Bye bye Kelly...........(megyn)......

As long as we are talking about this during a quiet time of recruiting..... Why was there no concern about hacking when the Chinese breached our system and stole the data of 4 million Gov't employees in June 2015? Obama had no issues, the news almost did not cover it all - did we do something in reply that I missed? But now, weeks before packing up and no longer able to take vacations on the US Taxpayer dollar, hacking is a major issue?
As long as we are talking about this during a quiet time of recruiting..... Why was there no concern about hacking when the Chinese breached our system and stole the data of 4 million Gov't employees in June 2015? Obama had no issues, the news almost did not cover it all - did we do something in reply that I missed? But now, weeks before packing up and no longer able to take vacations on the US Taxpayer dollar, hacking is a major issue?
Because the Emperor is in debt to them
Dont worry our children and, grandchildren will pay it off
As long as we are talking about this during a quiet time of recruiting..... Why was there no concern about hacking when the Chinese breached our system and stole the data of 4 million Gov't employees in June 2015? Obama had no issues, the news almost did not cover it all - did we do something in reply that I missed? But now, weeks before packing up and no longer able to take vacations on the US Taxpayer dollar, hacking is a major issue?
Don't let the factual empirical evidence ruin the Tinfoil hat lefties attempt at delegitimization of Trump beat down of crooked Hillary- only a few more days for Americans to suffer one of the worst Presidents in history.....hopefully it's not too late to reverse 8 years of severe damage and perpetual indebtedness.
Don't let the factual empirical evidence ruin the Tinfoil hat lefties attempt at delegitimization of Trump beat down of crooked Hillary- only a few more days for Americans to suffer one of the worst Presidents in history.....hopefully it's not too late to reverse 8 years of severe damage and perpetual indebtedness.
I think it's fair to say the last 12 years
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That is the kind of brilliant comment that will indeed make America great again. Just the kind of scintillating brain power that allowed Puty and his band of merry pranksters to steal this election and put a draft dodger in power (ow, my foot, my foot). You don't need tin foil hat, you've got nothing to protect.

The successful Senator you so ridicule actually kicked the draft dodger's ass! Getting 2.85 million more votes! But PutinFox will tell you this is not true. The Russians are not fans of US intelligence agencies. This is gonna be fun to watch... or not...

The last guy you supported didn't do so well, did he? 2000-2008 was a disaster and that guy will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history, which begs the question why the Bush family didn't support the Grand Orange.

But yeah, go Irish.
That is the kind of brilliant comment that will indeed make America great again. Just the kind of scintillating brain power that allowed Puty and his band of merry pranksters to steal this election and put a draft dodger in power (ow, my foot, my foot). You don't need tin foil hat, you've got nothing to protect.

The successful Senator you so ridicule actually kicked the draft dodger's ass! Getting 2.85 million more votes! But PutinFox will tell you this is not true. The Russians are not fans of US intelligence agencies. This is gonna be fun to watch... or not...

The last guy you supported didn't do so well, did he? 2000-2008 was a disaster and that guy will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history, which begs the question why the Bush family didn't support the Grand Orange.

But yeah, go Irish.
Successful Senator. Funny stuff.
The only thing she was good at was building up her bank account.
Thank God for DJ Trump.
That is the kind of brilliant comment that will indeed make America great again. Just the kind of scintillating brain power that allowed Puty and his band of merry pranksters to steal this election and put a draft dodger in power (ow, my foot, my foot). You don't need tin foil hat, you've got nothing to protect.

The successful Senator you so ridicule actually kicked the draft dodger's ass! Getting 2.85 million more votes! But PutinFox will tell you this is not true. The Russians are not fans of US intelligence agencies. This is gonna be fun to watch... or not...

The last guy you supported didn't do so well, did he? 2000-2008 was a disaster and that guy will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history, which begs the question why the Bush family didn't support the Grand Orange.

But yeah, go Irish.

So if it was up to you NY, and California would pick the president of the US?

The two biggest welfare states will pick who runs the country?

LMAO thank god the founders had far better hindsight

Still crying about the election being stolen, yet you've yet to respond how President Obama tried to influence the Israeli elections.

How is it all this hacking wasn't a big deal till after the election? Don't you find that odd?

Of coarse Russia isn't a fan of America. That's no secret yet secretary Clinton allow Russia to purchase 20% the rights of the US Uranium?....How about Russian reset?......How about President Obama's hot mike with the Russian Ambassador telling him he'll have more freedom to work with Russia after his re election? And lets not bring up that wonder Iran deal?

Why now after all of that is Russia a menace?

