If you want to.......................


Shakes Down The Thunder
Sep 5, 2004
If you want to rant and rave about politics then go to a political board otherwise SHUT THE HELL UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a Notre Dame football board not Fox news.
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If you want to rant and rave about politics then go to a political board otherwise SHUT THE HELL UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a Notre Dame football board not Fox news.

don't read it; your not the boss of us! what's the matter with you? are you such a wimp you cannot control yourself enough to resist the 'opening' of a thread? OR, is it more you do not like the 'opinions' expressed and want to censure them?

The is the intolerant insisting on tolerance.
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While stu was guilty of this latest one, it has mostly been the tea party/Trump fans still beating there chest and peeing all over stuff.
If you want to rant and rave about politics then go to a political board otherwise SHUT THE HELL UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a Notre Dame football board not Fox news.
If you look at the Forum List, there is only one board listed as a football board and it;s not this one.
If you want to rant and rave about politics then go to a political board otherwise SHUT THE HELL UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a Notre Dame football board not Fox news.

This is the Under The Dome board. No where does it say football. So I assume its a board to discuss everything about ND sports.

If politics and other things show up here from time to time, fine. If you don't like it, simply don't click on those threads.

Agreed, most of the discussions on this board are on ND football ... the games, players, coaches, recruiting, etc ... and a bit on both men's and women's basketball. I just wish there were occasional threads on other ND sports, like soccer, lacrosse, baseball, etc too.
Go ahead and discuss politics on this board. Hell, discuss needlepoint or rock collecting if you feel the need.

If the thread doesn't interest me........I DON'T HAVE TO READ IT!!!

Good Lord people, chill out. Read it or don't read it, but for shit's sake, don't attempt to tell people what they can and can't post on this board.
don't read it; your not the boss of us! what's the matter with you? are you such a wimp you cannot control yourself enough to resist the 'opening' of a thread? OR, is it more you do not like the 'opinions' expressed and want to censure them?

The is the intolerant insisting on tolerance.
Shut the **** up and talk Notre Dame football and save the political BS for Fox news.
don't read it; your not the boss of us! what's the matter with you? are you such a wimp you cannot control yourself enough to resist the 'opening' of a thread? OR, is it more you do not like the 'opinions' expressed and want to censure them?

The is the intolerant insisting on tolerance.
By the way I AM THE BOSS !!!!!
I agree because, as we all know, all Liberals are exactly alike and always agree on everything...just like all Conservatives.
Of course you are right. Pissing and moaning is the main activity of politics in the US. At the moment I am referring to the secular progressive crybabies that can't come to grips with the fact that they lost the election. Instead we have to hear and see protests and vile commentaries everywhere, primarily on any awards show that gives the Hollywood elite a platform. Just shut up and deal with the next 4-8 years like I dealt with the last 8 years.
Of course you are right. Pissing and moaning is the main activity of politics in the US. At the moment I am referring to the secular progressive crybabies that can't come to grips with the fact that they lost the election. Instead we have to hear and see protests and vile commentaries everywhere, primarily on any awards show that gives the Hollywood elite a platform. Just shut up and deal with the next 4-8 years like I dealt with the last 8 years.

Don't watch it if you don't like it, crybaby.
Don't watch it if you don't like it, crybaby.
Hard not to watch since the media only covers this crap 24-7. Notice how much coverage they gave to the Pro-Life march. Who does most of the property damage during protests and riots? Most either the far left or those paid by the far left. I haven't seen too many conservatives smashing bank windows with baseball bats.

Fascism thy name is secular-progressive.
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Hard not to watch since the media only covers this crap 24-7. Notice how much coverage they gave to the Pro-Life march. Who does most of the property damage during protests and riots? Most either the far left or those paid by the far left. I haven't seen too many conservatives smashing bank windows with baseball bats.

Fascism thy name is secular-progressive.

You're doing a lot of lumping in. There were a handful of idiots causing damage after Trump's inauguration. It's ridiculous to attribute those few morons to a larger group of people.

I seem to recall a lot of protests and rallies against Obama's policies. I never told those people to "shut up" and "deal" with the next 4-8 years.
This is the Under The Dome board. No where does it say football. So I assume its a board to discuss everything about ND sports.
Actually it does say "for all your Notre Dame needs," which would/should lean you to believe it's a football/basketball board and not a political board. It is in the family of Rivals, which also is not a political board either. I for one get enough of the political crap from the news that I don't really need to see, but then to come here and have the same BS regurgitated to me is enough to drive me insane. But hey if it helps you sleep at night that you have to come here and vomit all over yourself, go for it.
Actually it does say "for all your Notre Dame needs," which would/should lean you to believe it's a football/basketball board and not a political board. It is in the family of Rivals, which also is not a political board either. I for one get enough of the political crap from the news that I don't really need to see, but then to come here and have the same BS regurgitated to me is enough to drive me insane. But hey if it helps you sleep at night that you have to come here and vomit all over yourself, go for it.

but you still feel compelled to comment? does it bother you that others feel they would like a dialog on a subject with others who likewise feel ok with the discussion?

