Is "Traveler" named after Robert E. Lee's horse?


Other than the present politically-charged atmosphere against it, that's kind of a cool name for a horse.

Mark this down as one of the few times I will ever defend anything involving the Trojans, but people should leave the horse
alone and work on the more serious issues in the proper venue. We're over 150 years past the end of that conflict, and this
effort is just revisionist history with extra nasty baggage thrown in to make it sound worse.

I also think SC's kicker got a bad deal in the proceedings against him from what has been reported. More wrong-headed political
B.S. run amok.

There. Having defended the Men of Troy twice, I should be good for the rest of my lifetime... :)

Now it's time on Saturday night for the lads in the gold helmets to clobber them d#mn Trojans !

Go Irish !
People these days go out of their way - YES, GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to be offended. What's next on their agenda? I drive a white car - will that offend someone and I am now somehow a racist? At some point people have to take a stand and bitch slap that person who figured out a unique way to be offended.