Brian Williams

Originally posted by Epictitus:
^^^^^^^^^ OMG............I thought this cancer was purged from this forum!
We thought you were, too. In fact, I think some of us have prayed for you to be purged.
NO he made a mistake and corrected it and also does a great job. I wish he would fix his nose it's crooked
Originally posted by NDEwing18:
Originally posted by Epictitus:
^^^^^^^^^ OMG............I thought this cancer was purged from this forum!
We thought you were, too. In fact, I think some of us have prayed for you to be purged.
Virtually all of us.
Originally posted by Benito Sanchez:

Brian Williams is fired then no one at Fox "News" should have a job!

2/9 8:53 AM | IP: Logged

But MSNBC is the place to go for the unvarnished truth. Right Al?" Resist we much".
Yes, BW did kind of apologize about his conflated memory re: the incident in Iraq. I think he was originally trying to embellish th story a tad and then it took on a life of its own and he then spun it out of control. The concern now is with other stories which appear to be fiction---floating bodies in the French Quarter, suicide he witnessed in the Super Dome, being saved from gangs, being held up and robbed as a teen. It appears none of this happened so his embellishments now will cast doubt on anything he reports. I dont know how NBC can live with that.
Originally posted by DubsDreader:

Right on Epictetus, now you will be accused of being me. Or is it I of being you? LOL
Wow,k you went from Dubsdreader to Epictitus and back to Dubsdreader all in a span of ten minutes. How do you even keep track of all your personalities? You're the internet message board version of Sybil.
Originally posted by twalsh:

Originally posted by DubsDreader:

Right on Epictetus, now you will be accused of being me. Or is it I of being you? LOL
Wow,k you went from Dubsdreader to Epictitus and back to Dubsdreader all in a span of ten minutes. How do you even keep track of all your personalities? You're the internet message board version of Sybil.
Poster at issue has a plethora of mental illnesses.
Q: What do you get when you combine sybil with alex forrest?

A: argus, epic, dubs, duds, marty, leonidas, 86, smoke....
"And why hasn't Fox News fired O'Reilly? He lied about being in combat yet he never even served in the military. Hell, he is a serial liar."

O'Reilly was referring to covering wars as a CBS News reporter on the front lines in the 1980s. He covered the El Salvador and Falklands Islands wars. He didn't claim to have fought in combat.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
That link is about the same quote. As I stated, O'Reilly was talking about being on the front lines as a reporter. He never claimed to have fought in combat. Those liberal bloggers took his comment out of context and spun it for their own ends.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
His pattern of lying is a drop in the bucket compared to the absolutely huge continual lying of the our so called President. Fire him and the lying President but don't bring in Joe "the clown" Biden.
When you use 'democratic underground' as a source you have lost all credibility.You might as well go to the Daily World. Come to think of it many leftist do.
Whether some here like it or not President Obama will be judged very well as history is written and people understand the huge strides our country made after the Bush disaster and the historic lack of support and outright obstruction he faced from the opposing party.

Really, some here would be far better of just staying away from comments because bashing Obama and applauding Fox News is the ultimate of denial.
I saw accomplishments along the lines of improving transparency of the federal government and had to stop reading. Oh, gotta love the world wide web.
There are numerous posters on this and other sites (all with the same mother) who have a lot in common with the Commander In Chief.

+ Total fraud

+ In over their head/incompetent

+ Pathological liar

+ Trash the Constitution/Bill of Rights

+ Finger pointer

+ Historically the worst at their craft in the last 50 years (worst President / worst poster)

+ Has tried to destroy America/ has tried to destroy Rivals message boards

+ Far left wacko

Could probably list another 200 common traits but it would waste a day.

It's understandable why they would like this President.

Epic fail! Both.
^^^^. Obviously No1e is far beyond just stupid and it is actually rather sad. Just like he denies the fact of climate change and the independent research showing Fox News is totally untrustworthy in their reporting, but does that stop this sicko from repeating right wing talking points like they are true!

