Defensive end recruits

Still no answer.

Fifth time...

Please explain why the players I listed regressed under Kelly.
Better grammar and sentence structure. Now you just need to offer a premise that has some sense of truth.
You guys crack me up......your point supposedly was the regression of players and how the current staff and their coaching makes them "pedestrian." It's not "my list," my friend. It is "the"list of defensive players from recent years who are now playing in the NFL (I'm sure I missed some). What is YOUR point? How did they make it to Sunday? You think they did it on their own? You seriously don't feel these players progressed over the years in order to make it to the NFL?

As for explaining last year, blah blah blah....not going to rehash what's been beaten to death over and over and over. Injuries, BVG, youth and yes, some obvious coaching misses.

Ok, you're right and I'm wrong. You know more than everyone else. That's the only thing you and the other smug, negative posters who constantly bash the coaching staff want to hear.

And Perse, while I have you on ignore, I'm sure you have contributed some more idiotic, stupid crap.....its all you know and what all of us have come to the expect from you.[/QUOTE]

Purse is like a monkey with a machine gun trying to ruin everyones good time.
the idea that ND can compete at the Top level without a roster of equally talented players is preposterous, delusional and just damned ignorant.
88 not going to argue with you about wether Kelly is a good or bad coach his tenure has had its ups and downs. On the contrary to say that he has no bearing on kids making the pros or developing them is a poor argument. If you feel that way then every rivals top 250 prospects that doesn't make the pros was failed by the coach that got them into the program and every #1 class that Bama has with all their 5 and 4 star classes coaches didn't develop and while we are at it let's extend it to all the other programs.

Obviously such a blanketed statement like that makes no sense and that's exactly what you're doing. Kids progress or they don't for a multitude of reasons.
Are you pennick answering or answering for him?

We can nitpick each and every school out there all we want about potential never realized....however what I see under Kelly more than not are players who show promise or even impact if they're thrown into game action very early on but in following years they disappear.

Now if this was one or two players OK fine...that happens.

But you can't deny the number of frosh and sophomore players under Kelly who show so much promise and high level playing ability early only to trail off later in career.

It's way too many to chalk up to girls or studies or whatever.

The players who take a step back dwarf the players who progress under Kelly.

And just to clear this up I don't want this to be the case. I wished every player progressed under Kelly because it would be reflected in games.

Can you understand the confusion of players when you're asked to drop back 37 times in a hurricane? That is a tiny example but for Christ sake defensive backs triple covering one receiver...linebackers playing three yards deep in the endzone on an obvious run from the four.

I excuse their confusion because there is shit being done in South bend that goes against the simplest of football 101
Are you pennick answering or answering for him?

We can nitpick each and every school out there all we want about potential never realized....however what I see under Kelly more than not are players who show promise or even impact if they're thrown into game action very early on but in following years they disappear.

Now if this was one or two players OK fine...that happens.

But you can't deny the number of frosh and sophomore players under Kelly who show so much promise and high level playing ability early only to trail off later in career.

It's way too many to chalk up to girls or studies or whatever.

The players who take a step back dwarf the players who progress under Kelly.

And just to clear this up I don't want this to be the case. I wished every player progressed under Kelly because it would be reflected in games.

Can you understand the confusion of players when you're asked to drop back 37 times in a hurricane? That is a tiny example but for Christ sake defensive backs triple covering one receiver...linebackers playing three yards deep in the endzone on an obvious run from the four.

I excuse their confusion because there is shit being done in South bend that goes against the simplest of football 101

Not answering for anyone but myself however me and Pennick do agree on somethings. Like I said I'm not going to talk about Kelly he's had his ups and downs. We know the results we've seen and its not been enough. I think if you're going to talk about players you have to be fair and honest and give credit and blame when its due, but if your distane for our coach clouds your judgement or refrains you from being or giving an honest opinion than it's no point in our discussion. An that is fine.
are these late offers guys that were recruited by the incoming new coaches previously ? ? They are all projects IMO ( although player development is more important then star rankings ) and none of these players were ever mentioned until the past 2-3 weeks. Where did these guys come from ?
are these late offers guys that were recruited by the incoming new coaches previously ? ? They are all projects IMO ( although player development is more important then star rankings ) and none of these players were ever mentioned until the past 2-3 weeks. Where did these guys come from ?

^ they were guys given esrly consideration but were not in Plan A or B; but now they are the new Plan A.
Get used to it. ND will be recruiting 2nd tier for a few cycles. The real problem has not been addressed.
The three star guys that are visiting this weekend and scheduled for next are solid plan B guys. There are some talented young men here that would finish this class up nicely. Several were unsuccessful plan A guys for Elko and Love in their prior positions, and those relationships have carried over for these guys to give ND a hard look this late in the process and while being committed elsewhere. Flipping kids the last few weeks of a long recruiting process after just arriving as new coaches at ND seems a damn near impossible task, and the outcome won't be for lack of effort. The naysayers criticisms aside, fans should be anxious to see what kind of class this staff can recruit with a year to do it.