with her every day until she died in my arms. So, if you want to bring up being “tough” ? Have at it !