"BOO!!!!" kaepernick

BGI User 348

I've posted how many times?
Aug 29, 2003
I hope NFL fans--home & away-- BOO him mercilessly and any other player that joins him.

oppressed? yeah right...raised by white parents. if he feels guilty then give all his money away. there are plenty of homeless derelicts in SF that he can find.

Hope Chip cuts him!!!
I'm not at all defending his actions, but it is a free country and he has the right to not stand up during anthem. NFL has already released a statement that players are encouraged, but not required to stand during anthem.

What disappointments me most is that while I can see he wants to stand for people of color, this isn't the best way to go about it, in my opinion. This creates more angst and not progress. I believe if you want to change things, you have to do from within and attempt to connect with both(the oppressor and the oppressed) and look to create a healthy dialogue between the two. Get in the communities of the oppressed and ask what they need from you and look to help them. Get in the town hall meetings and respectfully say what you need to say. Talk to law enforcement and politicians and those in power and work to seek change by telling them what you and people of color need from them. I'm sure it won't be easy, but those are more positive actions to take, than taking a seat.
I don't know what the guy said or did, but, I want all of my athletes and entertainers to shut up and just do what I pay to go see. I want to escape from reality for just a couple of hours and enjoy athletes and entertainers perform at a high level doing things I could never do without their social commentary nonsense. And yes, that includes the ND ladies basketball team. I don't care what any of them think. Just entertain me.
he probably gets cut this week; who would even pick up the phone for this guy!

he should have fun walking to his car after practice!
If I was an offensive lineman I just might stumble on the next linebacker blitzing pass play. The guy's an idiot.
The bad influence of Coach "Never won a title as a coach" Harbaugh strikes again !!
God Bless America and Notre Dame !! Go to Hell Michigan wolverines !!

The Irish beat the hell out of Nevada 35 to 0 in 2009 !! The Fighting Irish will destroy Kapernicks college team again in 2016 !! 45 to 0 is my prediction !! Let Freedom ring !!
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Gimme a break. Dude is making millions and millions of dollars off the society his is so upset with. One hellava lot of Americans have given their lives so he can pout and make a spectacle of himself.. Ditto the other suggestions. There are very few places in the world that would tolerate such nonsense. Go somewhere else and see how that works out. On the way out, leave your money with some organization that will truly assist those in need!
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I'm an old guy and I love this board for ND football. Kaepernick? A product of white privilege who has never lived the ":black experience" apparently now must feel guilt for not having done so. Invest your millions Colin in the neighborhoods that need it and stow the tokenism.
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I hope NFL fans--home & away-- BOO him mercilessly and any other player that joins him.

oppressed? yeah right...raised by white parents. if he feels guilty then give all his money away. there are plenty of homeless derelicts in SF that he can find.

Hope Chip cuts him!!!
He's a loser. He will be out of football in a few weeks.
Nice choice by Harbaugh.
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I guess most of us will say the same thing and feel the same way. It's a shame people do not understand that flag protects all of us. That flag gives us our rights. That flag is what millions died for to protect. That flag gave him his livelihood. All we can do is silently protest. Buy no jersey of his. Do not go to SF games until he is released. Burn his jersey and put it on utube. Turn off the tv when he is on. Ensure the flag and country he rejects returns the favor.
Originally read how Kap was such a hard worker and doing his best to perfect his trade and be the best, while maintaining a healthy dose of humility, etc... His off-season workouts were the subject of numerous articles, and he seemed on the cusp of greatness. Then his career started to unravel and reports started popping up that he was aloof and distant in the lockeroom and generally a poor teammate. Now this. While we talk of him getting his ass cut and becoming a persona non grata throughout the league, the enlightened civic leaders of San Francisco will probably applaud his courage and name a government building in his honor.
What is a sadder commentary on our country is that there are people who cares what he says. Here is an idiot athlete that probably has skated through high school and college because he is an athlete. More than likely has less than a 12th grade reading level and I'm supposed to give any credence to what he thinks? Another moronic athlete / Hollywood personality trying to validate themselves as intelligent human beings.
I hope NFL fans--home & away-- BOO him mercilessly and any other player that joins him.

oppressed? yeah right...raised by white parents. if he feels guilty then give all his money away. there are plenty of homeless derelicts in SF that he can find.

Hope Chip cuts him!!!
Here we go again! Hiding behind "the flag/America represents the freedom of speech" Not doing the "right" thing, but doing whatever the hell you want to do anymore is slowly getting to the point where this country is being torn apart. (not to mention social media and the damn news outlets encouraging this behavior)IMO.

