game thread

His #2 left in the dead of the night after taking away snaps all spring. Hope Kizer is ready because we need him to win THIS game.

Golson was everyone's golden boy, but he just a prima donna quitter.
Kelly!!!!! Quit running the same damn play on 3 or 4 down! Are you kidding me?!!!!! God he's freaking awful! Quit running those out of the pistol when it doesn't work!!!!
I wouldn't be opposed to begin searching for replacements for van gorder now either. If we can't stop Virginia with a once in a generation talent at lb and several other draft picks, it's time to find a better coordinator
1 and 10...pass with a rb over 150 yards? Kelly what are you thinking? Dude cmon.
Ridiculous play calling right now.
Denard Robinson arm punts all over again. smh. You can't defend under thrown balls.
I cannot believe how bad our defense has played. Literally clueless. Tx. really must be bad because ND sure fooled me. Totally unprepared for UV.
Notre Dame is completely jinxed. Ever since they signed the NBC contract, they have sucked. Any time there is hope, you get stuff like this season's injuries.