Brey proving fan forums are clueless.

As long as everyone agrees with you, you are ok with them. However have an opposing view or calling you out for what you really are and you go into attack mode.

This is an incredibly hypocritical statement coming from you .... to add to the hilarity .... you started it .... what a joke ! .... LOL!
And of course this is fact..not just an opinion? If all the people who like Brey are stupid, blind, clueless, and part of the "Clown Show"...and this is(in your words) the "Dumbest board in all of sports." Why do you post here?

Make it a good answer...cuz, ya know, I really don't give a shit what you say...I am just here for the laughs!

ND's success was on the backs of NBA talent .... that is a fact .... BRey coached here 15 years prior to the only 2 you remember .... also a fact .... I'm still waiting for the clown show to say anything remotely intelligent and or counter even 1 thing I've said ... in 17 years

How come you don't answer my questions .... aren't there some gay or handicapped people you are supposed to be bashing right now ..... :eek:
Apparently it is me! Didn't even know it....but I am gonna have a blast being him. Mr. you know who this guy is?

Far from the 1st lie ever told .... Bodi called it .... and even though you will never admit it .... since it is soooo pathetic .... we know ..... not just one but at least 2 more .... that is 4 whiners for the price of one .... LOL!
He is from PA. We had some great conversations. other than that no

Great converstaions ? .... let me guess .... some swearing .... some name calling .... some insulting handicapped people .... some insulting gay people ..... I see where you're coming from Zona ..... this is how desperate you are to hitch to this wagon you need help furthering embarassing yourselves ... :)
What will that look like? .... swearing? ..... name calling? .... insulting the handicapped? ..... insulting gay people? guys have that in spades .... :D
You do realize I'm talking about your meltdown. Or are you too dumb to figure that out. Go on and throw your little hissy fit.
So has @Buguit bothered to respond to all the facts that have completely debunked him yet?

Or is he still venting about nothing, insulting everyone, and jamming every post with a thousand incorrectly used ellipses?
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So has @Buguit bothered to respond to all the facts that have completely debunked him yet?

Or is he still venting about nothing, insulting everyone, and jamming every post with a thousand incorrectly used ellipses?

Still claiming ignorance .... at this point it doesn't look like an act .... just authentic ignornace .... :cool:
You do realize I'm talking about your meltdown. Or are you too dumb to figure that out. Go on and throw your little hissy fit.

And this .... put it in dark print to accent your meltdown ... exactly what I'm talking about ..... LOL!
ND's success was on the backs of NBA talent .... that is a fact .... BRey coached here 15 years prior to the only 2 you remember .... also a fact .... I'm still waiting for the clown show to say anything remotely intelligent and or counter even 1 thing I've said ... in 17 years

How come you don't answer my questions .... aren't there some gay or handicapped people you are supposed to be bashing right now ..... :eek:

You keep forgetting to post that "Brey blows...Connaughton and Grant coached the teams...Brey had nothing to do with it. He was just along for the ride." You stated that this was a FACT also, not an opinion, a FACT. Even though you were never at any games of practices to prove this FACT...and you get pissed when people question how you gather these FACTS

As far as answering questions..answer mine...if anyone who thinks Brey is doing a good job is dumb, blind, clueless and a simpleton....and this is the dumbest board in all of sports...why do you post here? It would seem logical if that were true that you would go and try another forum where someone would agree with your OPINIONS.....
It's meltdown time for Bugnut!

Check it out...620 in the AM and his head is exploding....LMAO...he is probably running around the house in his "IIO is my BFF" hoodie, with his Scooby Doo slippers on, in his upstairs office of his palatial estate, banging his head off the wall!!! He is such an angry dude isn't he!!! He's probably waking up the old lady...."Brey Blows''' Brey Blows"..."Why can't I have any friends!!!"
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Far from the 1st lie ever told .... Bodi called it .... and even though you will never admit it .... since it is soooo pathetic .... we know ..... not just one but at least 2 more .... that is 4 whiners for the price of one .... LOL!

Bodi called it???? The guy you just called a liar....again? I told him he shoulda taken a dump on your front lawn. But ya know what...I will send Jackson Domer over to do soon as he comes back from Hawaii!!!!!! that's hilarious....
So has @Buguit bothered to respond to all the facts that have completely debunked him yet?

Or is he still venting about nothing, insulting everyone, and jamming every post with a thousand incorrectly used ellipses?
Why is it that other posters here understand Bugnut to be nothing more the a tool flaming away on this board, insulting and name calling other posters. Yet he is trying to tell everyone that he is right all the time and anyone who disagrees with him is a fool.
And this .... put it in dark print to accent your meltdown ... exactly what I'm talking about ..... LOL!
I see you are getting you meltdown early in the morning today. When will you head explode?
Why is it that other posters here understand Bugnut to be nothing more the a tool flaming away on this board, insulting and name calling other posters. Yet he is trying to tell everyone that he is right all the time and anyone who disagrees with him is a fool.

