Will ND be better---


All Star
Oct 3, 2004
Will ND be better;

at the beginning of games? Just seems like their opponents have the Irish behind early in the game, particularly in big games.

at avoiding delay of game penalties?

at generating turn overs?

at red zone scoring?

3 of 4 are coaching issues.
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We have to replace huge talents on the offense ,Stanleu ,Martin, Fuller, Prosise, , also A.Jones not playing this year ,C. Brown , Robinson.On defense ,Smith, Day, Okwara, Russell, Shumate Do we have the talent to reload or is this going to be a 8-4 season
Some football publications have us as high as 9.

Our offensive line should be very good again McGlinchey and Nelson are studs and probably 1st rounders ,plus Bars ,Mustipher, Hoge ,,etc . H. Hiestand is one of the best offensive line coaches .Kizer ,Zaire, Folston ,Adams ,Tori Hunter , St,Brown .

On defense ,Irish faithful are familiar , Rochell , Jones, Hayes, Cage , Trumbetti , Tillery on defensive line ,but no real pass rushers . Freshmen D..Hayes ,Kareem contributions ? DBs Redfield, Butler, Crawford ,etc . Recruited a lot of defensive backs .Still looking for a few under the radar players to emerge , Irish defense needs to surprise ?

Well Kelly is optimistic as he should be .We are more talented than most of the teams we play . And with the teams we are scheduling for 2 game series in the future,Michigan ,Michigan St. Georgia , possibly TCU,Baylor , also maybe another series with Oklahoma, or SEC ,plus the ACC teams like Florida St.Clemson and PAC 12 teams Stanford , USC . With recruiting going well for 2017 and 2018 ,we may be able to get to the next step .
I think this question can be answered mostly by the coaching staff versus the players. Like mentioned above we have the horses to be successful but do we have the trainers? This is not a knock on the coaching staff as I'm a BK fan but the direction of the team is vitally important. It's my opinion if the direction of the offense is trying to light up the score board and chuck it all over the field, ND will win the games it should and lose to equal comp. If they take the OSU/Bama/Clemson approach with a run heavy, play action attack I think this makes them more competitive against ALL teams. We've all seen when the passing games breaks down the team seems to break down as the D is on the field for a lot of minutes. ND has the line, the backs and the signal callers to be successful with this approach. Do they have the coaches?
Will ND be better;

at the beginning of games? Just seems like their opponents have the Irish behind early in the game, particularly in big games.

at avoiding delay of game penalties?

at generating turn overs?

at red zone scoring?

3 of 4 are coaching issues.

feel free to add...

"at overcoming poor hc decisions...."

The human jello pop is like Yoko.... surrounded by talent and doesn't know what to do....

Check out the 1:18 mark and Chuck Berry's eyes....that's the ongoing ND fan base reaction to game to game poor HC decisions....

PS At 2:33, thanks to Yoko, you'll hear what's going through kelly's melon when the question of going for 2 arises....

For me the red zone is a huge problem, but the players deserve as much blame as the coaches.
Coach calls a passing play on 1st down inside the 5, not great, but nothing says you have to throw the ball.
Watch last year against GT, BC Navy, etc. why even throw it? Just run it or throw it away QB.
The coaches need to be able to call a pass play with the confidence the QBs aren't going to force anything.

And the RBs/WRs need to realize unless it's 4th down, don't sacrifice ball security for a TD. See USC, Clemson, BC. All three games we fumbled inside the two because guys were trying to score when they didn't have to.

Watch the Showtime episode after the USC game. After Hunter fumbles on the 1 on 1st Down with ND up 21-10, listen to what Kelly says to him. "Son, you simply cannot fumble there." Exactly. ND had all the momentum, calls a great end around to Hunter, who gets inside the 1. If he protects the ball, ND probably goes up 28-10, game over. He wants to score badly & sticks the ball out for no reason.
That isn't coaching, that's football fundamentals the players need to execute.
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feel free to add...

