2017 NFL Draft


ND Expert
Sep 8, 2003
Has anyone else seen that there are a lot of mock drafts that have elevated Kizer to the No. 1 overall pick in the upcoming draft? And we couldn't figure out who should be the starter.
Who will start the second half though? Kidding still not happy with some of the decisions.
That damn problem, that took a guy who couldn't complete an 8 yard out route two years ago to this projection? Unreal.
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Um, Kizer started last week and is starting this week. Which starter have we not figured out?
That damn problem, that took a guy who couldn't complete an 8 yard out route two years ago to this projection? Unreal.
Kizer was highly talented coming out of highschool its not like BK turned Matt Cassell in to an NFL starter, lets be real and give Kizer some credit.
Kizer was highly talented coming out of highschool its not like BK turned Matt Cassell in to an NFL starter, lets be real and give Kizer some credit.

repear:, no credit to BK discovering Kizer.
Golson had to tranfer
MZ had to get injured
Then DK got reps in practice - BK appeared to see what some (me included) were saying of DK
DK plays like an elite QB: run, pass, intelligence, leadership
then BK takes the No.1,job from him again
A 2.QB system is planned
UT teaches Kelly who his QB is
Then Kelly: 'TBD'
After DK's play last year, I suspected the NFL scouts would be all over him this year. Had BK played Kizer the whole game then ND (likely) wins at Texas walking away. ND had a championship season in its grasp and pizzed it away in game one! Now there is simply no room for error the rest of the season for making the playoffs.
no room for error with a Kelly coached team is walking on tne thinnest of ice!

luck, gaffaws by opposing coaches, injuries to opposing teams key players, no Irish injuries, and a surprise player, to help the D or Kizer, to step up for the IRISH...that is what it will take!
no room for error with a Kelly coached team is walking on tne thinnest of ice!

luck, gaffaws by opposing coaches, injuries to opposing teams key players, no Irish injuries, and a surprise player, to help the D or Kizer, to step up for the IRISH...that is what it will take!
Feeling any better Perse. I was worried about you, man.
spent time at shore, with my kids&grandkids boating and eating, trying to get in one more last bit of summer!

Nothing that has happen UT nor Nev has influenced my thoughts regarding the ND foitball situation.

on the game:
well, I was hoping to get through this scrimmage and not hear of any injuries. Oh well!
I am not sure anything was learned or gained other than an almost uncontested 'W'

MSU is a key game. It will be a very different pace. Scouting VT on TV.
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A lot was gained.. Confidence and playing time for a young secondary that just lost another starter. Don't under estimate what that PT does for Coleman, Love, Studstill, Vaughn, Elliott.
Add the receiving corps, EQ, Stepherson, Claypool, Holmes, Sanders. It's a very inexperienced team, a game like this? A ton can be gained.
spent time at shore, with my kids&grandkids boating and eating, trying to get in one more last bit of summer!

Nothing that has happen UT nor Nev has influenced my thoughts regarding the ND foitball situation.

on the game:
well, I was hoping to get through this scrimmage and not hear of any injuries. Oh well!
I am not sure anything was learned or gained other than an almost uncontested 'W'

MSU is a key game. It will be a very different pace. Scouting VT on TV.

A few times today, you referred to the game as a scrimmage. Why?
Nev was not a threat to win the game. Offensively there was just so much of a talent disparity.
It was like some of the matchups we see UM, tOSU or FSU playing. The staff did probably put things in the game plan to ready the Fr. for when they are needed. They did this most likely feeling comfortable that the outcome would not be in doubt. The game was like R&D.
Players that I could realistically see leave early for the NFL: McGlichney, Nelson, Kizer. Plus the seniors we will be losing: Luke, Jones, Hunter, Rochelle, Onwallu. Going to be tough replacing all those guys, hopefully some young guys step up.