ND Professors call the Pro-Life Movment White Supremacy

She accomplished nothing and yet you acknowledge her as the Mother of Planned Parenthood and the person who left last marks on the legacy of Planned Parenthood. You have a very interesting way of ignoring your own inconsistencies merely to support an untenable position. Congrats on that.
You do realize her goal was to “weed out” the poor. And by that she meant minorities
I do believe porn addiction kills social drive for a lot of young men. Not gonna get on a soap box and scream how immoral it is and anyone who has ever watched porn is going to hell, but it is a horrible industry easily accessed by children.
I think he was adopting the idiotic and anti scientific talking point that sperm = human beings or masturbation by a male = genocide
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How shameful! How dare an institution of higher education expose its students to different points of view. You don't see this at other great institutions like Oral Roberts University, Bob Jones University, Liberty University, and Olivet Nazarine University. Why can't ND be more like them? What's next at ND? Are they going to teach the students to think critically and form their own opinions! Heresy, I say, Heresy!
So you think a professor that says pro life is part of White Supremacy is critical thinking? That makes no sense at all
And Margaret Sanger .....I wonder what the professors thoughts are about her?
Did you know more babies were aborted in New York than born?
So you think a professor that says pro life is part of White Supremacy is critical thinking? That makes no sense at all
And Margaret Sanger .....I wonder what the professors thoughts are about her?
Did you know more babies were aborted in New York than born?
Well said, and what a shame for New York. That now allow up to due date, completely viable, babies to be murdered. Gods judgment will not be kind to them.
Well said, and what a shame for New York. That now allow up to due date, completely viable, babies to be murdered. Gods judgment will not be kind to them.
I'm afraid God will judge this nation harshly for not protecting the truly most vulnerable
The left will tell you the transgender children or the illegals are the most vulnerable and totally ignore the unborn
Just sad
The majority of our tax dollars is spent on entitlement programs not towards defense spending
Your redistribution narrative is bllsht from even the beginning
To say otherwise is a blatant lie

71 % of the budget is for entitlements.

29 % for everything else including the military.

If you count the unfunded liabilities, the national debt goes from approximately 21 trillion to well over 100 trillion
There are no different points of view when it comes to the unborn little ones. There is only one view. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you"...Jeremiah 1:5. Because of the mass murders of the little innocents, who knows, we may have snuffed out the life of a person that would have discovered the cure for cancer, or a future great composer, or a world class author, or even another Michael Jordan. Maybe someone who had the answer to world peace or a scientist who discovered life outside of our galaxy. Could have been someone who found a way to fix this global warming thing that we hear so much about. We will never know because that single great life was snuffed out among all the cheers and clapping. We are all going to have to answer for this.
There are no different points of view when it comes to the unborn little ones. There is only one view. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you"...Jeremiah 1:5. Because of the mass murders of the little innocents, who knows, we may have snuffed out the life of a person that would have discovered the cure for cancer, or a future great composer, or a world class author, or even another Michael Jordan. Maybe someone who had the answer to world peace or a scientist who discovered life outside of our galaxy. Could have been someone who found a way to fix this global warming thing that we hear so much about. We will never know because that single great life was snuffed out among all the cheers and clapping. We are all going to have to answer for this.
60 million and counting. More then all genocidal tyrants combined, including Hitler and Stalin
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Some of you can laugh and say heresy all you want, however Notre Dame was founded as a Catholic University following Catholic teachings. Would it not seem to be in line with the founding of the school to let left wing fanatics have the right to express themselves elsewhere?
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Some of you can laugh and say heresy all you want, however Notre Dame was founded as a Catholic University following Catholic teachings. Would it not seem to be in line with the founding of the school to let left wing fanatics have the right to express themselves elsewhere?
Notre Dame has traditionally embraced the open and free debate and discussion of all viewpoints. You now want that policy snuffed out?
There are no different points of view when it comes to the unborn little ones. There is only one view. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you"...Jeremiah 1:5. Because of the mass murders of the little innocents, who knows, we may have snuffed out the life of a person that would have discovered the cure for cancer, or a future great composer, or a world class author, or even another Michael Jordan. Maybe someone who had the answer to world peace or a scientist who discovered life outside of our galaxy. Could have been someone who found a way to fix this global warming thing that we hear so much about. We will never know because that single great life was snuffed out among all the cheers and clapping. We are all going to have to answer for this.