"at overcoming poor hc decisions...."

The human jello pop is like Yoko.... surrounded by talent and doesn't know what to do....

Check out the 1:18 mark and Chuck Berry's eyes....that's the ongoing ND fan base reaction to game to game poor HC decisions....

PS At 2:33, thanks to Yoko, you'll hear what's going through kelly's melon when the question of going for 2 arises....

I'm starting to go back from the "can't stand you" to the "feel sorry for you" camp again.
I just can't help to feel bad for how miserable your life must be? You are like the guy who gets dumped in high school but spends the rest of their life obsessed with the girl who dumped you. She is wealthy, famous, loved, are a pathetic stalker who needs therapy. Please get therapy. Please.
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I'm starting to go back from the "can't stand you" to the "feel sorry for you" camp again.
I just can't help to feel bad for how miserable your life must be? You are like the guy who gets dumped in high school but spends the rest of their life obsessed with the girl who dumped you. She is wealthy, famous, loved, are a pathetic stalker who needs therapy. Please get therapy. Please.

Thanks for the chuckles.... I was never "dumped".
PS While at ND I dated the best looking girls at ND and SMC..... same in HS.....same while working on Wall Street..... One chick from Shearson,
"How come you have never asked me out?" It's amazing what can happens when you ignore the best looking girls.....
Thanks for the chuckles.... I was never "dumped".
PS While at ND I dated the best looking girls at ND and SMC..... same in HS.....same while working on Wall Street..... One chick from Shearson,
"How come you have never asked me out?" It's amazing what can happens when you ignore the best looking girls.....

Lol. Yea you need therapy. What a clown you are.
Lol. Yea you need therapy. What a clown you are.

My Fr year in the first couple of weeks a bunch of neanderthals in the South Dining Hall were holding up signs with numbers like Russian judges, making fun of and also making cow noises as girls came off the lunch line.

What I did next was legendary and endeared me to the girls of the South Quad....

It was great hearing them whisper for weeks as I strolled through the cafeteria, "He's only a Freshman..."

My reputation was cemented from the get go....

BTW most of the jackasses were from Morrissey....
feel free to add...

"at overcoming poor hc decisions...."

The human jello pop is like Yoko.... surrounded by talent and doesn't know what to do....

Check out the 1:18 mark and Chuck Berry's eyes....that's the ongoing ND fan base reaction to game to game poor HC decisions....

PS At 2:33, thanks to Yoko, you'll hear what's going through kelly's melon when the question of going for 2 arises....

sad and pathetic.
Will ND be better;

at the beginning of games? Just seems like their opponents have the Irish behind early in the game, particularly in big games.

at avoiding delay of game penalties?

at generating turn overs?

at red zone scoring?

3 of 4 are coaching issues.
i would love some rationale on how those are strictly "coaching issues ".
ND will be better if......1) injuries are kept to a bare minimum. 2) Secondary stays physically and mentally involved. 3) A couple of Receivers besides Tori step up.
My Fr year in the first couple of weeks a bunch of neanderthals in the South Dining Hall were holding up signs with numbers like Russian judges, making fun of and also making cow noises as girls came off the lunch line.

What I did next was legendary and endeared me to the girls of the South Quad....

It was great hearing them whisper for weeks as I strolled through the cafeteria, "He's only a Freshman..."

My reputation was cemented from the get go....

BTW most of the jackasses were from Morrissey....

If you have family or friends tell it to someone who cares. Pathetic.
i would love some rationale on how those are strictly "coaching issues ".

I believe poor red zone scoring; numerous delay of game penalties; and slow starts in games largely reflect coaching because:

-They reflect play selection in anticipation of an opponents tendencies; both as a game unfolds and through analysis of an an opponent over time, in their previous games.
-They reflect pre-game preparation procedures and attitudes absorbed by players from the coaches. I assert, in any sport, at any level; a sloppy team will be judged to be a poorly coached team.

