It's nice to see Zaire calling out kelly for his "chicken crap" decision.


I've posted how many times?
Jun 25, 2010
#NotreDame QB Malik Zaire on Brian Kelly's decision: "My whole goal is to turn chicken crap into chicken salad. We gotta make him right."

Zaire is right ... too bad you can't be right and say so publicly without being looked upon unfavorably

well, regardless, good to know everyone is on the same page!

QB controveries are never good for a team. Sooner or later it divides the team.

The only QB duo I recall as successful is in the way back machine: King Hill/Frank Ryan
I think it's a one game decision. Both Kizer and Zaire are better game players then practice players. There is enough time to develop a game plan for one game and two qbs. Can Kizer improve his redzone play and can Zaire push the ball downfield without Fuller. These questions need to be answered. I also think it needs to be noted that Zaire is a particular matchup nightmare for Texas.
If this lingers past a game it can become a problem, but the one thing I have total faith in is Kelly's judgement with QBs inside his offense.

well, regardless, good to know everyone is on the same page!

QB controveries are never good for a team. Sooner or later it divides the team.

The only QB duo I recall as successful is in the way back machine: King Hill/Frank Ryan

Tebow/chris leak were pretty good, can always hope Zaire and Kiser can replicate the same success. Zaire is a way way better passer then tebow, though he would be the option read qb for the irish.
^ I had considered that but Leak was an upper classman who was the incombant and TT was a newbie, just learning. TT's role was limited and specific.

What we do know is duel QB 'starters' are rare decisions; and as successes even more rare.

well, regardless, good to know everyone is on the same page!

QB controveries are never good for a team. Sooner or later it divides the team.

The only QB duo I recall as successful is in the way back machine: King Hill/Frank Ryan
Don't forget Joe Germaine and Stanley Jackson in the mid 90s OSU.
Fat boy crapped the bed again. Oh Boy. I guess with a loss to Texas while he decides how many fig newtons he can scarf down his throat, the QB situation will work itself out,
I don't see what the big deal is in playing both in game one if it helps the coaches decide who will win the job. I don't think you know how hard Kelly's job is in picking one over the other cgvr as he said in his presser that both have had 250 plus reps and have only had two interceptions combimed between the two of them and he also said that has been with recievers running wrong routes and everything else
I don't see what the big deal is in playing both in game one if it helps the coaches decide who will win the job. I don't think you know how hard Kelly's job is in picking one over the other cgvr as he said in his presser that both have had 250 plus reps and have only had two interceptions combimed between the two of them and he also said that has been with recievers running wrong routes and everything else
Maybe step up and make a decision?
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I don't acre which QB he selects, just a make a decision build a game plan around that Qb and unite the team. Kelly is crapping the bed on this one and it is going to haunt him and the faithful if we lose to Texas.
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I would like to see you try and make a decision balonyholster when you've got two all- American cadidates at qb that have only had two turnovers between the two of then after 250 plus reps. Kelly also said that they both are two of his top 5 playmakers on the team
#NotreDame QB Malik Zaire on Brian Kelly's decision: "My whole goal is to turn chicken crap into chicken salad. We gotta make him right."

Who's "him"? I don't quite follow.

It reminds me of Ohio State's situation last year. Both QBs capable of starting and winning. Meyer went with Jones first, then later switched to Barrett, who played better. So it's never an easy decision.
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Who's "him"? I don't quite follow.

It reminds me of Ohio State's situation last year. Both QBs capable of starting and winning. Meyer went with Jones first, then later switched to Barrett, who played better. So it's never an easy decision.

^ in the end it just became a confused situation and then both QB's pretty much stunk it up!
About a month ago I posted that both quarterbacks should play so I support Kelly's decision. Zaire because of his running game and aggressiveness could easily be injured again. I think it's important to keep Wimbush on deck as well just in case. Its a long season and a very difficult schedule throwing in the 2 playoff games. I think as the season evolves it will be Kizer that ultimately leads us to the national championship.
If Kelly is using this game as a measuring stick to see who should start the rest of the season, I still dont like that. It's hard enough to start a season opener at Texas in the sweltering heat and play a team that badly wants to beat you on account of last year's embarrassment. This adds more pressure for Kizer and Zaire to perform well, which is not what they need.
If Kelly is using this game as a measuring stick to see who should start the rest of the season, I still dont like that. It's hard enough to start a season opener at Texas in the sweltering heat and play a team that badly wants to beat you on account of last year's embarrassment. This adds more pressure for Kizer and Zaire to perform well, which is not what they need.

