Does anybody really believe OSU will not be undefeated???


ND Expert
Jul 23, 2006
OK, then just who is going to beat them? And while you're at it kindly explain how that will happen.
The Big 10 is such a joke. Better hope for MSU to best them or the west division champ gets lucky.
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Who knows but strange things happen in CF. We'll have a couple of nail biters/close games this year - bet on it. At the beginning of the year I had PSU as a tough game but not so sure about that now. Minny (lost only 17-13 to TCU) and Michigan State should be very competitive games and don't fall asleep on Michigan. I look for them to get better as the year goes along. And then there's the BIG CG if we make it that far. The one factor that should not be forgotten with this Buckeye team is turnovers. They (again) factored into VT's 1st half points last night (4 in the NCG against Oregon). But if we can start cutting down on the TOs, well to put it mildly, this team is flat out SCARY. This is by far, by far the fastest OSU team in history and if you watched the VT game last night you saw it.

But it's very hard to go undefeated anymore in CF. Turnovers and bad breaks happen as the year goes along. To say a team is unbeatable is crazy talk.
"The Big 10 is such a joke. Better hope for MSU to best them or the west division champ gets lucky."

Your opinion. I'll bet the coaches at Oregon (PAC 12 champ), Big Bad Bama (SEC champ), Baylor (BIG 12 co-champ) and Auburn would all disagree with you - all were favorites and lost to BIG teams in last year's bowl matchups. Notice how I include ON-FIELD results instead of a biased opinion ? In fact, every BIG team was an underdog in their bowl games - there's that "BIG sucks perception" again till they have to prove it on the field. Hell, scumbag Briles is still complaining about Baylor being left out of last year's playoffs and couldn't even make it past MSU in their bowl game.
"The Big 10 is such a joke. Better hope for MSU to best them or the west division champ gets lucky."

Your opinion. I'll bet the coaches at Oregon (PAC 12 champ), Big Bad Bama (SEC champ), Baylor (BIG 12 co-champ) and Auburn would all disagree with you - all were favorites and lost to BIG teams in last year's bowl matchups. Notice how I include ON-FIELD results instead of a biased opinion ? In fact, every BIG team was an underdog in their bowl games - there's that "BIG sucks perception" again till they have to prove it on the field. Hell, scumbag Briles is still complaining about Baylor being left out of last year's playoffs and couldn't even make it past MSU in their bowl game.

I bet Oregon, Alabama and Auburn would all happily trade their conference schedules for Ohio State's conference schedule.
They sure looked explosive last night, but not as dominant on defense as I expected. Hard to see them losing a game on their schedule, but looking forward to the Oregon Michigan St game to get a feel for Mich St., which on paper is their toughest game this year.
"The Big 10 is such a joke. Better hope for MSU to best them or the west division champ gets lucky."

Your opinion. I'll bet the coaches at Oregon (PAC 12 champ), Big Bad Bama (SEC champ), Baylor (BIG 12 co-champ) and Auburn would all disagree with you - all were favorites and lost to BIG teams in last year's bowl matchups. Notice how I include ON-FIELD results instead of a biased opinion ? In fact, every BIG team was an underdog in their bowl games - there's that "BIG sucks perception" again till they have to prove it on the field. Hell, scumbag Briles is still complaining about Baylor being left out of last year's playoffs and couldn't even make it past MSU in their bowl game.
You've got a point, but top to bottom, the B10 doesn't come close to the SEC. And I'm one to talk about how overrated the SEC is. And that's my issue with the B10...the bad middle and lower tier teams. I still think OSU is a great team and at least they schedule Va Tech and NIU OOC.
I bet Oregon, Alabama and Auburn would all happily trade their conference schedules for Ohio State's conference schedule.

Huh ? Did you read my above post ? But yet they couldn't beat BIG teams that they were favored against in their bowls ? And now you're saying that they'd like to face some of these teams again this year ? Again, maybe a twisted perception on your part ? OSU had a MUCH tougher time in the BIG last year than they had in the playoffs. Games against PSU (2 OT), Minny, Indiana - who beat SEC East champ Missouri at Missouri earlier in the year - and even Michigan were all tight games for the Buckeyes well into the 4th quarter. Even Minny last week gave #2 TCU a real scare (17-13). But yeah, the BIG sucks.

