The Blue and Gold message board rules actually state:
Rule: Obscenities in post titles and handles will never be tolerated.
Rule: No personal attacks on anybody — fellow posters, and Rivals staff, Notre Dame coaches and players, etc.
Rule: Flame-only posters not allowed.
Rule: Post with respect to the truth.
Rule: No racist, obscene or sexist comments.
Rule: No posting of pornography.
Rule: No posting or distribution of any material that infringes and/or violates any right of a third party or any law.
Rule: No posting of commercial offers, competing ND websites or spamming of the board will be permitted.
Rule: Please remember — recruits, players, and their parents read our forums.
Rule: The NCAA governs message boards the same way they do personal, real-time contact. Use of these message boards for direct involvement in the recruiting process is strictly prohibited.
Rule: Post Signatures — No pornography or other vulgarities, and no product or company advertising.
These basis rules were written to govern how we interact with each other. I'm confident of two things: 1) The owners of Blue and Gold will never turn their boards over to somebody outside the company. I found the new moderators very helpful when some came here flaming from another message board and some unnecessary profanity. 2) I doubt many would like me as moderator after a few weeks. I have actually printed these rules out and keep them beside my computer. It is why I've changed my posting habits on things I've read on other places. There are three big NO's IMHO: no personal attacks; no vulgarity or risque pictures, and no flaming.
look everone has had an occasional gaffaw, run in with a rule - but there are those posters that habitually have NO REGARD for rules. Usually those posters are trying to thwart discussion on a topic they do not want the board to discuss; rather than move to a thread of interest, they resort to vulgar obscenities. Multiple ID's are usual in their arsenal.
I do not think they ought complain when after the 1st personal attack or offense, you forfiet your right for immunity from the rules! You get no protection by rules you have no regard for! This ain't hockey!
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