My guess, and this comes from undergrad days of my degree is Psych and minor in Criminal Justice where I did a lot of abnormal behavior and profiling stuff, is that this loon is probably from the midwest (in the heart of ND country), mid 50ish, a bit globular, wears specks, probably sits in a cubicle all day, and comes on this site to speak his true feelings about ND. He won't say these things in his real life, out at pubs or around the office, for fear of rejection and getting the crap beat out of he finds a site like this and tries to bully his way thru people...the guy is a total loon...he believes things in the cyber-world are real...he is looking for acceptance somewhere, anywhere. Just look at some of his one last week he wants me to give him credit for another he writes that "people come on this site to say things about Brey, looking for trouble, and whine when they find it." (Check it's on page 8 of this thread)...the dude thinks he's a sheriff or something. "Y'all come looking for trouble, well, y'all found it!" People on this site need to take more of my approach...he's a loonie tune, so have fun with him....
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I wish we could see video of his head exploding!

I would like to see a video of his head exploding if the mods banned him!!! That would be epic....I would put the over/under at 14...the number of walls he would punch/kick/ or slam his head thru!!!!
Bug says the same things over and over, year after year. Not sure he would pass the " I am not a robot " screening.
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Oh I love egging him on also. He is fun to mess with. I'll bet he gets all red faced when he reads stuff about himself and his BP goes threw the roof. He is no Notre Dame fan, wish we could figure out which team he roots for. If I had to bet money, he sounds like a classical Purdue fan the way he works himself up into a hissy fit. He thinks in his own little world, that he is the smartest person here.
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Oh I love egging him on also. He is fun to mess with. I'll bet he gets all red faced when he reads stuff about himself and his BP goes threw the roof. He is no Notre Dame fan, wish we could figure out which team he roots for. If I had to bet money, he sounds like a classical Purdue fan the way he works himself up into a hissy fit. He thinks in his own little world, that he is the smartest person here.

He's a crack-pot!....I am assuming all my other aliases were also bball coaches. It seems like this Jackson Domer guy really got under his skin...but I will bet Sheriff Bug put him in his place!!
Never in the history of college bball have announcers trashed a coach ..... ever .... you don't know this too ? .... figures
Agreed. The point is that Kellogg was not prompted to make his remark. If he didn't t feel that way he simply would have not made the comment. I m sure the logic eludes you.
Agreed. The point is that Kellogg was not prompted to make his remark. If he didn't t feel that way he simply would have not made the comment. I m sure the logic eludes you.

You're desperate to hang your hat on something .... the game of bball and everything around it apparently eludes you ... :)
Bodi called it???? The guy you just called a liar....again? I told him he shoulda taken a dump on your front lawn. But ya know what...I will send Jackson Domer over to do soon as he comes back from Hawaii!!!!!! that's hilarious....

Liars calling others liars .... Bodi is calling you a liar .... again .... ironic isn't it ..... I wouldn't trust the homophobe ..... :eek:
You keep forgetting to post that "Brey blows...Connaughton and Grant coached the teams...Brey had nothing to do with it. He was just along for the ride." You stated that this was a FACT also, not an opinion, a FACT. Even though you were never at any games of practices to prove this FACT...and you get pissed when people question how you gather these FACTS

As far as answering questions..answer mine...if anyone who thinks Brey is doing a good job is dumb, blind, clueless and a simpleton....and this is the dumbest board in all of sports...why do you post here? It would seem logical if that were true that you would go and try another forum where someone would agree with your OPINIONS.....

Those are facts .... and I being a real ND fan .... can't be chased away by the old angry dumb homophobe clown show .... somebody has to raise the IQ around here .... not everyone is a champion of mediocrity ..... or plain stupid ... sheesh .... :cool:
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Bug says the same things over and over, year after year. Not sure he would pass the " I am not a robot " screening.

What does the clown show say that is different ? .... not only nothing but nothing smart .... it has been the same for 17 years ... let me guess .... you thought Brey just got here 2 years ago too.... :eek:
Oh I love egging him on also. He is fun to mess with. I'll bet he gets all red faced when he reads stuff about himself and his BP goes threw the roof. He is no Notre Dame fan, wish we could figure out which team he roots for. If I had to bet money, he sounds like a classical Purdue fan the way he works himself up into a hissy fit. He thinks in his own little world, that he is the smartest person here.

Just like your buddy who is so ignorant he insults handicapped and gay people without realizing it .... you don't realize your embarassing yourself ..... keep on whining though ... and be careful with the bets ..... not right spending our taxes on stupidity ...... just saying .... o_O
My guess, and this comes from undergrad days of my degree is Psych and minor in Criminal Justice where I did a lot of abnormal behavior and profiling stuff, is that this loon is probably from the midwest (in the heart of ND country), mid 50ish, a bit globular, wears specks, probably sits in a cubicle all day, and comes on this site to speak his true feelings about ND. He won't say these things in his real life, out at pubs or around the office, for fear of rejection and getting the crap beat out of he finds a site like this and tries to bully his way thru people...the guy is a total loon...he believes things in the cyber-world are real...he is looking for acceptance somewhere, anywhere. Just look at some of his one last week he wants me to give him credit for another he writes that "people come on this site to say things about Brey, looking for trouble, and whine when they find it." (Check it's on page 8 of this thread)...the dude thinks he's a sheriff or something. "Y'all come looking for trouble, well, y'all found it!" People on this site need to take more of my approach...he's a loonie tune, so have fun with him....