Obama got Trump elected
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Worse than all of that. Sec of State Clinton had a personal beef with V Putin. As the nations top diplomat, she has a personal beef with one of the most important countries on earth. Russia was our ally in both World Wars. But somehow, she, as our number one diplomat, has a personal problem with Putin.

How inept can she be?

The only job she wasn't fired for was the NY Senator gig. Now she's gonna be the mayor of NYC. Perfect, she can sell out NYC to her Saudi friends and the people of NY will be happy.
Worse than all of that. Sec of State Clinton had a personal beef with V Putin. As the nations top diplomat, she has a personal beef with one of the most important countries on earth. Russia was our ally in both World Wars. But somehow, she, as our number one diplomat, has a personal problem with Putin.

How inept can she be?

The only job she wasn't fired for was the NY Senator gig. Now she's gonna be the mayor of NYC. Perfect, she can sell out NYC to her Saudi friends and the people of NY will be happy.
Russia, China, and Iran all got stronger under President Obama!! Why would Russia not want President Obamas puppet Hillary?
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Barack Obama and Hillarys reset button on Russia worked out really well, didn't it? Thugs like Putin don't respect weakness. Trump will rule peace through strength !!! No more Iraq or Libya debacles like with Bush or Obama ! America first ~!!
*** And Trump rightfully should not trust the CIA !! Weapons of Mass destruction anyone??!!
Sorry Bodi, Trump didn't engineer (steal) a victory for Trump because he wanted to "Make America Great Again!" He wants us weak and he knew and feared Hillary who went after him again and again. So he put his boy in there.

Oh, and there is China and Trump's son-in-law Kushner's dance with his friends from Beijing. Check. Another country very happy to have a weakened presidency.

Mr. Wu and Mr. Kushner — who is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and is one of his closest advisers — were nearing agreement on a joint venture in Manhattan: the redevelopment of 666 Fifth Avenue, the fading crown jewel of the Kushner family real-estate empire. Anbang, which has close ties to the Chinese state, has seen its aggressive efforts to buy up hotels in the United States slowed amid concerns raised by Obama administration officials who review foreign investments for national security risk.

Now, according to two people with knowledge of the get-together, Mr. Wu toasted Mr. Trump and declared his desire to meet the president-elect, whose ascension, he was sure, would be good for global business.

Since the election, intense scrutiny has been trained on Mr. Trump’s company and the potential conflicts of interest he will face. But with Mr. Kushner laying the groundwork for his own White House role, the meeting at the Waldorf shines a light on his family’s multibillion-dollar business, Kushner Companies, and on the ethical thicket he would have to navigate while advising his father-in-law on policy that could affect his bottom line.

So put on your Chinese made "make a american great again" hat and your chinese Trump Tie and go to the Chinese steal enforced Trump building and hope that you will get a job. It is sad, really.
Mr. Kushner — who is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter

Maybe you can include some information about Chelsea's husband and her father in law. Now that he's out of jail.

Sure he's a felon. But he has paid his debt to society. And Chelsea's husband only lost 98% of his fund's value using information provided to him from the Sec of State.

Don't even think about trashing Ivanka. Just ask your freinds on her Jet Blue flight what that can bring.
Sorry Bodi, Trump didn't engineer (steal) a victory for Trump because he wanted to "Make America Great Again!" He wants us weak and he knew and feared Hillary who went after him again and again. So he put his boy in there.

Oh, and there is China and Trump's son-in-law Kushner's dance with his friends from Beijing. Check. Another country very happy to have a weakened presidency.

Mr. Wu and Mr. Kushner — who is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and is one of his closest advisers — were nearing agreement on a joint venture in Manhattan: the redevelopment of 666 Fifth Avenue, the fading crown jewel of the Kushner family real-estate empire. Anbang, which has close ties to the Chinese state, has seen its aggressive efforts to buy up hotels in the United States slowed amid concerns raised by Obama administration officials who review foreign investments for national security risk.

Now, according to two people with knowledge of the get-together, Mr. Wu toasted Mr. Trump and declared his desire to meet the president-elect, whose ascension, he was sure, would be good for global business.

Since the election, intense scrutiny has been trained on Mr. Trump’s company and the potential conflicts of interest he will face. But with Mr. Kushner laying the groundwork for his own White House role, the meeting at the Waldorf shines a light on his family’s multibillion-dollar business, Kushner Companies, and on the ethical thicket he would have to navigate while advising his father-in-law on policy that could affect his bottom line.

So put on your Chinese made "make a american great again" hat and your chinese Trump Tie and go to the Chinese steal enforced Trump building and hope that you will get a job. It is sad, really.
The last 8 years have been sad ...really