Brian Williams

Lol, I don't know why I replied to you it was more of a statement on this thread and how the republicans and the democrats have polarized and divided Americans against each other the two party system has caused a great division in the country
A short list, only 280, of President Obama's many accomplishments.

This was good! Thanks for the chuckle.
Obama's policies are working all right. He came into this office hell bent on destroying America and it's working as planned. And he's done it by manipulating the sheep. Fortunately slowly but surely America is starting to wake up and see this pathological liar for the incompetent he is and the crazy anti-American policies for what they are.

Much like the ND Rivals fans have done where Argus and his aliases are concerned. Fraud discovery.
no1e posted on 2/10/2015
George W Bush and Obama's policies are working all right. They came into this office hell bent on destroying America and it's working as planned. And he's done it by manipulating the sheep. Fortunately, slowly but surely America is starting to wake up and see this pathological liar for the incompetent he is and the crazy anti-American policies for what they are. fixed it for you
"Scott Walker will get America back on track."

There have been some very funny posts by what I have to assume are "right leaning" folks, but that is some funny shit right there!
Originally posted by DubsDreader:

What's unheard of, as in NEVER happened before is that the Speaker of the House, behind the Presidents back invited a foreign leader to address Congress. Even worse he Boener, totally went against protocol by asking the Israeli PM to speak knowing he faces election in two weeks.

Why, because they cannot stand the fact that Obama's policies are working and well adapted by the world.

Just when I thought you couldn't post anything more clueless then I seen this.
Originally posted by DubsDreader:

What's unheard of, as in NEVER happened before is that the Speaker of the House, behind the Presidents back invited a foreign leader to address Congress. Even worse he Boener, totally went against protocol by asking the Israeli PM to speak knowing he faces election in two weeks.

The President has no Jurisdiction over the House if the speaker wanted to invite bozo the clown to speak, that's his call, not the President we have separation of powers for a reason
Fox is truth

I believe everything that comes out of Megan Kelly's mouth

She controls me

She speaks to me and touches me in ways only a 12 and 0 season can
Just suspended without pay for 6 months

He is toast. A career down the drain due to his lying

Be it delusion or pathological, he is done

Foolhardy, I guess if he knowingly lied

Sad if he needs help

In the end, whether a mental issue or not -- the guy was in a position that demanded intelligence and legitimacy

He failed
Originally posted by dannydionne1983:
Originally posted by DubsDreader:

What's unheard of, as in NEVER happened before is that the Speaker of the House, behind the Presidents back invited a foreign leader to address Congress. Even worse he Boener, totally went against protocol by asking the Israeli PM to speak knowing he faces election in two weeks.

The President has no Jurisdiction over the House if the speaker wanted to invite bozo the clown to speak, that's his call, not the President we have separation of powers for a reason
"Bozo The Clown"? I think Biden has free access to speak at the House.
Originally posted by Epictitus:

^^^^. Yet you celebrate Bowden and FSU, a stain on this nation.
Yes I do. A man of integrity respected by the over whelming majority (nothing you can relate to) except for your 22 + pathological usernames.

Ask this board who is the stain on not just this nation but all Rivals message Boards. It will clear everything up for you INSTANTLY ..... and then maybe you'll get some psychological help and possibly get released from your latest Baker Act confinement.

You are one crazy delusional dishonest nutjob.
Even NBC couldn't sit on their hands with this. Still should have been outright fired. The most important quality to have as a journalist is integrity.
Williams will never be back at NBC. That said, Fox News hired Geraldo after he lied, Bill O'Reilly lies as much as No1e and Hannity and most others at Fox News have lies as part of their Creed.
Can someone please make this Argus/Nole/Dreader/Erectus tool disappear. Seriously disappear.
Originally posted by Epictitus:
Williams will never be back at NBC. That said, Fox News hired Geraldo after he lied, Bill O'Reilly lies as much as No1e and Hannity and most others at Fox News have lies as part of their Creed.

If anyone lies as much as no1e that would mean he has never lied. If he lies as much as you and your 22+ usernames that would make him the world's most pathological liar (tied with you).

Question ..... .Do you feel the board's love for you (sarcasm) or is giving the ND fans here the finger on a daily basis some sort of thrill for you? Just curious.
That's an interesting post if you are directing that at me LH24ND. Do you really believe NY response to this was idiotic?

"Why, because they cannot stand the fact that Obama's policies are working and well adapted by the world."

Since Obama took office tell me once when the world adapted to his policies? In fact the alternitive is more true that he adopted the worlds policies and to do nothing and we as a nation have become weaker in the world view.

So if you have the time please explain yourself. I'm interested.
This post was edited on 2/11 8:26 PM by deadirishpoet

Don't hold your breath have a beer asses everywhere

hope u r good
I'm good ski,

I'm more of a whisky guy and I will take you up on a Maker's Mark and ice and wait, though I am interested on the comment.