The only problem I originally listed that I do not believe can be directly be put at the feet of coaching is the turnover ratio.
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I believe poor red zone scoring; numerous delay of game penalties; and slow starts in games largely reflect coaching because:

-They reflect play selection in anticipation of an opponents tendencies; both as a game unfolds and through analysis of an an opponent over time, in their previous games.
-They reflect pre-game preparation procedures and attitudes absorbed by players from the coaches. I assert, in any sport, at any level; a sloppy team will be judged to be a poorly coached team.

The only problem I originally listed that I do not believe can be directly be put at the feet of coaching is the turnover ratio.
i can 100% guarantee you that pre-game preparation is exactly the same from week to week. claiming a poor game performance is a result of poor game week preparation is so far removed from the truth its laughable. teams at this level everywhere are creatures of habit. the way things are done are strictly adhered to day by day, week by week etc. the game plan may change but the implementing and game week preparations don't. red zone issues have many causes first and foremost but not every time, issues with execution are the primary cause of failure. everyone seems to forget that there is an opponent out there and they have a direct impact on the outcome of plays and games.
game delay penalties can be because of a number of causes. if the play caller calls the play late its on him. if the guys signaling in the play mess up its on them. if the qb is slow calling it its on him etc. its a team game from the coaches on down. to absolve players of things they are responsible for is silly. maybe as a coach i am too sensitive to the subject matter. all i know is its not black and white and that football has many variables in every phase of it.
i can 100% guarantee you that pre-game preparation is exactly the same from week to week. claiming a poor game performance is a result of poor game week preparation is so far removed from the truth its laughable. teams at this level everywhere are creatures of habit. the way things are done are strictly adhered to day by day, week by week etc. the game plan may change but the implementing and game week preparations don't. red zone issues have many causes first and foremost but not every time, issues with execution are the primary cause of failure. everyone seems to forget that there is an opponent out there and they have a direct impact on the outcome of plays and games.
game delay penalties can be because of a number of causes. if the play caller calls the play late its on him. if the guys signaling in the play mess up its on them. if the qb is slow calling it its on him etc. its a team game from the coaches on down. to absolve players of things they are responsible for is silly. maybe as a coach i am too sensitive to the subject matter. all i know is its not black and white and that football has many variables in every phase of it.

Just stop....the defense couldn't set unless Schmidt was on the field.... The HC and DC are clueless in many ways....
Just stop....the defense couldn't set unless Schmidt was on the field.... The HC and DC are clueless in many ways....
my point was, and as per usual it eluded you is that to blame one single thing in particular for a less than perfect performance is short sighted. it's the ultimate team game from every aspect. coaches, players etc.
i can 100% guarantee you that pre-game preparation is exactly the same from week to week. claiming a poor game performance is a result of poor game week preparation is so far removed from the truth its laughable. teams at this level everywhere are creatures of habit. the way things are done are strictly adhered to day by day, week by week etc. the game plan may change but the implementing and game week preparations don't. red zone issues have many causes first and foremost but not every time, issues with execution are the primary cause of failure. everyone seems to forget that there is an opponent out there and they have a direct impact on the outcome of plays and games.
game delay penalties can be because of a number of causes. if the play caller calls the play late its on him. if the guys signaling in the play mess up its on them. if the qb is slow calling it its on him etc. its a team game from the coaches on down. to absolve players of things they are responsible for is silly. maybe as a coach i am too sensitive to the subject matter. all i know is its not black and white and that football has many variables in every phase of it.

Several observations:

1. Me thinks you doth protest too much. None of my points requires complete absolution of the players performance.

2. Yes, week to week preparation activities will be the same. However, when I played high school football, and I suspect this is true at all levels, at some point we would prepare for anticipated tactics and strategies of the other team. And, the coaches would talk to us about what we should be looking for.

