Beer or Burbon for ND /SC tonight


Future coach
Nov 10, 2011
Have a feeling the yelling at the TV will lead me to my bottle of Bookers I was saving for thanksgiving. Hahaha
Both....Beer during, Bourbon for the celebration!

Will it be "ND is way under rated, we should be 3" or "Pudgy/Smelly/<insert derogatory name> cant win, we need Herman, Fleck, etc...and the I told you so's"?
Love my Kentucky Bourbons .....never been a scotch man
Yea, grew up on Kentucky sour mash bourbon and club soda, then acquired a taste for single malt scotch about thirty five years ago. Still enjoy an occasional bourbon. What surprises me is none of my friends drink scotch or bourbon any longer. They’re all into high end vodka and tequila.
On tap for game

einstok toasted porter and einstok white ale
I.W. Harper neat
Collingwood with ginger ale
Auchentoshan three wood scotch neat

Chips and salsa
On tap for game

einstok toasted porter and einstok white ale
I.W. Harper neat
Collingwood with ginger ale
Auchentoshan three wood scotch neat

Chips and salsa