I get credit for exposing you ....your aliases (definition of pathetic) ...... pointing out your stupidity (6th grade education) .... Mr. Hawaii and "Black Ages" ...LOL! .... credit for exposing your prejudice against handicapped people ..... homophobia .... and your passion for sheep and anal references .... and all the swearing .... you know your total lack of class ...... oh and the fact you think a high pick and roll is a play .... LOL!

Damn ..... I can't even remember it all .... it's a wonder you're not whinng on multiple threads right now like you usually are .... how much more trashy can you get ..... and you owe me or a handicapped foundation 10 bucks ... welcher .... :D
He's a crack-pot!....I am assuming all my other aliases were also bball coaches. It seems like this Jackson Domer guy really got under his skin...but I will bet Sheriff Bug put him in his place!!

You can't even tell a decent lie .... that's the upside of your aliases .... I can embarass 4 guys for the price of one ... doh! .... they are all equally stupid .... like 5 or 6 dumb angry guys is going to make a difference .... :)
I don't know for sure. Is it just a coincidence that on JacksonDomers page it says he was last on this board on 4-1-16 and Cavanaugh joined on 03-31-16 ?

Yeah Bodi ... nobody ever created an alias without ditching the old one right away ..... seriously? .... their dumb is rubbing off on you ..... desperately flawed logic .... go ahead and retract your statement .... that way you don't have to be a one time liar ... make it a full time thing .... it is better to tell lies to try and save face eh? ..... just say you didn't say it .... for the record .... please .... you called his handle .... and you know it .... you called him out for lack of integrity long ago .... I for one had never had to make stuff up .... make it official one way or the other ..... integrity or liar .... choose .... :cool:
Yeah Bodi ... nobody ever created an alias without ditching the old one right away ..... seriously? .... their dumb is rubbing off on you ..... desperately flawed logic .... go ahead and retract your statement .... that way you don't have to be a one time liar ... make it a full time thing .... it is better to tell lies to try and save face eh? ..... just say you didn't say it .... for the record .... please .... you called his handle .... and you know it .... you called him out for lack of integrity long ago .... I for one had never had to make stuff up .... make it official one way or the other ..... integrity or liar .... choose .... :cool:

What is your problem Buguit? I did some research and gave some evidence that JacksonDomer is probably Cavanaugh and you go off on me? From now on do your own research.
Yeah Bodi ... nobody ever created an alias without ditching the old one right away ..... seriously? .... their dumb is rubbing off on you ..... desperately flawed logic .... go ahead and retract your statement .... that way you don't have to be a one time liar ... make it a full time thing .... it is better to tell lies to try and save face eh? ..... just say you didn't say it .... for the record .... please .... you called his handle .... and you know it .... you called him out for lack of integrity long ago .... I for one had never had to make stuff up .... make it official one way or the other ..... integrity or liar .... choose .... :cool:

Also, even though I don't like you, I take your side in an argument when I think you are right even though I will take heat from other posters. That is the very definition of integrity.
What is your problem Buguit? I did some research and gave some evidence that JacksonDomer is probably Cavanaugh and you go off on me? From now on do your own research.

Mr. Bodi sir....for the umpteenth time( and that's a jab at you know who) I am not this Jackson Domer character. That is a FACT (another jab) Yes, it must be a coincidence with those 2 dates no matter what you discovered or what that that deranged lunatic thinks. I came on this site, I guess it was the date you posted, after some prompting from a n asst of mine who was banned from here...he was the WON who told me about this moron who everyone despises on this board. I am not a chat room guy...this is the only site I post on. I don't even post on my alma-maters site although I do go over there occasionally. I read some of your posts...I don't ever recall saying a disparaging word to you. I do have a few faults..however, being a liar is not among them. Perhaps it was being raised by a marine....for the life of me I do not know why you guys put up with him..he should be chucked because all he does is bad mouth ND at every chance he gets...the AD's, BBall coach, Football coach, QB coach...never says a positive thing about ND. And that BS about recruiting under the radar talent is just a smokescreen to fit his narrative. When the under the radar talent doesn't pan out he gets to blame the coach...which is all he wanted to do in the first place. Sorry to disappoint you...but I am not that guy.

I will admit...numbnuts is probably running around the office skipping so happily! But ya know what....really doesn't bother me a whole I have said a hundred's cyber world and my life doesn't change one iota what anybody on an anonymous board believes. Tomorrow I am off to FLA to chase the white ball, come back for a few days, and head to Phoenix for the FF...and for the are a man of integrity(so it seems) and that piece of rat filth still busts your chops. Told ya he was a no good, deranged moron.
Please Bugshit tell what you have contributed to this board, besides your harassing other posters who don't agree with you? I stopped years ago trying to reason with you. You are a hopeless case. You know absolutely nothing about basketball, football and Notre Dame.
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