That was a pretty awesome rant I went on though, right? Obviously I'm piqued by the whole 'if you lose a key player, you get downgraded for it', which is total bullshit. Maybe you could do it on the seeding. And your seeding might drop, because you're not quite as good, in theory. But they can't deny you qualification. That's unacceptable.I don't want to go off on a major tangent...but the playoff committee indeed represents encroaching corruption across all parts of our national culture.
We're ratifying and encouraging lying, cheating, and this case, marketers have a narrative and pushed it. It just had to have an SEC team.
Every time they do this, they can push the bar further. Fine, the 12 team playoff ensures this won't happen this way again...but they'll explore other ways. Bias can decisively change games when margins are so tight...a dubious call here and there, more likely with this preferred narrative stuff.
I'm disgusted by what happened...and my memories are long about what the NCAA has long done.
And I consider it to be corrupt in spirit, if not in the technical rulebook sense, because they were careful to include mention of it in their bylaws or whatever. And I agree, this bureaucratic mission creep absolutely sets the stage and the precedent for the next incursion....