Which quarterback is going to start for Texas?


I've posted how many times?
Jun 25, 2010
Senior Tyrone Swoopes or freshman Shane Buechele...?

I'm guessing Swoopes.... The guy's a load... listed 6'4" 249...
Swoopes is going to play in their version of the wildcat for sure. The feeling around Austin and San Antonio is that Buechel is the man and Swoopes playing over him would be a huge risk from Strong.
Swoopes is going to play in their version of the wildcat for sure. The feeling around Austin and San Antonio is that Buechel is the man and Swoopes playing over him would be a huge risk from Strong.

It's going to be interesting to see who starts at QB on both sides.
I'm guessing Zaire and Swoopes...
He goes with the freshman (Shane). He knows Swoops isn't the guy.

If he looses with Shane, he can at least say he learned a lot, we grew as a team, bla, bla bla. It he looses with Swoops he can't say that.
No one knows for sure, with the closed practices and all. The sites are all over the place.

But my opinion is that he won't start a true freshman on national tv, in front of 100,000 fans, against a top 10 Notre Dame.

Starting Swoopes actually makes the most sense politically as well. You send out Swoopes on a very short leash, and if he excels he can run away with the job and not look back. If he flounders Strong still has his Buechele card to pull, which will give the fans hope.

Now think of the other scenario where a nervous and green Buechele starts and craters, and he has to bring in Swoopes to a 100,000 dejected groans. Game over, and game over at that point.
^ makes sense; but seems like a politically safe move, is also not the 'leadership' type decision Strong needs to make. The whole football world has figured out Swoops is not a QB. You may be correct on that you can't go kid then Swoopes; but barring injury, why would you? The kid will take some hits, throw some 'mistakes', but he is the 'hope' while Swoops represents 'false hope'.

Strong has to make a strong decision.
^ makes sense; but seems like a politically safe move, is also not the 'leadership' type decision Strong needs to make. The whole football world has figured out Swoops is not a QB. You may be correct on that you can't go kid then Swoopes; but barring injury, why would you? The kid will take some hits, throw some 'mistakes', but he is the 'hope' while Swoops represents 'false hope'.

Strong has to make a strong decision.
Really good points. We shall see. It would be great if Swoopes can be a comeback story in this new offense. He has all the physical tools and can take a lick. And Sterlin Gilbert seems like the type of coach who can rebuild a player's confidence.
jmo: Swoops came along soon after V Young and since he resembled him, he was attributed the same kind of 'talents' and expectations. Kinda his blessings/curse stigma.
You just can't make a kid a natural passer; no matter how great a coach you are.

He is big strong and dangerous with the ball in his hands. TE?
But when the ball leaves his hands: adventure!
I just cant see Strong going with the freshman, if they get routed his ass is on fire from the fanbase.
What happened to the guy who was a freshman last year, who came in and played better than Swoopes?
recent developments say the Fr., who is a better passer. ND's secondary is vulnerable.

I think ND will score a lot of points and Win, but the ND secondary will be torched at times. If ND's experienced DL fails to get pressure then the secondary will be exposed, even by a true Fr. and at times the D will resemble '15. Deja vu all over again!
Max will be missed. Jaylon will be missed. We will find out more vs MSU.
recent developments say the Fr., who is a better passer. ND's secondary is vulnerable.

I think ND will score a lot of points and Win, but the ND secondary will be torched at times. If ND's experienced DL fails to get pressure then the secondary will be exposed, even by a true Fr. and at times the D will resemble '15. Deja vu all over again!
Max will be missed. Jaylon will be missed. We will find out more vs MSU.
Yeah.... we will miss Max chasing down opponents after another blown assignment.
What happened to the guy who was a freshman last year, who came in and played better than Swoopes?
I couldn't believe that Texas didn't stay with Heard in the ND game. He was much more effective than Swoopes.
Swoops is a big man but he just isn't a good QB.

Swoops is the opposite of the guy who they say, "he isn't the biggest, he isn't the quickest - but somehow he seems to defeat you every time."

I think this freshman might be able to handle a large (home) crowd better than most freshman as his dad was a MLB player. He has probably been exposed to more which would help his comfort level.
Sterlin Gilbert had his press conference yesterday, yet still no hint of who's starting.

The coaches and players know, but there have been no leaks. I'm pretty impressed with this staff's ability to keep a lid on things. I don't think it really matters to ND who we start, but still impressed with the lack of leaks.
what are you gaining by starting Swoops? He is definately not the future.
The only reason would be that Buechele is just not ready. Maybe he is and we'll see him start. But word out of camp has been he's been the better player, except that he's still making "devastating plays", pick 6 type of stuff. We can't have that.
Austin is a great town. Went down for the 96 game we won on a last second field goal by Sanson. Great fans. Couldn't have been nicer. One of the best CFB weekends of my life.