Well wishes back to you
You know what really pisses me off it's now reported the US Marines had to surrender their weapons to Yemen rebels/officials by this freaking State department.

A Marine NEVER surrenders his/her weapon.

This State Dept is about as pathetic as this President.
well ya get what ya sow and some folks voted him in office..--- 2 times --- If we r not careful we will have more years of this with Hillary
The reps have no viable candidate

I am not available as I am looking forward to retirememt
Originally posted by theskibro:

well ya get what ya sow and some folks voted him in office..--- 2 times --- If we r not careful we will have more years of this with Hillary
The reps have no viable candidate

I am not available as I am looking forward to retirememt
Still amazed that this incompetent was elected once and that 50 million people didn't learn a damn thing from the first four years of this smoke and mirrors destroy America tactic. Sacrafice America so you can say you were part of a historical event (the first 1/2 white President in history). Which is fine. Just make sure next time that they are competent and not integrity challenged. And that they are smart enough to surround themselves with competent and non-corrupt advisers.

And you are right... because of that revelation regarding the American people they just might elect another corrupt pathological liar to continue this charade of governing for another eight years simply to be part of history again (the first non-male President). Which is fine. Just make sure she isn't corrupt and integrity challenged and that her life doesn't have dozens of dead bodies who spoke the truth about her along its path.
^^^^^^^^^^ This pig accuses Hillary Clinton of things already proven totally false and a smear but has no problem with a two time proven sexual molester representing his university and is actually proud of the molester and those that cover for him. You are the single biggest hypocrite ever to stain this board and you will love Hillary, our next President!
∆∆∆∆∆ Still clasless.∆∆∆∆∆∆∆

Is it rally that hard for you to stay on topic without insult regardless which handle you use?

This post was edited on 2/12 8:48 AM by deadirishpoet
Originally posted by DubsDreader:

A short list, only 280, of President Obama's many accomplishments.
If you think Obama is a good president think again... He has more than doubled our national debt while playing more golf than any other president.

He did the apology tour and supported a terrorist organization called the Muslim Brotherhood.

He he will allow Iran to build a nuclear weapon... A country that supports terrorism.

great hire.
He was not "hired" he was elected by the people of the USA, TWICE, and has the best favorable rating at six years in office of any President since Eisenhower. No matter what type of inaccurate picture, or outright lies like "apology tours' people want to make up about him he has done very, very well overall.
Originally posted by Epictitus:
^^^^^^^^^^ This pig accuses Hillary Clinton of things already proven totally false and a smear but has no problem with a two time proven sexual molester representing his university and is actually proud of the molester and those that cover for him. You are the single biggest hypocrite ever to stain this board and you will love Hillary, our next President!
"Proven"?..... used the wrong word twice in your post. But whose counting ...... or believing any of the crazy nonsense you spew.

It's phonies like you who are bringing this country to its knees. We have to make it through less than two more years so someone (not Hillary) can start the process of restoring this country to the great country it once was. We have evolved into a weak country the world no longer respects and it because of WEAK anti-American pathetic leadership over the past six years.

Thank God you have no say so in in how this country is run. Although even as wacked as you are it couldn't get much worse than it is now.

Your attempt to draw FSU and Winston into this thread is weak at best. Surpassed only by your sick need to obsess. Hijacking your own sick thread. Special.
Hey No1e..I thought I read on one of your posts that a New Years resolution of yours was to "Take out the trash" and be rid of commenting to this guy...that didn't last to long. Every time this guy posts, you respond. Makes no difference to me but from an outside perspective this guy owns you...did you ever think that if you ignored him he might go away.

First and foremost you must realize, when dealing with No1e, he is a stone cold liar. I cannot think of one post he has ever made not an outright lie or when he was defending one of his many lies.

He attacks Obama with his latest rant. All anyone has to do is look at the state of the country in January of 2009 to where it is today and see why Obama is considered a fine President and to where he took over from the worst president in history to now begin to build on the solid progress he has fostered regardless of the hate from the right and no-nothings like No1e.

In some cases it is usually just politics, in No1e's case it is clearly racial as he has been repeatedly accused of racist behavior by many. It's sad, he looks at a rapist in a clown like Winston and enablers such as Jumbo and Bowden yet he is never shy in expressing a racist view when it comes to a truly great man like Obama.
Listen up argus for the umpteenth time.

No one has ever accused no1e of being a racist other than you.

Doesn't no1e defending Winston "blow up" that notion?

Would you please knock it off and just focus on ND football?
Lmao Epic

If Obama was president when the towers went down he would of apologized to the world for the US misgivings and then sent that keystone cop Holder to ???? I don't know what in the hell has Holder ever done beside send arms illegally to Mexico while promoting to take mine.

BTW what fine President surrenders an embassy and orders Marines to surreber their fire arm?

This President is a disgrace