Go Irish!!!!!!!Beat UT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is sad, i am sure its from years of our schools systems and media reinforcing their needs for safe spaces
I do know this. The sports anchors, ESPN, local and national radio people, and print media will all hail this guy as a hero. Yes, I need some space from the last years Rams players who forwarded a complete fabrication and were never called on it. I need space from basketball players who feel they are the enlightened ones with idiotic hashtags and warm up jerseys. I need space from entertainers who boycott and cancel performances because they don't like certain laws in that particular state. The fact that the little guy (vendors, waiters, bartenders, waitresses, valets, etc) are hurt financially because of these imbeciles and their petty boycott doesn't seem to phase them in any way. I do need a break. That's why I watch sports. For a few hours I can escapee from the lunacy.
I hope NFL fans--home & away-- BOO him mercilessly and any other player that joins him.

oppressed? yeah right...raised by white parents. if he feels guilty then give all his money away. there are plenty of homeless derelicts in SF that he can find.

Hope Chip cuts him!!!
Nothing good will ever happen to this POS again. He is done. He has sealed his fate. None of his accomplishments will matter. He will always be the a hole who disrespected his country and took money and opportunity while spitting on the graves of freedom fighters

Somebody take his head off cause it has nothing in it anyway

FU jerkoff
So what would be an acceptable protest? I mean, that was perfectly good tea. And the bus is going to your stop regardless of what seat you're in
boo him? no I hope that does not take place because I hope he is run out the league, football, and the country he hates so damned much!
I do know this. The sports anchors, ESPN, local and national radio people, and print media will all hail this guy as a hero. Yes, I need some space from the last years Rams players who forwarded a complete fabrication and were never called on it. I need space from basketball players who feel they are the enlightened ones with idiotic hashtags and warm up jerseys. I need space from entertainers who boycott and cancel performances because they don't like certain laws in that particular state. The fact that the little guy (vendors, waiters, bartenders, waitresses, valets, etc) are hurt financially because of these imbeciles and their petty boycott doesn't seem to phase them in any way. I do need a break. That's why I watch sports. For a few hours I can escapee from the lunacy.

If all you care about is to escape from the lunacy for a few hours, if you tuned in right at the first pitch/kickoff/tipoff, you'd probably avoid this stuff.
Translation please?

If you need an explanation on the protests I referenced then we've already lost you. I'd like to know what would be considered an acceptable form of protest. Or are you happy with us becoming North Korea
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If you need an explanation on the protests I referenced then we've already lost you. I'd like to know what would be considered an acceptable form of protest. Or are you happy with us becoming North Korea
Your reply says it all... His "protest" did nothing but show what a ****ing loser he is. What is he going to do about this problem?
Get another tat?
He is a loser and will be lucky if his next check comes from a reality show.
Your reply says it all... His "protest" did nothing but show what a ****ing loser he is. What is he going to do about this problem?
Get another tat?
He is a loser and will be lucky if his next check comes from a reality show.

His protest accomplished nothing. He has no influence and his actions will not likely be repeated by anyone. However much it is appropriate flat etiquette to stand, no one is required to do so; this is not an authoritative state/

It is more likely that all the criticism will result in similar actions now that protesters know how to get a rise out of people.
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What are the odds that he would have pulled a stunt like this if he had been named the starting QB of the 49ers? I say Zero percent. If that meathead Harbaugh hadn't made the wrong choice, kap would have been already been flipping burgers or driving a forklift.
I'm not at all defending his actions, but it is a free country and he has the right to not stand up during anthem. NFL has already released a statement that players are encouraged, but not required to stand during anthem.

What disappointments me most is that while I can see he wants to stand for people of color, this isn't the best way to go about it, in my opinion. This creates more angst and not progress. I believe if you want to change things, you have to do from within and attempt to connect with both(the oppressor and the oppressed) and look to create a healthy dialogue between the two. Get in the communities of the oppressed and ask what they need from you and look to help them. Get in the town hall meetings and respectfully say what you need to say. Talk to law enforcement and politicians and those in power and work to seek change by telling them what you and people of color need from them. I'm sure it won't be easy, but those are more positive actions to take, than taking a seat.

It is absolutely protected is booing. I am with the O.P.
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the entire stadium: fans should turn their back on him if he is ever introduced in a game: then they should boo w/o ceasing