A Couple "Firsts" For Me

Oct 27, 2006
ND's current, self-imposed predicament prompted me to re-set my password, which I'd forgotten since my last post years ago, just to write this. I've been a fan for as long as I can remember, and over the years, I've had a vacation place in southern Michigan, located about 40 minutes from the campus, so I typically attend 3 home games a year. My first "first:" My wife and I walked out of the Stanford game at the beginning of the 4th quarter. My second "first:" I vowed never to step foot in ND stadium again, until Kelly is shown the door. ND simply has too much talent to have played as poorly as it has. The only positive about any of it is that I at least decided to forego the season tickets package I was offered a year ago...
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well, it might be another wasted year in 17!

Kelly has the program so messed up that it will be difficult to attract any decent candidate! Job security through futility! Jack is stymied in his search for a successor and stands pat. And Kelly loses games and recruiting wars further debilitating the ND football program.

USMC78 is finally correct: 'who you gonna get' answer is 'no one will come'
For me the worst part is the administrations lack of commitment to the program. We saw Texas and LSU take decisive action while ND continues to "wait and see". They love their money more than football.
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