For your reading pleasure:

I believe their point about coaching upgrades is the real reason for the BIG resurgence - especially getting their teams to improve as the year goes along.
I still think OSU is a great team and at least they schedule Va Tech and NIU OOC.

One thing to keep in mind is that when we scheduled VT years ago, they were kicking butt. Obviously, they've slid a little bit. We've always tried to schedule at least one top-notch opponent every year. Past games in the 2000s include home & homes with Miami, Texas (when they were a power and won an NC), and USC. I know I'm probably leaving out one or two but you get the idea.

Future Buckeye OOC schedules include a match up with Oklahoma in 2016 and 2017
TCU in 2018 & 2019
Oregon in 2020 and 2021.
And Notre Dame and Texas in 2022.
Notre Dame, Texas, and B.C. in 2023.

As for what teams will be up or down, who knows ?
The Big 10 is such a joke. Better hope for MSU to best them or the west division champ gets lucky.

yup. 3 years in a row that OSU and MSU are Top 5 in country, not to mention Wisco bowl win over Auburn. Am I missing something? Wasn't ND a 5 loss team yet again under BK last year? lol Everyone knows ND is a good team this year...they are also one Malik Zaire injury away from having 5 losses....again.
They sure looked explosive last night, but not as dominant on defense as I expected. Hard to see them losing a game on their schedule, but looking forward to the Oregon Michigan St game to get a feel for Mich St., which on paper is their toughest game this year.

I hate to break it to you but MSU is a far better opponent than either USC or Stanford.
You've got a point, but top to bottom, the B10 doesn't come close to the SEC.

I'm not arguing that the BIG is equal or better than the SEC from top to bottom. Yes, I agree, trying to keep an open mind (unlike one or two on this board), I still consider the SEC the top conference. What I taking difference to is the statement that the BIG SUCKS. BS ! Again, start looking at the ON-FIELD results.

To be quite honest, in the past (before Urban) I did not look forward to bowl match ups with SEC teams. We now have the depth, defense, speed, and play makers to rip any of them apart. Nothing would please me more than a match up with Alabama or Georgia (read their boards about OSU) in next years playoffs IF we're fortunate to make it that far. Again, my biggest fear is turnovers, especially in a big game. If we can limit them, we should be OK.

BTW. you guys looked solid in your win over Texas. Who knows, Maybe an N.D. - Buckeye match up in the playoffs. Still a long way to go for both teams and many land mines in the road for both.
You've got a point, but top to bottom, the B10 doesn't come close to the SEC.

I'm not arguing that the BIG is equal or better than the SEC from top to bottom. Yes, I agree, trying to keep an open mind (unlike one or two on this board), I still consider the SEC the top conference. What I taking difference to is the statement that the BIG SUCKS. BS ! Again, start looking at the ON-FIELD results.

I am looking at onfield results. Its great that OSU beat Bama and Wisky beat Auburn, but we're still only talking about a couple games. I don't care that Indiana upset Missouri. Its a great win, but they're still a 4-8 team. Missouri then turned around and beat a better Minny team in the bowl game. PSU took OSU to two overtimes? They're still a mediocre at best team that went 7-6. I feel like yoi're cherry picking. When I look at OSU's schedule. It looks pathetic, and I understand that its not their fault. That's all.
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"I am looking at onfield results. Its great that OSU beat Bama and Wisky beat Auburn, but we're still only talking about a couple games."

Kind of conveniently forgot to mention that the BIG took out conference champions Oregon and Baylor. Cherry-picking ? That's a four game sample I'm throwing at you

"SU took OSU to two overtimes? They're still a mediocre at best team that went 7-6. I feel like yoi're cherry picking.'

Again, I give you a four team sample of nail biters (PSU, Indiana, Minny, and Michigan) we experienced in the BIG last year and you come back with the PSU example. And your statement about PSU being mediocre proves my point: we had a much tougher time with your so-called BIG teams that SUCK than Alabama and Oregon (what a joke) in the playoffs. Oh, by the way, that mediocre PSU team (by your standards) also won their bowl game after being designated an underdog. Is any of this registering with you yet ?