3. Some teams simply have better players; both physically and mentally, which makes it less likely there will be breakdowns in physical or mental performance.

4. I have played all the major sports, under a variety of coaches. Coaching does make some difference.

5. My final assertion is this: With the same players that have played for ND during the Kelly years; the trends I have noticed (others as well, I think); If Rockne, Leahy, Ara or Holtz were coaching the same players; those trends would not be as big a problem.
maybe i didn't explain properly. yes from week to week the game plan does change based on the opponent. my point is the implementation of said plan is the same. nd prepared the same way for texas as they did boston college. now you can certainly say the game plan prepared for a specific game was ineffective but there can be many, many reasons for it. i always laugh how notre dames opponents rarely get any credit here for the role they played in the outcomes of games. players and coaches are not robots. like any job you have good days and bad. no guarantees that all 11 players on the field or all the coaches will have their A game every week. no one does in any profession. we're all human.
Several observations:

1. Me thinks you doth protest too much. None of my points requires complete absolution of the players performance.

2. Yes, week to week preparation activities will be the same. However, when I played high school football, and I suspect this is true at all levels, at some point we would prepare for anticipated tactics and strategies of the other team. And, the coaches would talk to us about what we should be looking for.

3. Some teams simply have better players; both physically and mentally, which makes it less likely there will be breakdowns in physical or mental performance.

4. I have played all the major sports, under a variety of coaches. Coaching does make some difference.

5. My final assertion is this: With the same players that have played for ND during the Kelly years; the trends I have noticed (others as well, I think); If Rockne, Leahy, Ara or Holtz were coaching the same players; those trends would not be as big a problem.
well the game has certainly changed through the eras of the coaches you mention. i think we all have short memories. for example holtz teams had many a stinker. i'm too young to have seen aras teams and doubt many here saw leahys. none i'm sure saw rocknes.
maybe i didn't explain properly. yes from week to week the game plan does change based on the opponent. my point is the implementation of said plan is the same. nd prepared the same way for texas as they did boston college. now you can certainly say the game plan prepared for a specific game was ineffective but there can be many, many reasons for it. i always laugh how notre dames opponents rarely get any credit here for the role they played in the outcomes of games. players and coaches are not robots. like any job you have good days and bad. no guarantees that all 11 players on the field or all the coaches will have their A game every week. no one does in any profession. we're all human.

Fair enough. I would just say, in all of the years I have been following ND football I have never seen a team so ill prepared to play; or, so incapable of competing; for whatever reason (granting your point) as the 2012 Irish against Alabama.
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well the game has certainly changed through the eras of the coaches you mention. i think we all have short memories. for example holtz teams had many a stinker. i'm too young to have seen aras teams and doubt many here saw leahys. none i'm sure saw rocknes.

Leahy was Sabin. No, I did not personally see his teams, but my dad did. And, I have read about Leahy, and what his opponents thought about him. Finally, having a "stinker" once in awhile is not the same thing as a consistent pattern.
my point was, and as per usual it eluded you is that to blame one single thing in particular for a less than perfect performance is short sighted. it's the ultimate team game from every aspect. coaches, players etc.
Well, it becomes far less of a team game when only one player has a handle on what is going on. Right now Morgan has a bullseye on his back....
^ when did this thread (and seemingly every thread) become about you?
Go bag some groceries... You might become a productive member of society .
We are all anxiously awaiting your film evaluations of our recruits.:D Putz.
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For me the red zone is a huge problem, but the players deserve as much blame as the coaches.
Coach calls a passing play on 1st down inside the 5, not great, but nothing says you have to throw the ball.
Watch last year against GT, BC Navy, etc. why even throw it? Just run it or throw it away QB.
The coaches need to be able to call a pass play with the confidence the QBs aren't going to force anything.

And the RBs/WRs need to realize unless it's 4th down, don't sacrifice ball security for a TD. See USC, Clemson, BC. All three games we fumbled inside the two because guys were trying to score when they didn't have to.

