How often

I’m tired of tryin to explain something so simple to a stupid person. Why is it everyone else understand it yet you don’t? You clam to be the smartest poster here, why don’t you just figure it out?!?!

You are right about one thing, if you can’t backup your clams it ain’t bragging. Its called lying.
I backed up every claim I ever made.
Name one that I didn’t back up

You didn’t answer my question
You deliberately avoided it because the answer contradicts your position
You said that “everyone else” understood, but no one came forward and offered a cogent explanation, and especially not you who doesn’t understand the underlying concept

I did figure it out
Good attorneys tend to know the answer to the questions before they ask them
I backed up every claim I ever made.
Name one that I didn’t back up

You didn’t answer my question
You deliberately avoided it because the answer contradicts your position
You said that “everyone else” understood, but no one came forward and offered a cogent explanation, and especially not you who doesn’t understand the underlying concept

I did figure it out
Good attorneys tend to know the answer to the questions before they ask them
Now you are an attorney? Does your lying ever stop?
In terms of quality and substance, 4-4-3’s posts are amongst the best

I've no idea what your reply was in reference to -- NOR DO I WISH TO KNOW -- as I've BLOCKED that poster for PERPETUALLY YAWNING at my posts, a response I found DISINGENUOUS given the amount of FLAME-THROWING I was then engaged in.

These days, I try STICKING STRICTLY TO THE FACTS. Causes far fewer HEADACHES.

Meanwhile, said poster should by now be dropping INSTANTLY TO SLEEP as soon as his eyes make contact with anything appearing under my monniker. But then, apparently that's not happening if he's commenting on me. But then, I never believed he was that WORLD WEARY in the first place.

Enough said.

CJ Carr played against below averagel and unathletic competition in HS.

Who you play against does not matter.
He played in the same division as Bryce Underwood. Division 1 Michigan ball may not be elite Texas competition but it’s light years above a low level San Diego school.

CJ Carr also performed well at the Elite 11 surrounded by top level talent, and Buchner did not.

Im not saying any player from a lower level HS football program can not succeed in college, but Buchner in particular had an elite highlight tape that propelled his scholarship offers, sadly he was quite overmatched at the Power 4 level.
Now you are an attorney? Does your lying ever stop?
I NEVER said that I was an attorney you moron
Have somebody who knows how to read explain posts to you

You’re beyond dumb

So I’ll ask you again, name, one claim that I’ve made that I didn’t substantiate

I NEVER said that I was an attorney you moron
Have somebody who knows how to read explain posts to you

You’re beyond dumb

So I’ll ask you again, name, one claim that I’ve made that I didn’t substantiate
Here's one. Your girlfriend, "who used to be a NY Jet cheerleader."
Here's one. Your girlfriend, "who used to be a NY Jet cheerleader."
She wasn’t a cheerleader for the Jets, she was a cheerleader for the Chargers and she’s no longer my girlfriend. Who I’m currently seeing is even better !

And, I provided proof of both to NDinNJ

So feel free to eat your heart out and wipe the egg off your face
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She wasn’t a cheerleader for the Jets, she was a cheerleader for the Chargers and she’s no longer my girlfriend. Who I’m currently seeing is even better !

And, I provided proof of both to NDinNJ

So feel free to eat your heart out and wipe the egg off your face
Providing proof to NDinNJ doesn't substantiate anything you claim, since you 2 are the same person.
No matter how many times you post with either account claiming otherwise, you're going to need to do more to prove your stories.
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Providing proof to NDinNJ doesn't substantiate anything you claim, since you 2 are the same person.
No matter how many times you post with either account claiming otherwise, you're going to need to do more to prove your stories.
How much money will your big mouth put behind that bet?

NDinNJ lives in South Jersey and I live in North Jersey

Whatever you want to bet, I’ll cover

When we meet at the sports bar in Morristown for the Stanford game bring all the cash that you can afford with you. Let me know how much you want to bet, understanding that there is no limit

Just leave enough for yourself for the cab ride home.
How much money will your big mouth put behind that bet?

NDinNJ lives in South Jersey and I live in North Jersey

Whatever you want to bet, I’ll cover

When we meet at the sports bar in Morristown for the Stanford game bring all the cash that you can afford with you. Let me know how much you want to bet, understanding that there is no limit

Just leave enough for yourself for the cab ride home.
I'm not playing this charade with you.
I would just recommend for you to simply post a picture of some kind to back up any of your claims.
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Providing proof to NDinNJ doesn't substantiate anything you claim, since you 2 are the same person.
No matter how many times you post with either account claiming otherwise, you're going to need to do more to prove your stories.
I have never heard this before, Pat and NDinNJ the same poster.
I'm not playing this charade with you.
I would just recommend for you to simply post a picture of some kind to back up any of your claims.
I’m not putting her photo on the Internet for a variety of reasons, the least of which is to satisfy you.

NDinNJ has seen photos of her and me along with a photo of my current acquaintance and myself having dinner and playing golf.
I have never heard this before, Pat and NDinNJ the same poster.
Morons tend to have conspiracy theories, what can I tell you.
NDinNJ is currently in California, returning on Monday and I just boarded a flight for California returning on Thursday.