No one forces your participation, so why complain?
but you still feel compelled to comment? does it bother you that others feel they would like a dialog on a subject with others who likewise feel ok with the discussion?

No one forces your participation, so why complain?

I was just pointing out that nowhere on this board does it say that it's a political message board, but rather Notre Dame board. Sorry that you are too dumb to understand that. Does it bother me, not in the least. What bothers me is dumbass like yourself.
Of course you are right. Pissing and moaning is the main activity of politics in the US. At the moment I am referring to the secular progressive crybabies that can't come to grips with the fact that they lost the election. Instead we have to hear and see protests and vile commentaries everywhere, primarily on any awards show that gives the Hollywood elite a platform. Just shut up and deal with the next 4-8 years like I dealt with the last 8 years.

If you didn't whine over the past 8 years, you are in the minority of Conservatives. All you need to do was look at Fox, Breitbart,, and any of their related message boards to here a cacophony of whining. If that isn't enough, you could have listed to Rush, Sean Hannity, and their ilk.

I actually support the protesters. The only way to get away from campaigns being controlled by the ultra-rich (Koch Brothers, Soros, etc.) is for people to get involved. Trump's campaign sparked a groundswell of disaffected, mostly white, voters. Trump's presidency is sparking a groundswell of frustrated and/or outraged voters of all races and ages, as well as previous non-voters. The true victim of this will be the hope that there will ever be a viable third party candidate - no voter will ever dare to make a protest vote again. The mid-terms will be very interesting, as will the next presidential election. For now, however, let's get back to ND Football.
If you didn't whine over the past 8 years, you are in the minority of Conservatives. All you need to do was look at Fox, Breitbart,, and any of their related message boards to here a cacophony of whining. If that isn't enough, you could have listed to Rush, Sean Hannity, and their ilk.

I actually support the protesters. The only way to get away from campaigns being controlled by the ultra-rich (Koch Brothers, Soros, etc.) is for people to get involved. Trump's campaign sparked a groundswell of disaffected, mostly white, voters. Trump's presidency is sparking a groundswell of frustrated and/or outraged voters of all races and ages, as well as previous non-voters. The true victim of this will be the hope that there will ever be a viable third party candidate - no voter will ever dare to make a protest vote again. The mid-terms will be very interesting, as will the next presidential election. For now, however, let's get back to ND Football.
these protesters are being paid in large numbers by George Soros. It's not so much of the people but of billionaire globalist liberals who want to destroy American sovereignty. It's the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook that George Soros and Obama are disciples of. There's very little positive about these protests and protests . It's actually appalling. The man's been in office 11 days. We on the other side endured 8 yrs of the community organizer in chief in the White House without trying to burn the country down and tear it apart. We opposed Obama's policies but didn't RESIST his presidency. There's a freakin difference! We have seen this movie before. Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Media Matters, the " War on Women " . These miscreant professional protesters feigning outrage were in large part the same cast of characters who took to the streets for Occupy Wall Street etc etc.... . Funded and paid to make noise and gain media attention by the very same liberal 1 % ( percenters) in all cases. It's a reincarnation of the same tired crap . To attach some noble idealism to these protests is naive in the extreme or completely intellectually dishonest. There is no legit Grievance or Aggrieved group here . Not yet anyway. 11 days in office. Its contrived grievances and outrage to undermine a duly elected President and the popular will of the American people. It's an organized and financed effort to undermine a political outcome that the left doesn't agree with. We're being subjected to a large scale propoganda war .
mccarthy would have a field day if he were around today! unAmerican activities are falsely disguised as ' 'liberty'; by persons not even legal or citizens! I wonder if they voted or demonstrated in their countries of origin?
mccarthy would have a field day if he were around today! unAmerican activities are falsely disguised as ' 'liberty'; by persons not even legal or citizens! I wonder if they voted or demonstrated in their countries of origin?
Hard to do that in Saudi Arabia.
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Hard to do that in Saudi Arabia.
We should be ashamed of ourselves for protecting ourselves . It's a " Muslim Ban" when 87% of the Muslims in the world are totally unaffected by it. How in hell is that a ban!! The media and left are butchering the English language and the truth. Sen Schumer said a few yrs ago following the terrorist attacks in Paris that the US may need to consider a " PAUSE" in immigration under the Syrian Refugee program. That's on the record . In other words " Fact""! You can't make the hypocrisy of these people up.
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mccarthy would have a field day if he were around today! unAmerican activities are falsely disguised as ' 'liberty'; by persons not even legal or citizens! I wonder if they voted or demonstrated in their countries of origin?


The answer is yes, and then they came here to vote for Hil ! Fortunately, they all voted in Cal and NY !
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Gov Christie reminded of a story about Former Gov Byrne in Jersey.
Gov. Byrne said when he died he wanted to be buried in Hudson County (Jersey City?) so he could keep on to voting!

did you look over BO's pardon list? he made it asier to buy drugs and spy on the USA!
