Blake Barnett

He'd be 3rd string at Notre Dame this and next next season and (atleast) 2nd string in 3 years. All of that's assuming no injuries and nobody leaving early. He knew what he was doing. Of course now it looks like he might be in the same boat at Alabama. Atleast I was able to laugh at him once when he was pummeled on that sack. Nice knowing ya, Blake.
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yep, that is why he started; but if he only plays that one down. 2 years + sit out 1 transfer yr leaves his college career at a single season. You think the other 2 QB's on the bench are not re- evaluating things this morning too?

these kids like being on the 'winners'; but then they wind up the losers in the end! And there are others at non QB positions on Bama that made the same erroneous decision!
If they are football p,ayers, they should love playong football. Standing on a sideline 60 minutes and then celebrating something you had no part in is not a competitors 'dream'. If all they want is a ring, they should go to the jewelers!

This recruiting session, it appears that 3/4 of the elites (5*) will goto to 2-3 teams. That really is hurting CF. But, on the upside it leaves the rest in a kind of 'parity'.
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It was so decreed by Sam Ponder on the sideline after his first TD drive. (on a side subject....these sideline reporters gotta go. I don't want fluff. I don't like fluff. I hate fluff.)