I wonder how MF compares to like, Alexander the Great? You think if he could have switched places, or been alive back then he could have conquered half the known world, and spread the gift of western civilization by means of enlightened military conquest with similar or even greater vanquishment? I think so. Considering of course his undeniable powers and gifts for leadership of men. Men who will be trained in the martial disciplines, and impose their lethal will on all who oppose them. But they need training and leadership, otherwise they're just a bunch of raw recruits. Uninspired, and likely to fall well short of their proper destiny and true potential. Football of course being sort of a vicarious peacetime stand in or proxy for such violent military domination. Unlike other sports, which are more removed from such primal aggression, and tap into other talents, shall we say, innate to the human animal.
I mean we already knew MF was charismatic, and he pretty much is a total Boy Scout, the genuine article, and thus is a natural for ND in that regard. And I don't think there's any doubt, unless his strategic, tactical and preparatory prowess was so lacking so as to fail to inspire and produce sufficient confidence and skill, that players are going to be stoked play for him, and energized, more so than BK or most coaches. Moreover that any young coach, in his thirties, who almost in a pinch looks as if he could still get out there and play himself, is likely to get his players more naturally fired up. That is not a revelation. It's just that in our ploddingly hierarchical, bureaucratic society, a 'slave' society as Nietschze might consider it, you don't tend to get a lot of young coaches, on account of the long, patient slog often required to work your way up the ladder, and they're already fairly old and have lost the bloom of youth by the time they finally arrive. Additionally that they're younger and stupider and football can be a daunting sport to master the knowledge and nuances of. But it's not that hard, Lane Kiffin has proven that much.
Anyway, since BK bashing has become a cultural meme in the CFB world, with ND and it's new young buck of a coach, who did not overthrow or depose his erstwhile boss, now so deeply reviled, indeed anathema to the ND fanbase, with some war-room intrigue after receiving the full support of the rank and file who demanded his ascent.... but who got the job to a certain degree almost by happenstance, able to circumvent the slog with the help of some pretty good fortune, some might call it 'destiny'... and so now you get interviews with ex-BK players who are encouraged to effectively diminish and reconsider their former coach, in a less flattering light, almost against their will in a sense by having invidious questions put to them basically asking them how much more awesome MF is than BK. Really so that CFB media and all its many little outlets and manifestations can cash in on the meme, and get hits to their website or YT channel. And ND fans get to eat that shit up! They'll come for second and third helpings.
And I would've cited the the crusades as a historical point of reference, only I don't know if they were led by any boy wonder generals, and they largely only met with mixed success. But they were catholic!