Maybe that is why he is going with two in the sweltering heat. To keep both QB's fresh. Genius.
Kelly didn't say how he was going to use the 2 QBs. He also didn't say who was going to start. There's no guarantee this will be an equal timeshare for both QBs. For all we know one QB might get 80% of the offensive plays and the other 20%. One thing we do know for sure is Kelly said his vague "both QBs will play" decision only applies to Texas. The coaches will then reevaluate before Nevada. Right now I don't think Kelly provided enough info for any of us to draw grand conclusions. If we're still not settled on a QB after Nevada or if the Texas game is a disaster then this decision might warrant severe criticism, but right now there's so much Kelly didn't say that it's really tough to know what to expect. Let's see how this all plays out.
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Kelly didn't say how he was going to use the 2 QBs. He also didn't say who was going to start. There's no guarantee this will be an equal timeshare for both QBs. For all we know one QB might get 80% of the offensive plays and the other 20%. One thing we do know for sure is Kelly said his vague "both QBs will play" decision only applies to Texas. The coaches will then reevaluate before Nevada. Right now I don't think Kelly provided enough info for any of us to draw grand conclusions. If we're still not settled on a QB after Nevada or if the Texas game is a disaster then this decision might warrant severe criticism, but right now there's so much Kelly didn't say that it's really tough to know what to expect. Let's see how this all plays out.

It's quite obvious that Zaire believes he won the starting job. This isn't the first time he got in porky's face....

“When I walk on the field, I honestly believe I’m the best guy out there,” Zaire says flatly. “There is no better player than me on the field. I know I can get it done. That’s what keeps me focused, knowing that these guys are looking at me to run the show. You have to perform when you’re asked to perform, and that comes down to confidence. If you’re not confident, why are you out there?”

“I thought I would have a chance to start, and it wasn’t like that at all,” Zaire says. “It was like an unwritten thing, ‘He’s going to be the guy.’ You can’t say there’s going to be a quarterback competition and then decide three days into camp that he (Golson) won the position.

“I didn’t have an opportunity then, because I didn’t even run first-team reps. He was running everything with the first team, and then coach Kelly said, ‘All right, he won the starting job.’ That isn’t a competition. He was meant to win from the beginning.”
It's quite obvious that Zaire believes he won the starting job. This isn't the first time he got in porky's face....

“When I walk on the field, I honestly believe I’m the best guy out there,” Zaire says flatly. “There is no better player than me on the field. I know I can get it done. That’s what keeps me focused, knowing that these guys are looking at me to run the show. You have to perform when you’re asked to perform, and that comes down to confidence. If you’re not confident, why are you out there?”

“I thought I would have a chance to start, and it wasn’t like that at all,” Zaire says. “It was like an unwritten thing, ‘He’s going to be the guy.’ You can’t say there’s going to be a quarterback competition and then decide three days into camp that he (Golson) won the position.

“I didn’t have an opportunity then, because I didn’t even run first-team reps. He was running everything with the first team, and then coach Kelly said, ‘All right, he won the starting job.’ That isn’t a competition. He was meant to win from the beginning.”

You're getting Pers-esque, posting the same drivel for 3 years running.
well, try getting point. stupid is no way to go through life! try learning something...after the 1st point!
I don't see what the big deal is in playing both in game one if it helps the coaches decide who will win the job. I don't think you know how hard Kelly's job is in picking one over the other cgvr as he said in his presser that both have had 250 plus reps and have only had two interceptions combimed between the two of them and he also said that has been with recievers running wrong routes and everything else

well, if ND wins big (as it should) then 'happy happy' will be the mood, but....

old biz philosophy: 'it ain't as important to do a great job as it is to have your client think you are doing a great job' and for the most part, seems to be working at ND.

I see the 'clan' of posters have returned; and I suspect a 'continuous' slew of newly created ID's to 'control' the board.
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If Kelly is using this game as a measuring stick to see who should start the rest of the season, I still dont like that. It's hard enough to start a season opener at Texas in the sweltering heat and play a team that badly wants to beat you on account of last year's embarrassment. This adds more pressure for Kizer and Zaire to perform well, which is not what they need.
nothing wrong with pressure.
It's quite obvious that Zaire believes he won the starting job. This isn't the first time he got in porky's face....

“When I walk on the field, I honestly believe I’m the best guy out there,” Zaire says flatly. “There is no better player than me on the field. I know I can get it done. That’s what keeps me focused, knowing that these guys are looking at me to run the show. You have to perform when you’re asked to perform, and that comes down to confidence. If you’re not confident, why are you out there?”

“I thought I would have a chance to start, and it wasn’t like that at all,” Zaire says. “It was like an unwritten thing, ‘He’s going to be the guy.’ You can’t say there’s going to be a quarterback competition and then decide three days into camp that he (Golson) won the position.

“I didn’t have an opportunity then, because I didn’t even run first-team reps. He was running everything with the first team, and then coach Kelly said, ‘All right, he won the starting job.’ That isn’t a competition. He was meant to win from the beginning.”
maybe if he would have worked harder earlier in his career the situation may be different. maybe zaire should shut the hell up and be a positive example to his teammates. players know whether or not this decision is the proper one. i'm behind kelly 100% on this.
It is good Malik has a lot of confidence. He just might lead this team to a National title. Same thing could be said about Kizer. This is going to be another great year !!
if he truly wants to lead he'll shut up and perform when given the opportunity. play well enough to force them to keep him on the field.
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Not that it matters but I fully expect Zaire to trot out with the offense on the first series and establish the tone. Kizer will come in on subsequent series.
Not that it matters but I fully expect Zaire to trot out with the offense on the first series and establish the tone. Kizer will come in on subsequent series.
i personally don't care who plays or how much. nd can win 3-2 and i'll be satisfied. w's are the only thing that matters to me.