I honestly don't know how to respond, other than maybe to say that something like this is sort of a liquid perfect illustration of what 'ominous' means. And I don't just mean whether or not ND football is going to suck or not, which it probably will. This is almost like end of the world ominous. Like, a genuine portent of millenarian times ahead of us.
ND, who already had a catholic coach in BK, who was totally hated by the ND cult, and he's replaced by MF, who appears to be so desperate to stay on the good side of this genuinely vicious and vindictive fanbase, actually becoming a practicing Catholic.
Is ND even really even Catholic anymore? Any overly religious ND grads I've encountered despise the pope, and would probably like to see him overthrown in some sort of curia-coup. The university is home to far right-wing cults, legit cults like something Dan Brown would come up with, like the one that produced our latest Supreme Court justice, which I don't believe are officially sanctioned by Rome. I feel like the only thing keeping ND from breaking away entirely is that it would tarnish the brand. They need Roman Catholicism, and all the brand recognition and gravitas that it brings, or else they're just some rogue institution. But they're quite capable of otherwise going it alone, and probably would rather have it that way....