"I am looking at onfield results. Its great that OSU beat Bama and Wisky beat Auburn, but we're still only talking about a couple games."

Kind of conveniently forgot to mention that the BIG took out conference champions Oregon and Baylor. Cherry-picking ? That's a four game sample I'm throwing at you

"SU took OSU to two overtimes? They're still a mediocre at best team that went 7-6. I feel like yoi're cherry picking.'

Again, I give you a four team sample of nail biters (PSU, Indiana, Minny, and Michigan) we experienced in the BIG last year and you come back with the PSU example. And your statement about PSU being mediocre proves my point: we had a much tougher time with your so-called BIG teams that SUCK than Alabama and Oregon (what a joke) in the playoffs. Oh, by the way, that mediocre PSU team (by your standards) also won their bowl game after being designated an underdog. Is any of this registering with you yet ?

You don't need to be condescending. I can offer up a counter to what you're saying, but I really don't care. I think the B10 is chock full of mediocrity, and other conferences aren't. Its just my opinion.
I bet Oregon, Alabama and Auburn would all happily trade their conference schedules for Ohio State's conference schedule.

Huh ? Did you read my above post ? But yet they couldn't beat BIG teams that they were favored against in their bowls ? And now you're saying that they'd like to face some of these teams again this year ? Again, maybe a twisted perception on your part ? OSU had a MUCH tougher time in the BIG last year than they had in the playoffs. Games against PSU (2 OT), Minny, Indiana - who beat SEC East champ Missouri at Missouri earlier in the year - and even Michigan were all tight games for the Buckeyes well into the 4th quarter. Even Minny last week gave #2 TCU a real scare (17-13). But yeah, the BIG sucks.

For your reading pleasure:

I believe their point about coaching upgrades is the real reason for the BIG resurgence - especially getting their teams to improve as the year goes along.

I do enjoy in that article how the 3 teams they point out in #2 and #3 took L's this week to underdogs. Big 10 may be on the rise but it is a top heavy conference that is weak in the middle and lower tier.
I have to say I can't fault OSU for their schedule. VT and NIU both are respectable programs. And it isn't their fault the big is little this year. But they should be double digit favorites in every game with the exception of MSU - and the spreads will be more like 20 rather than 10. Anything can happen but they sure look to be able to coast for the next 10 weeks.
If you mean regular season, they will be undefeated. They play no one. But they should face good teams in the playoff.

Oklahoma State Univ?
Oregon State Univ?
Ohio State Univ?
Order of St Ursula? (I don't think they even play football)

I haven't given any of them any thought at all. I really could care less.
I do enjoy in that article how the 3 teams they point out in #2 and #3 took L's this week to underdogs. Big 10 may be on the rise but it is a top heavy conference that is weak in the middle and lower tier.

I do agree with you about the lower tier of the BIG being extremely weak and this is what separates us from the SEC. But my whole point is that we have some huge year in, year out rivalries that can bite us in the butt. I can guarantee you right now that I'll be sweating the Michigan game, especially with Harbaugh in charge (and at Michigan)....I don't care what their record is at the time. I've seen too many OSU-Mich games to think any year is going to be a cakewalk. It's just the nature of the rivalry. I was a sophomore at OSU in 1969 and attended the OSU-Mich game in Ann Arbor when a young rookie coach named Bo upset the then unbeatable Buckeyes who were defending NC and were absolutely steamrolling everyone in their path.. I don't have to tell some of the old timers the result. I still have an occasional nightmare about that game 46 years later. Hell, Urban has had a ton of trouble with Hoke-coached teams. I think maybe that's part of the problem with some fans on this board that automatically think we'll have an easy path to the playoffs. WRONG ! Not being part of of conference and really no border-type, in-state, every year rivalry has maybe clouded your view about OSU being a shoo-in. You're a lot more confident than I am.

