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Posts Like A Champion
Nov 18, 2006

"Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly expects to see big improvements from Week 1 to Week 2. The Irish, however, don’t do much live tackling throughout the preseason practice, Kelly said.

“You're trying to tackle as much as you can on objects that are not 250 pounds running at you,” Kelly said. “So we'll spend more time on tackling, but we expect that the tackling will get better and better as our guys settle into it defensively.”

WTF? Preseason practice is the time to make sure everything is working ... blocking, tackling, etc. Get the fundamentals down pat before the season starts.

What in hell is Kelly doing in the preseason? Sheesh.

"Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly expects to see big improvements from Week 1 to Week 2. The Irish, however, don’t do much live tackling throughout the preseason practice, Kelly said.

“You're trying to tackle as much as you can on objects that are not 250 pounds running at you,” Kelly said. “So we'll spend more time on tackling, but we expect that the tackling will get better and better as our guys settle into it defensively.”

WTF? Preseason practice is the time to make sure everything is working ... blocking, tackling, etc. Get the fundamentals down pat before the season starts.

What in hell is Kelly doing in the preseason? Sheesh.
First off, kelly has lunch lady arms and is built like a weeble. Look how he went after Grimes...."grab, grab, grab....." if you look at an old pic of him in a fb uniform be looks like Ralphie's brother in the snow suit. The only things he's capable of teaching players is how to ineffectively and vulgarly blow one's stack....
It could be that was a strategy to prevent injuries during the preseason, like we've had quite a few of in recent years.

Not saying I agree with that strategy necessarily, just that that could be the reason.