Drob has all but dropped Stanford from consideration because he isn't sure he made the test score, ND was his brother's idea and he is the one who has done the talking, you can't find a link to where Drob says ND is one or two, from his brother yes but not Drob. His schedule is this, OV GT Friday night and Saturday until afternoon, make the trip to Alabama and OV them, with his entire family on both trips. Next weekend OV to UGA with family, he will sign with one of those 3, 2-3 days after he finishes his OV to UGA he will not sign with anywhere his mother hasn't visited.. Of course for UGA to have a chance he has to make the trip with his mother, IF he makes that trip I predict he signs with UGA, if he doesn't look for Alabama. He visited GT because they were the first school to offer them and he always said he would OV them. You putting way too much into what is being told to site reporters.