As for the article, I think the one main point I took away from it was how the quality of coaching has/is being upgraded in the BIG. The addition of Urban and Harbaugh - generally regarded as two of the top 6 or 7 coaches in all of football - can do nothing but help the conference. Not sure about Franklin at PSU. He can definitely recruit but his coaching ability looks kind of shaky. Another recent addition - Kill - has Minnesota on very solid ground. I could go on but If you look at the SEC, they really took off in the mid 2000s with the addition of coaches like Urban, Saban, Spurrier, Miles (and others). Is the BIG at the SEC level yet ? Of course not. But we don't "suck" either.
The Michigan game being tough because it is a rivalry game doesn't change the fact that Michigan is basura and will take at least 2 years before Harbaugh has them looking at double digit wins.
On field results for the B10 last weekend (most recent) were absolutely dismal:

Penn State loses to Temple
Michigan loses to Utah
Wisconsin loses to Bama
Purdue loses to Marshall
Minnesota loses to TCU
Nebraska loses to BYU

BIG10 had wins over Richmond, Western Michigan, Illinois St, Norfolk St, Southern Illinois, VA Tech and Stanford. Two good wins.. 2-6 against decent competition.
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OK, then just who is going to beat them? And while you're at it kindly explain how that will happen.

I said before the season it didn't even matter whether Ohio st. went unbeaten because they lost last season to VT and still got in. They play in a terrible conference, it is even worse this year than last, and will skate through. They have a lot of depth and I don't see anyone challenging them this season until the playoffs start. Urbie will be out though in say 3-4 years, then the sanctions will come back because you know that program isn't clean.
I bet Oregon, Alabama and Auburn would all happily trade their conference schedules for Ohio State's conference schedule.

Huh ? Did you read my above post ? But yet they couldn't beat BIG teams that they were favored against in their bowls ? And now you're saying that they'd like to face some of these teams again this year ? Again, maybe a twisted perception on your part ? OSU had a MUCH tougher time in the BIG last year than they had in the playoffs. Games against PSU (2 OT), Minny, Indiana - who beat SEC East champ Missouri at Missouri earlier in the year - and even Michigan were all tight games for the Buckeyes well into the 4th quarter. Even Minny last week gave #2 TCU a real scare (17-13). But yeah, the BIG sucks.

For your reading pleasure:

I believe their point about coaching upgrades is the real reason for the BIG resurgence - especially getting their teams to improve as the year goes along.

The B1G finally had a decent bowl season for the first time in years. But if Week 1 is any indication, it's looking mediocre again. MSU is the only opponent on your schedule that has any chance of knocking you guys off (and you have them at home). Minnesota has a decent defense, but probably not enough offensive firepower to keep up with you guys. So we'll see you in the playoff, hopefully.

BTW I view last year's OSU close games with the likes of Penn State and Michigan, as your team playing down to the level of its competition, moreso than an indication of the strength of those teams. Michigan was 5-7 and got whipped by several teams, including ND, 31-0.
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Hearing osu fans try to argue about the BIG is hilarious. They literally have a one game schedule. When you can start prepping for a game in November now it makes your season pretty easy. We will see how good msu is this weekend. The rest of their schedule is absolute trash. Psu was supposed to be their next toughest game and they got rocked by the powerhouse football program of temple. Yea. Temple. Wow. What a league.
I hate to break it to you but MSU is a far better opponent than either USC or Stanford.
is that cause of their big 13 point win over Western Michigan? Let's see how they do in a couple of games before you crown them.
Hearing osu fans try to argue about the BIG is hilarious.

We took a lot of flack after we were chosen to play in the playoffs from TCU, Baylor, Oregon, and especially Alabama fans that we weren't battled tested because of a weak BIG and would get destroyed in the playoffs. We were 10 point underdogs to BIG BAD Bama (snickering) and 7 1/2 to Oregon (an effing joke. we pounded them). We all saw how that turned out. What really fueled the effort against Nicky's boys was the constant BS about how Urban ran from Saban and also how weren't even close to the same level as Alabama. You could tell by the OSU players attitudes that they wanted a piece of Alabama real, real bad. Any of you living in the Columbus area can verify what I'm saying. So who knows, you guys look like you're going to have a very solid season. You might end up in a bowl against one of those weak/sucking BIG teams. My suggestion is to ask the fans of Baylor, Alabama, Oregon, and Auburn if they have any suggestions from last year's games against BIG teams.