You would have a much stronger argument if it wasn't based upon the Bible. Many of us don't believe in the Bible but, instead, like to rely upon logic. That being said, there are very strong logical and ethical arguments in opposition to abortion without having to rely upon mythologies.
Notre Dame has traditionally embraced the open and free debate and discussion of all viewpoints. You now want that policy snuffed out?
Historically ND has said that philosophy was required in order to be a respected international university. You have to give all sides a fair hearing, and treat all sides with respect, no matter how much you disagree with them. But, with what's going on in academia today that philosophy might be passe. Academia has become overtly one sided, and in some cases is pretty militant about being one sided. Check your alternative viewpoint at the door.
Historically ND has said that philosophy was required in order to be a respected international university. You have to give all sides a fair hearing, and treat all sides with respect, no matter how much you disagree with them. But, with what's going on in academia today that philosophy might be passe. Academia has become overtly one sided, and in some cases is pretty militant about being one sided. Check your alternative viewpoint at the door.
ND has enough challenges without adopting a rigid policy of intolerance. Obviously, they can do it, but the consequences would inexorably signal an end to football prosperity. Such are the costs of principles.
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You would have a much stronger argument if it wasn't based upon the Bible. Many of us don't believe in the Bible but, instead, like to rely upon logic. That being said, there are very strong logical and ethical arguments in opposition to abortion without having to rely upon mythologies.
Most of us don’t believe in the Bible?Really ? Wow
Most of us don’t believe in the Bible?Really ? Wow

100% factual.

ND has enough challenges without adopting a rigid policy of intolerance. Obviously, they can do it, but the consequences would inexorably signal an end to football prosperity. Such are the costs of principles.
I am not at all proposing that ND partake in intolerance of alternative ideas, rigid or other wise. But there is rigid intolerance happening all over American academia today. It's in the news just about every day.
I am not at all proposing that ND partake in intolerance of alternative ideas, rigid or other wise. But there is rigid intolerance happening all over American academia today. It's in the news just about every day.
That's great, we don't want to have anything interfere with ND's embrace of the panoply of viewpoints. Have to admit, my principal concern is that a less receptive approach might alienate a sterling recruit with a divergent background. Some day we might want another Muslim like Ryan Harris play on the offensive line.
You would have a much stronger argument if it wasn't based upon the Bible. Many of us don't believe in the Bible but, instead, like to rely upon logic. That being said, there are very strong logical and ethical arguments in opposition to abortion without having to rely upon mythologies.
When you refer to my faith as a myth, I have no interest in further discussion on the topic with you.
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When I think back to why I became ND football fan , the mail reason was that my fellow Sub Alums and I, (Who at that time could never even dream of having enough money to afford college ) was because We were Catholic. We shared our common Catholic Values. ND
Was God’s school ! The Lady on the Dome was our Mother !
When I finally , due to the GI Bill plus working at any jobs that I could find, could afford to attend college, I was accepted at the Top Engineering college in my state ( very inexpensive ) and a much more
Expensive Catholic College. I chose the Catholic College because of its Catholic education !
I gladly payed the extra money for the Catholic part and I was most happy with the educational part as well.
From what I see and read today, I find it very difficult to believe that the Catholic Universities and Colleges
Have become , for all intents and purposes, more and more secular and less and less Catholic.
To see this trend is very disheartening and sad, and more than disingenuous to tell parents, alums, And prospective students, that these institutions are still Catholic!
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When I think back to why I became ND football fan , the mail reason was that my fellow Sub Alums and I, (Who at that time could never even dream of having enough money to afford college ) was because We were Catholic. We shared our common Catholic Values. ND
Was God’s school ! The Lady on the Dome was our Mother !
When I finally , due to the GI Bill plus working at any jobs that I could find, could afford to attend college, I was accepted at the Top Engineering college in my state ( very inexpensive ) and a much more
Expensive Catholic College. I chose the Catholic College because of its Catholic education !
I gladly payed the extra money for the Catholic part and I was most happy with the educational part as well.
From what I see and read today, I find it very difficult to believe that the Catholic Universities and Colleges
Have become , for all intents and purposes, more and more secular and less and less Catholic.
To see this trend is very disheartening and sad, and more than disingenuous to tell parents, alums, And prospective students, that these institutions are still Catholic!
The Catholic Schools that are respected players on the national and international academia stage, (ND, BC, Georgetown, Villanova, for example) are in a tough position. If you are pushing the conservative religious agenda really hard, and trying to limit the expression of alternative thoughts, you are not going to be taken seriously in academia. So you have to find a balance between your Catholic heritage and philosophy and those other ideologies. Either that or be a local Catholic school that others in academia don't pay any attention to. If ND wanted to become the school Hesburgh envisioned, that was going to be a necessary part of the deal.

