OT: Las Vegas Active Shooter


I've posted how many times?
Jan 5, 2010
No words just insane. Looking like there will be a lot of wounded and dead. Multiple shooters firing down on concert goers.

I'm straight up thinking of moving back to southern spain. What the fvck is wrong with people.
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50+ fatalities now and 200+injured . God bless them...
50+ fatalities now and 200+injured . God bless them...

We'll see what type of gun and ammo the shooter had, but it's past the point of needing to reel in the availability of certain types of guns and ammo to literally anyone in the country.

The NRA's response will be "if only every concert goer had a gun so they could aimlessly fire at a hotel room 32 stories up"
We'll see what type of gun and ammo the shooter had, but it's past the point of needing to reel in the availability of certain types of guns and ammo to literally anyone in the country.

The NRA's response will be "if only every concert goer had a gun so they could aimlessly fire at a hotel room 32 stories up"
I'm fairly conservative and I agree 100%. The automatic weapons have got to go.
Oh God. Horrified to wake up to this today. Terrible.
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Don't care. Whatever he had should be illegal. Done.

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You all realize that automatic weapons are illegal outside of very few people who are able to get permits for range businesses. There are a number of these businesses in Vegas that let you shoot automatic weapons, but it costs an extravagant amount of money.

I am not a gun person, but I don't think a lot of folks know this.
Prayers for the families of the victims. May God ease their suffering.

I wish I was strong enough and good enough to pray for the murderer. But I'm not.

As for politics, let's wait and allow the families to grieve before we spout off about things we don't have facts to know yet.
I do know it. That's why I said we'll wait and see what he had. It did sound automatic. It doesn't change the narrative much though. The US leads the world in mass shootings.

The NRA would have you believe that more gun availability is the answer. And it's not.
You bringing politics and the NRA into it also isn’t the answer so just stop. The weapon was automatic and illegal.
I do know it. That's why I said we'll wait and see what he had. It did sound automatic. It doesn't change the narrative much though. The US leads the world in mass shootings.

The NRA would have you believe that more gun availability is the answer. And it's not.

I am not a gun advocate so relax with your politics. I merely said MOST don't know fully automatic weapons are not available to the masses.
I was at a music festival all weekend... Numerous friends who were at a festival a mile down the road from it... Just awful...
What was the weapon?

The NRA has prevented restrictions on gun purchasing by influencing law makers. That's a fact. So they will always be a part of the conversation.
It’s a sad day. Pray for the victims. Let’s not instantly jump to pointing fingers and placing blame. Evil is evil and Trump, Hilary, or the NRA wasn’t up there shooting so let’s not make it about them.
No words just insane. Looking like there will be a lot of wounded and dead. Multiple shooters firing down on concert goers.

Our reaction will be the same as every other mass casualty/shooter event. Outrage. Each "side" with its tired cliche stances. We ACCEPT this as life in America. The killing of 20 kindergarten changed nothing - THIS will change nothing. There will just be another...and another... and another. And gun sales will go up. That's a given.
It’s a sad day. Pray for the victims. Let’s not instantly jump to pointing fingers and placing blame. Evil is evil and Trump, Hilary, or the NRA wasn’t up there shooting so let’s not make it about them.

It's possible to pray for the victims and have this conversation.

We've had enough of these in the United States to know what has to change.
Its crazy those of you already politicizing and you are gonna have to be careful here cause it just proves what the NRA and conservatives always say that criminals will always get weapons. You cannot in any way shape or form buy an AUTOMATIC MACHINE GUN here since they were banned like in the 70's. So it was obviously done on the black market which would have happened no matter the restrictions. CNN and others liberal outfits will have to be careful how they spin it. Its really sad how uneducated liberals are when it comes to this, they just spew whatever their local politican spins.
Its crazy those of you already politicizing since and you are gonna have to be careful here cause it just proves what the NRA and conservatives always say that criminals will always get weapons. You cannot in any way shape or form buy an AUTOMATIC MACHINE GUN here since they were banned like in the 70's. So it was obviously done on the black market which would have happened no matter the restrictions. CNN and others liberal outfits will have to be careful how they spin it. Its really sad how uneducated liberals are when it comes to this, they just spew whatever their local politican spins.

I agree that the weapon sounded automatic. Have they announced what he actually had?

I have no idea what my local politician is spinning. Just use common sense. If you don't think these events are happening because practically anyone can get their hands on a gun - you're either naïve or dumb.

The black market argument is silly. We've already had plenty of these events where the weapons were bought legally.
My prayers to the people involved in this horrible tragedy.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.

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Most people believe the propaganda that OJ can go into Wal-Mart tomorrow and by 5 uzi's.
A felon cannot buy a weapon, legally, regardless of who he is. Also, you can buy an Uzi, but not fully automatic, only semi-automatic.
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I agree that the weapon sounded automatic. Have they announced what he actually had?

I have no idea what my local politician is spinning. Just use common sense. If you don't think these events are happening because practically anyone can get their hands on a gun - you're either naïve or dumb.

The black market argument is silly. We've already had plenty of these events where the weapons were bought legally.
Again, I am talking about this specific event that others have told you that you cannot buy an automatic weapon. You just keep spinning it now cause others have called you out.
Again, I am talking about this specific event that others have told you that you cannot buy an automatic weapon. You just keep spinning it now cause others have called you out.

"Others have called me out" ? They called me out over what? My initial post said we'll have to wait and see what type of gun was used. It's well known that automatic weapons are illegal. A semi-automatic can still be fired 90-120 rounds a minute.

Based on your response I take it that you have no idea what was used?