Sorry Bodi, Trump didn't engineer (steal) a victory for Trump because he wanted to "Make America Great Again!" He wants us weak and he knew and feared Hillary who went after him again and again. So he put his boy in there.
Oh, and there is China and Trump's son-in-law Kushner's dance with his friends from Beijing. Check. Another country very happy to have a weakened presidency.
Mr. Wu and Mr. Kushner — who is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and is one of his closest advisers — were nearing agreement on a joint venture in Manhattan: the redevelopment of 666 Fifth Avenue, the fading crown jewel of the Kushner family real-estate empire. Anbang, which has close ties to the Chinese state, has seen its aggressive efforts to buy up hotels in the United States slowed amid concerns raised by Obama administration officials who review foreign investments for national security risk.
Now, according to two people with knowledge of the get-together, Mr. Wu toasted Mr. Trump and declared his desire to meet the president-elect, whose ascension, he was sure, would be good for global business.
Since the election, intense scrutiny has been trained on Mr. Trump’s company and the potential conflicts of interest he will face. But with Mr. Kushner laying the groundwork for his own White House role, the meeting at the Waldorf shines a light on his family’s multibillion-dollar business, Kushner Companies, and on the ethical thicket he would have to navigate while advising his father-in-law on policy that could affect his bottom line.
So put on your Chinese made "make a american great again" hat and your chinese Trump Tie and go to the Chinese steal enforced Trump building and hope that you will get a job. It is sad, really.