Now a reasonable person might say that some very well respected academic institutions are pushing a hard left liberal agenda, and overtly trying to suppress more conservative ideas and thoughts. You'd be correct. Life isn't always fair.
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When you refer to my faith as a myth, I have no interest in further discussion on the topic with you.

Technically, I didn't say that your faith is a myth. I suspect that your faith is, in fact, very real. What I meant was that what your faith is based upon is a myth. Whether it is the creation in 7 days story, Moses splitting the Red Sea, or Jesus' birth in a manger attended by three wise men. Those are myths, at least in my opinion and, to an extent, in the opinion of the Catholic church. It is a slight and technical difference and I will certainly respect your decision not to engage with me further on this topic.
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That's great, we don't want to have anything interfere with ND's eu5k uhmmmbrace of the panoply of viewpoints. Have to admit, my principal concern is that a less receptive approach might alienate a sterling recruit with a divergent background. Some day we might want another Muslim like Ryan Harris play on the offensive line.

The university has seemed to have strayed to far from its catholic principles for what reason I dont know.
Tolerance should work both ways, but as we have in places such as Berkley they have no tolerance for anyone but what they believe.
For ND to employ a professor that would use abortion as an alternative veiw point all the while more babies were aborted than borned in New York which has a strong Catholic following. Where is the critical thinking in that?
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The university has seemed to have strayed to far from its catholic principles for what reason I dont know.
Tolerance should work both ways, but as we have in places such as Berkley they have no tolerance for anyone but what they believe.
For ND to employ a professor that would use abortion as an alternative veiw point all the while more babies were aborted than borned in New York which has a strong Catholic following. Where is the critical thinking in that?
The university has seemed to have strayed to far from its catholic principles for what reason I dont know.
Tolerance should work both ways, but as we have in places such as Berkley they have no tolerance for anyone but what they believe.
For ND to employ a professor that would use abortion as an alternative veiw point all the while more babies were aborted than borned in New York which has a strong Catholic following. Where is the critical thinking in that?
Yeah, some of the things Berkeley does are absurd. Even Bill Maher has clashed with them. Although Notre Dame is a Catholic institution, allowing a teacher to exercise a pro choice view is hardly a controversial position. An educational institution should be egalitarian. Polls across the spectrum show that a majority the population wanting abortion to remain. The Republic of Ireland recently legalized abortion, and that is heavily Catholic country.
The problem with straying away from the original Catholic Foundation to make an accommodation with
Secular society, is to make a deal with the devil ! This pro Abortion professor should have no place at
A Catholic University.
The simple and best way to state this is the Old German expression: Give the Devil a finger and he
Will take the whole hand !
What can be more evil and more anti religion that destroying the God given life of the most innocent
Of humanity ?