Watch the Showtime episode after the USC game. After Hunter fumbles on the 1 on 1st Down with ND up 21-10, listen to what Kelly says to him. "Son, you simply cannot fumble there." Exactly. ND had all the momentum, calls a great end around to Hunter, who gets inside the 1. If he protects the ball, ND probably goes up 28-10, game over. He wants to score badly & sticks the ball out for no reason.
That isn't coaching, that's football fundamentals the players need to execute.

Could not agree more. I start every new season watching the previous season leading up to kickoff..... so many games, into the redone and either a turn over or a field goal....BC should have been 33-3 just kicking field goals. That is the backs and QB (year 1) Issue.... if we can increase our redone just slightly and stay healthy should be a fun year..... hard to overcome this year that talent drain tho..... id guess we will be even due to the rise of the QB and fall of experience. schedule outside of USC is better than last year with a trip to Clemson and Stanford....
Will ND be better;

at the beginning of games? Just seems like their opponents have the Irish behind early in the game, particularly in big games.

at avoiding delay of game penalties?

at generating turn overs?

at red zone scoring?

3 of 4 are coaching issues.

Announcer just now during the Olympics....

"Teams act like their coaches. If your coach is a ranting raving crazy person you're going to be up and down angry, upset, nervous....all those kinds of things....."
Sound familiar?
Hopefully, Mr Portly will get control of his limited faculties....
last year we had a freshman rb along side a converted WR at RB, freshman TE and a 1st year QB among many other injuries and we still made a New Years 6 bowl. and then we still have posts about "coaching issues"? wow
You have posts about coaching issues because you have someone looking for attention. Nothing more than that. He found his niche on this board that gets him plenty of response.
My keys are the OLINE, Stay healthy, and build depth in the interior DL . Team has talent . Just need to make sure the "right " players are playing. That is up to the coaching. IMO Hunter is not a true #1 WR as Fuller was. It's more important to have a 1a, b, c in Hunter , St. Brown and ???? . BK very rarely uses a lot of WR's . He likes to have continuity/ timing with his QB and go to WR 1 and 2 .It will be interesting to see how deep he goes at WR on Sept 4th. St Brown and Hunter combined cannot match Fuller but as an entire group collectively they can be excellent. Need to win the ground game in Austin.
Fair enough. I would just say, in all of the years I have been following ND football I have never seen a team so ill prepared to play; or, so incapable of competing; for whatever reason (granting your point) as the 2012 Irish against Alabama.

I think the pressure got to the players in that game. It had been building all year; close game after close game going our way. No real blowouts late in the season to take the pressure off.

Sometimes even the best coaches have games where the team just goes flat. Now its very possible that Kelly really had no clue how to get them ready for such a big game but I really doubt it. I think for whatever reason we were just not ready for that level of game and that is why we stank it up.

And then there is the reality that outside of Urban Meyer no coach in College Football is better at getting a team ready for a big game then Sabin. and that indeed was one of his best teams. So part of the answer might also be that on that night they were at their best and we were not.
I think the pressure got to the players in that game. It had been building all year; close game after close game going our way. No real blowouts late in the season to take the pressure off.

Sometimes even the best coaches have games where the team just goes flat. Now its very possible that Kelly really had no clue how to get them ready for such a big game but I really doubt it. I think for whatever reason we were just not ready for that level of game and that is why we stank it up.

And then there is the reality that outside of Urban Meyer no coach in College Football is better at getting a team ready for a big game then Sabin. and that indeed was one of his best teams. So part of the answer might also be that on that night they were at their best and we were not.

Fair enough. I have no intention of trashing Kelly. He is what he is. Better than many; but I would take any of the following over Kelly any day:

Knute R.
Ara P.
Lou H.
Frank L.
Nick S.
Urban M.
6 more season to get that elusive "major W" and avoid being the Marv Levy of ND.
Maybe in '16?