Where is Dexter Williams?

He's going to be one helluva change of pace in the Stanford game. That's if he's used. He doesn't play even when he's healthy.

I think teams would struggle to ever beat ND if Adams and Dexter both play. Adams power just wears on the opponent. Then #2 touches it and he breaks ankles.
Didn't I see him on the sideline -- in uniform -- last night? Odd they would dress a player who is out for the season.
He's got one of those high ankle sprains. Coach said on his radio program that Dexter was good for one or two plays against USC. The medical staff said no.
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Coach Kelly said Dexter is healthy and ready to go this Saturday against North Carolina State. It will be great to have Dexter in the mix and to keep Adams from getting to many carries. Greer Martini should be back Saturday also.
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