You’re certainly welcome to meet both of us at a sports bar in Morristown, New Jersey for the Stanford game.

But, NIN Irish will probably be asking you for a loan at the end of the night !
I’m not putting her photo on the Internet for a variety of reasons, the least of which is to satisfy you.

NDinNJ has seen photos of her and me along with a photo of my current acquaintance and myself having dinner and playing golf.
How about a photo backing up any of your other claims? You have so many, surely you can find one indiscrete photo to back up any one of your claims.
I'm not asking for a picture of your imaginary girlfriend dummy.
How about a photo backing up any of your other claims? You have so many, surely you can find one indiscrete photo to back up any one of your claims.
I'm not asking for a picture of your imaginary girlfriend dummy.
Which claim ?
I NEVER said that I was an attorney you moron
Have somebody who knows how to read explain posts to you

You’re beyond dumb

So I’ll ask you again, name, one claim that I’ve made that I didn’t substantiate
This is what you stated: “Good attorneys tend to know the answer to the questions before they ask them”

You are so messed up you have no idea what lie you are are telling us next.
So I’ll ask you again, name, one claim that I’ve made that I didn’t substantiate
We are still waiting on the first one. You have proved nothing so far other then you knowing how to lie, renege on bets, belittle just about every poster on this message board all the while proving nothing.
I’m not putting her photo on the Internet for a variety of reasons, the least of which is to satisfy you.

NDinNJ has seen photos of her and me along with a photo of my current acquaintance and myself having dinner and playing golf.
Question can other people see her or is she like invisible? Did you and Teo double date ever?
She wasn’t a cheerleader for the Jets, she was a cheerleader for the Chargers and she’s no longer my girlfriend. Who I’m currently seeing is even better !

And, I provided proof of both to NDinNJ

So feel free to eat your heart out and wipe the egg off your face
No you definitely said she was a cheerleader for the New York Jets. Your mind is so twisted you can’t even get the damn team straight..
No you definitely said she was a cheerleader for the New York Jets. Your mind is so twisted you can’t even get the damn team straight..
No, I didn’t you moron, go back and look at the text

I think you’re confusing me having dinner with the President of the Jets with dating the Chargers cheerleader.

You really shouldn’t post after drinking
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This is what you stated: “Good attorneys tend to know the answer to the questions before they ask them”

You are so messed up you have no idea what lie you are are telling us next.
I’m not lying, you’re just too stupid to understand that when attorneys ask questions, they frequently know the answers before they ask the question. It’s a common tactic, one I use when responding to morons like yourself
Oh I remember that juicy lie🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
First, I never said she was my girlfriend, I said we were dating
Second, she wasn’t a cheerleader for the Jets you moron, she was a cheerleader for the Chargers.
We are still waiting on the first one. You have proved nothing so far other then you knowing how to lie, renege on bets, belittle just about every poster on this message board all the while proving nothing.
In addition to not being able to think, your memory has failed you.

I proved everything and another poster confirmed it

You’re just too stupid to remember
How about a photo backing up any of your other claims? You have so many, surely you can find one indiscrete photo to back up any one of your claims.
I'm not asking for a picture of your imaginary girlfriend dummy.
Why haven’t you responded ?

What claim ?
No, I didn’t you moron, go back and look at the text

I think you’re confusing me having dinner with the President of the Jets with dating the Chargers cheerleader.

You really shouldn’t post after drinking
Can’t keep your lies straight!
Anything with Maury Povich Connie Chung😂
Tom Brady Jr or Sr, any of the NFL owners or any of the professional referees you hang out with. There must be one you can provide, you choose.
That’s not going to happen. Funny how a person who lies as much as he does insists on doubling down.
In addition to not being able to think, your memory has failed you.

I proved everything and another poster confirmed it

You’re just too stupid to remember
No I remember all the lies you claim. Please show us proof on one claim to everyone or just leave the board.
Anything with Maury Povich Connie Chung😂
Tom Brady Jr or Sr, any of the NFL owners or any of the professional referees you hang out with. There must be one you can provide, you choose.
I can prove everyone and I already have.

But to correct you,, I never claimed to be friendly with Tom Brady Jr, only his dad, a terrific guy !
In fact, as I type this, I’m staying and playing golf his dad‘s club in San Francisco.

How about you write out a cashiers check for cash for $10,000 and give it to a trusted third-party to hold.

And if I prove you’re above suggestions, I get to keep the $10,000

So are you ready to put your money or your big mouth?
That’s not going to happen. Funny how a person who lies as much as he does insists on doubling down.
Well, why don’t you cut a cashiers check to cash for $10,000 and give it to an independent third-party to hold, and if I prove what I stated, I get to keep it

That’s a reasonable offer, one that only a coward would turn down don’t you agree?
No I remember all the lies you claim. Please show us proof on one claim to everyone or just leave the board.
You’re really are a moron

I already did that, I proved every statement that I made to another poster when I met him for lunch

He confirmed that I proved every statement that I made

You’re just too stupid to remember that