Remember, this is the same guy that said FSU has never cheated and Brian Kelly murdered Declan Sullivan! It was so much better when he ran off in shame!
he should be fired by now yet he is still an NBC employee so typical of what this country has become -- soft, fat, lazy and a health care nightmare waiting to happen

where is a Harry Truman, a Ronald Reagan, a John Belushi when you need them?
He won twice and has a favorability rate at six years in office better than any president since Ike.

Therefore most Americans disagree with the ridiculous right!
Originally posted by DubsDreader:

Whether some here like it or not President Obama will be judged very well as history is written and people understand the huge strides our country made after the Bush disaster and the historic lack of support and outright obstruction he faced from the opposing party.

Really, some here would be far better of just staying away from comments because bashing Obama and applauding Fox News is the ultimate of denial.
Left wing communist bastard!
Left wing? Communist? So funny! Even as you dwell in the obscene minority of the far right you take comfort being in a pack of fools.
I am wearing my "Free Brian Williams" shirt. It seems to be the way to go now days, even though I have never actually watched Brian Williams read the news. The last time I staged a protest is when my local McDonalds stopped offering biscuits and gravy. I was pretty upset and something had to be done.
Originally posted by DubsDreader:

^^^^. Obviously No1e is far beyond just stupid and it is actually rather sad. Just like he denies the fact of climate change and the independent research showing Fox News is totally untrustworthy in their reporting, but does that stop this sicko from repeating right wing talking points like they are true!

Remember, this is the same guy that said FSU has never cheated and Brian Kelly murdered Declan Sullivan! It was so much better when he ran off in shame!
As I said ..... pathological liar.

BO, you and your 22+ usernames all have perfected that undesirable personality trait.

Originally posted by Bodizephax:

Dan Rather lied at CBS. Brian Williams lies at NBC. The only truthful news is at FOX.
You need to get out more then if you believe your last statement.
Brian Williams has been suspended for six months. I doubt he will ever return as an anchor.

Poor behavior usually does have consequences yet there are some here, No1e is a perfect example, who lie continually sand then compound it by lying about their lies. The scary part is he says he fathered children, but that may well be a lie. Let's all hope he lied about that too.
Obama may be able to take credit for a decent economic turnaround (although he probably had little to do with it, as most presidents don't), but his foreign policy has been terrible IMO.

He's trying to negotiate with Iran, which many experts believe is a mistake. This is also alienating both Israel and Saudi Arabia, our 2 biggest allies in the Middle East, who both consider Iran an enemy. His relationship with Netinyahu has become so toxic that Netinyahu's agreed to come speak to Congress, while not meeting with Obama while he's here. That's basically unheard of for a foreign head of state, especially one who's one of our biggest allies.
What's unheard of, as in NEVER happened before is that the Speaker of the House, behind the Presidents back invited a foreign leader to address Congress. Even worse he Boener, totally went against protocol by asking the Israeli PM to speak knowing he faces election in two weeks.

Why, because they cannot stand the fact that Obama's policies are working and well adapted by the world.
mbd11 posted on 2/10/2015...
Obama may be able to take credit for a decent economic turnaround (although he probably had little to do with it, as most presidents don't), but his foreign policy has been terrible IMO.

He's trying to negotiate with Iran, which many experts believe is a mistake. This is also alienating both Israel and Saudi Arabia, our 2 biggest allies in the Middle East, who both consider Iran an enemy. His relationship with Netinyahu has become so toxic that Netinyahu's agreed to come speak to Congress, while not meeting with Obama while he's here. That's basically unheard of for a foreign head of state, especially one who's one of our biggest allies.

mbd11 that's the problem we should be minding our own damn business, we are not the world police we need to worry about our own house and nobody else we have no business getting our military involved in other country's conflicts unless Congress declares an act of War what George W Bush and now Obama have done is well beyond the powers of the President

This post was edited on 2/10 6:50 PM by dannydionne1983
Originally posted by dannydionne1983:
NDEwing18 The problem is during the last 14 years the Country has been divided and polarized by Obama's and G W Bush terms in office, I am a libertarian, so I think BOTH PARTIES are FULL OF JACKASSES THE TWO PARTY SYSTEM IS RUINING THIS COUNTRY the MONOPOLY that the GOP and DNC have in this Country is sickening
Not sure what statement of mine this is in reply to.